Friday, December 30, 2005
Last Week
Vans de Birthday.... Celebrate with him cum Celebrate oso Shinji de Birthday 24/12/05....
Ppl who attended the celebration are....
Vans (of coz he were there... birthday boy)
Kenken (of coz he were there too ..... birthday boy de boiboi :x)
Shinji (the other day de birthday boy)
Ooby (the day after Christmas de birthday boy)
Simon (Ooby de fren)
Yuanfen (came after 11.15pm)
Celebrate at BD in Cheras..... until 12.05am.... proceed to LW .... Was in good mood at the beginning..... but suddenly I felt a bit down.... I dunno y .... then I start becum quiet.... I was entertaining Ooby & Simon ... coz I fetched them there.... I felt hv responsible to make them feel comfortable... but both of them hv their 2 person chat without any interuption ...
Ooby & his fren cant get into the old gang's (Sebs, Vans, Haruko) conversation.... so the new gang (Ooby & simon) hv their own chit chat...... Shinji was quiet.... coz just break :x......... David din make a sound at all .... coz dun understand cantonese ..... :x
p/s: Ooby & Simon saw Sebs & Vans smoking... their points has been deducted till zero .... :x just my own observation .... hehe :p
12.05am.... change place to LW.... Ooby & Simon din go... their fren will cum pick them up later...
1.15am.... the group seems too quiet.... decide to leave... Yuanfen went home.... then Sebs & David went home as well ..... Vans dun wan go back so "early" ... he suggested goto Jln Alor eat Wong Ah Wah Chicken Wings... I din follow.... coz not in the mood....
Christmas eve...... at home watch drama....
12.05am.... HE called.... I din answer coz was was on the phone with Brownie... chatting about the fire at his uncle's factory....
12.13am.... I called HIM back.... wish HIM Merry Christmas.... HE asked me go where celebrate? I answered at home.... I asked HIM go where celebrate... HE says eat steak at Wangsa Maju & at home jor.... I tot I wanna chat more... but I sense tat HIS bf was there.... & HE sounds like wanna hv a short conversation...... I forgot... Christmas eve... sure lovers will be 2gether.... I quickily cut wat i wanna say... & hang up .....
I told my self.... at least HE told the initiative to call me....
48th Movie : The Promise * * * ½
The computer effects for some fighting scenes are not smooth at all... & flying scenes.... are a bit fake.... Nicholas Tse's acting turns out to be the worse in the movie.... His mandarin .... really needs to be improve....
The story is truly an oriental ancient story while gods & human were living 2gether.... a god give a helpless little girl a choice... she can hv everything including beauty, wealthy & man.... but in return... she cant gets men's true love... all mens who say love her are fake... even there is a men who really love her .... she will lost the love in a split second.... the little accepted the choice... & the story begin from there....
49th Movie : The Emperor's Journey * * * ½
Interesting & Touching documentary.... although some ppl might think this kind of documentory should be watch at home at Discovery channel.... but it's still worth a watch in the cinema...
u will learn a lot of things about penguins.... after the documentory... u will more appreciate the life of nature ... u will felt touch... to see the survival of the penguins in the south pole, Antarctic...
50th Movie : Cheaper by the dozen 2 * * * ½
The 50th movie of this year that I watched in cinema..... entertaining movie for the whole family.... but I watch alone ....
Friday, December 23, 2005
47th Movie: A Chinese Tale Story
Too many computer animation..... & the animation are just like computer games .... quite fake .... Just a simple love story ..... It's a story using the characters from A Chinese Odyssey to make a funny movie...
the longest distance is not :
when a person in front of you but he dunno you love him
the longest distance is:
when 2 person loving each other but they cant be together
this is the message that the movie wanna bring out....
Thankx to Ooby~ give me free ticket to watch with him & his housemates :)
20/12/2005 Tuesday
HE asked my opinion about if HE change to office work & study part time....
chat for 20 mins ..... :)
Monday, December 19, 2005
18/12/2005 Sunday
Watched downloaded drama again ... :X

Watched "Prison Break" ..... a US drama ... talking about an architech purposely roped a bank to gets into the same prison with his brother, to save his brother, who will be facing death sentence in 1 mth & who is innocent ..... it's nothing so special with this drama... but got a cute guy... Wentworth Miller in it... haha :p
13 episodes.... watched 5 episodes ..... still downloading the rest ....

After that watched downloaded TVB drama "Life Made Simple 阿旺新傳" until 3.44pm.... then Vans called.... say want go yam cha or not.... I say ok ar... since since Friday & Sat oso din go out.... so mar go entertain him & kenken lor :x ......
been asked doing wat recently.... erm.... nothing much lar.... search drama & movies download lor.... still downloading 2 Korean drama now.... & still got 1 Korean drama downloaded jor 14 episodes not yet watch... starring Rain ... "the death of Love"....... so busy :x haha ..... :p
confirmed with Vans ... sure want exchange gift or not during X'mas.... he say dun wan jor... coz shud be no time to meet up liao :x (Ooby go scold Vans)
yam cha till 5.45pm.... then fetched Vans to Sri Petaling de BP ... wait for his fren to pick him to work...
went home continue watched drama till 12am ........ sleep..... zzzzZZZzzzz ........
Friday - Saturday

Just stay at home watched downloaded Korean drama.... "My Lovely Samsoon" .... the highest viewing rate for year 2005 in Korea.... it goes to 50.1% for 1 of the episode.... that means half of the population in Korea was watching this drama... wow~!
After watched the 1st episode..... I am addicted to the drama... coz I am a bit distracted by the main actor Hyun Bin (the pic) & addicted to watching him.... :x coz HE & he got some same similarity .... some facial expression .... the dimple .... same tanned :x .....
hohoho.... maybe just my own imagination.... *^-^* :x
Hyun Bin is not as handsome as others Korean male actors.... but he will be my favourite now ..... :x hehehe...... :p
Finished the 16 episodes on Saturday .... It is a comedy drama but I still cried for some scene.... especially when seeing him cry :x
Some scripts that make me think a lot ....
" Memories doesn’t carry weight …. "
" Go Love! Love like you never get hurt b4..."
" Find a lover that are proud to introduce you to his parent and friends.... "
Great effects~!! No doubt Oscar sure will get special effects award .... :x
The fighting scene for King Kong with the T-Rexes are absolutely outstanding....
although the running scene with those Brontosauruses in the narrow canyon is a bit not so smooth...
U may gets bored at the beginning ... coz some ppl may just wanna see all thouse dinosaurs & big bugs scene.... I wont get bored with Adrien Brody in it... *^-^* hohohoho.....
His eyes... always looks so sad.... & he got a sexy body.... kekeke.... :X
Watched the movie on Thursday (15/12/2005)... coz not working ... replaced back the Monday holiday .... :> Watch at Berjaya Time Square IMAX ... big screen! ... but not so comfortable seat for me to sit for 3 hours and 8 mins..... :x
1st time watch movie at IMAX.... but not 3D.... just 2D ....
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Tues & Wed
Still work at hotel…….. boring … boring…. Read book and play sms …..
Write blog …. Then go home oni upload on blog …
7.09pm HE called …. But I was at bath …. After bath then dinner…. Didn’t notice got miss call ….
7.59pm …. Returned call to HIM …. Ask HIM wat’s the matter ? HE says nothing jor… just now called no answer… now settled jor…. HE says just now HIS bf reversed car hit ppl car behind…. So wanna ask me roughly need to pay how much… scared cheated by ppl ….
I asked HIM wat’s the damage of tat car… HE telling me … & confirmed with HIS bf beside …
Realized HIS bf by HIS side…. I quickly finish off the conversation & hang up …
I suddenly realized when we still together … HE never addresses me as HIS bf when HE having conversation over the phone with HIS ex or frens …. HE just says HE with fren now ……. ……… ……. ………. ……… …….. ……… the mood.... dropped to -ve .................. :x ^^"
8.42pm received Ooby’s sms …… he says he met an accident last nite… I called him to ask whether he is ok…? …… He says he is fine ….. I m glad to hear tat…… He ask wanna exchange present during X’mas? I say ok ar…. He ask me to ask Vans and Leggie want or not……
14/12/2003 Wednesday
At Hotel oso….. play sms with Leggie …. until fong gong......
Ask Fish to send another mms pic to me….. he sent … but the pic is too small…. Cant see clearly at all …. after saved oni can see large...... wah..... leng zai dou~ :x
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
12/12/2005 Monday
Today is public holiday for Selangor …. But I still need to work…. :’( …. Luckily work at hotel… can enjoy the buffet there… muahaha… :x
Boring at hotel ….. play sms with few ppl …..
Sms Fansu……. No reply
Sms Brownie …… No reply
Sms Coolboy ……. 2 sms
Sms Ashe Zai ……. 2 sms
Sms Fish …….. many sms…. Some more exchange mms pic …. Nia sing he sent me his 1 year ago de pic …. Some more taken at nite … so dark dunno see wat….. du lan…
After fong gong … go home bath….. then goto sunway… watch Narnia again with Yuanfen ….. :x Promised to watch with him de ….
Raining so heavily…. -.=” cant see clearly till need to put emergency signal while driving ….. finally reached sunway… but the parking is terribly jam .. >.< forgot Selangor holiday today …..
Go collect tickets … then wait for yuanfen ……
Sms Peter the pianist ….. Few replies
Sms Van …. Few replies
Finally yuanfen reached jor…..
At cinema ….. so many children today …. & very unfortunately …. 1 sitting rite in front of me ….. he makes a lot of noise throughout the movie …. & always turn around & kacao me…… luckily I watched yesterday jor the movie so I can not too concentrate on the show…. If not…. I will cubit his cheek kuat kuat till he cries …. So that his parent need to take him out of the cinema ….
Most laugh die me de is ….. half way of the movie… this kid say … “why the movie so long one ? I don’t like this movie…. I wanna go out….. I wanna sleep….” … lol~~ :x
After the movie … yuanfen commented expect too high … & it’s too fairy tale if compare to LOTR …. I told him…. It is a fairy tale lai de…. :x
Next Show….. KING KONG~!! :X
11/12/2005 Sunday
Last Monday …. I ask Fansu whether wanna see show on Sunday… Fansu said see how 1st… but if I got other plan I proceed lor …. Fansu kind of no mood lately…. So I thinking if Fansu dun wan go leh…. Then I will watch The Emperor Journey at 11am then 12.45am watch Zathura … after movie go shopping …
Saturday nite 11.40pm… Fansu pm me… ask me how my plan tomolo….? I say go Mid Valley alone lor…. Then ask Fansu want pui me mar? Fansu said hv to wait till tomolo lor…. Coz parent sleep jor … tomolo morning oni can ask …. I said ok … will wait for his confirmation…
Sunday morning … Fansu said can go …. But Fansu de parent oso will go MV …. So Fansu will dump me after see show and go meet up with his parent …. I say ok lor….
Fansu late … :x 10.45am oni reached LRT station…. Fansu become tanned jor… ^^ after back from Penang trip…
Reached MV around 10.57am …. Look for parking…. Aiks… many ppl jor…. Need to park at Zone D …. I normally park Zone A or B de …
Goto take tickets 1st …… forgot the movie tickets is RM11 jor… :x always confuse the price of the ticket at GSC … coz some time is RM10 or RM9 … >.<”
After took the tickets…. Then go walk walk….. no leng zai see…. Hehe :x
The goto Romp …. Fansu wanna see new year clothes … so many promoters at Romp today… -.=” 1 of the promoter keep follow Fansu & ask Fansu try this try tat … :x make Fansu so uncomfortable…..
Then we goto Philosophy … me & Fansu also 1st time go into this shop … Fansu see a black & white shirt…. It’s actually 2 shirts lai de … the promoter come explain the shirt to Fansu … the promoter looks familiar…. Maybe saw his profile at axcest b4 :X then we goto Renoma look see look see…..
Then we goto McD… Fansu wan eat Mc Flurry Oreo.. me eat Mc Chicken Value Meal…. Go up stair … saw a sun shine type Chinese guy with 1 Indian str8 couple …. Very sun shine ler~…. *^-^* dint tell Fansu … coz not Fansu’s type…
After eat… then go in cinema lu~ …..
45th Movie : The Chronicle of Narnia : The Lion. The White Witch and The Wardrobe * * * *
The animation and the effect of the Lion are incredibly real…… The story is more of a fairy tale … u don’t expect too much from a fairy tale…. The little Lucy is 1st time in acting… but her expression is very natural…. The eldest brother, Peter is quite cute for few scenes *^-^* …. The eldest sister, Susan looks simple … not pretty… there was a scene she is too obvious of acting… when the stone table cracked… she was too obvious waiting Lucy call her to looks at the table…. The youngest brother, Edmond … with his big eyes… he will be very handsome when he grows up…
The final battle was goodly handle… u can see all creatures running & fighting … but where are those giants gone during the battle…? And where were those big ugly bat… which u can see during the Witch kill Aslan. The Lion…..maybe they still sleeping… coz they see light die …. :x
After movie …. Fansu called his parent at where … then Fansu go meet up with them at Metro …..
When I at the North Court …. Received sms from Fansu … saying got a cute promoter at the South Court promoting fragrance…. Ask me go look look…. I say ok… since I oso need to go through there to my parking area …. Erm… ok looking lar… cute lar the boy…. Si si men men…. Too young for me jor :x … fansu more cute :p
Then received Fansu sms again… saying Cham jor… his parent found out his second hp jor….. :x coz Fansu get a call from his ex….. when answer parent not around… but then Fansu talk talk talk…. Then suddenly realized his parent behind him…. & saw the hp …. >.<>
Then I go home lu … reached home … called Common as Fansu ask me to ….. to tell Common what happen to Fansu….. :x
Friday, December 09, 2005
44th Movie : Perhaps Love
Simple movie ..... but with musical ... make the movie a bit special...
Takeshi Kaneshiro always the same gorgeous & young looks.... ^^ miss his singing .... & his low deep voice... .... the power of his eyes ...... *^-^* ...... his face don't hv any extra fat.... U can see tat when he hanging up side down in the air.... his face still the same tight.... if compare with Jacky Cheung... when Jacky hanging up side down... can see clearly ... his face a bit loose.... old liao... :x
Jacky Cheung is brilliant in the opera singing...
Ji Jin Hee (the korean actor) played a multiple characters role.... he sings Mandarin.... hehe...
Maybe will go watch the 2nd time.... coz i don't understand ..... what is love.... :x
watched at Time Square with Yuanfen ..
while waiting Yuanfen ... I went to Borders Chinese section ... saw 2 guys sitting at the bench..sharing & reading a book ... so nice & warm the view... I hope they are couple..... hehe...
sms HIM good luck for tml exam... no reply....
while in the cinema ... light off... my left side de seat is empty ... & yuanfen right side de seat is empty.... a guy came.... alone .. quite fit... keep looking at the my left side de seat number.... he can't see.... hahaha.... then he hv to ask me wat's my number.... *^-^* but after tat he sit at yuanfen right side..... cher~ .... :x but the way he sit.... put his feets on the seat infront ..... >.<>
while watching the movie.... a youngster (12 - 13years old) with his family sitting at our front row ... the youngster sit at the next 2 seat infront of me... keep talking by himself.... i think he is down syndrome .... pitty him .... but ... he keep talking.... distrubing ppl watching the movie.... =.-" after showing ½ of the movie.... his father brought him out from the cinema....
after movie.... 12.00am jor.... >.<
late late liao ..... eye's dark circles more deep jor.... :x
Monday, December 05, 2005
04/12/2005 Sunday
but failed ..... coz ....
1) sleep too late last nite... (blamed Vans) ^^
2) told morning wan watch Aeon Flux... then continue with The Constant Gardener ... then continue with The Emporer Journey... but Yuanfen say he can watch on Monday off day for Aeon Flux... so decided to watch Aeon Flux on Monday with him.... then my plan is like a bit ... ruined jor .... (blamed Yuanfen) ^^
slept till 11.30am ......
then around 2.30pm.... Yuanfen sms says ... monday cannot watch jor.... his day off change to today liao .... >.< .... then I ask him to watch today lu..... lucky still got movie ticket to reserve.... ngek ngek.... we go watch at 7.40pm show at Sunway....
Around 4pm something..... HE called... says HE is at Central now... going to Mid Valley .... then back to meet up with HIS father & brother ... HE says got a weird indian guy keep come & talk to HIM... veli scared.... so I asked HIM go stand at more crowded place... dun stand or sit alone .... I wish HIM good luck for tomolo exam....
43rd Movie : Aeon Flux * * * ½
Charlize Theron so beautiful.... she can be action star now.... not to comment on the story.... just go see Charlize Theron & the future technology is worth the movie ticket ..... :)
Mid Nite Yam Cha
I say ok... ask him come fetch me... kakaka.... :x
wait till me nearly fall sleep jor....
1.08am.... Vans called... says he coming....
1.38am.... Vans reached....
says Ooby sleep liao.... wont join liao...
then we go find Cannon... 1st time meet Cannon... (last time ffk me ... last minutes cancelled watch
Harry Potter with me...)
Reached the place near Cannon's place.... a fei zai walk by.... lucky tat 1 not Cannon... muahaha.. :x then Cannon came... with black shirt as we predicted ... :p
Cannon quite big size.... not to say fei zai tat type.... it's got meat but not fat tat type lar... but doesn't suit his face.... his face is cute cute type de.... a cute face that suit thin body type.... he shud hv change body with me lar.... hahaha.... but not the height... :x i still wan back my height :p
when see Cannon walking.... haha.... walking like our another fren... Sebastian.... a fren went to Australia for trip liao....
See his pretty face so kawai ... wanna "mit mit" ... hehe.... but cannot... too many ppl in the mamak .... :x
Cannon & Vans are sisters .... kaka .... both oso cute type... :p although Vans always say he is man type.... :x
yam cha till 3.50am..... then go home lu....
Passed by HIS place ....
1st time pass by HIS place with another person....
1st time pass by HIS place not me driving....
1st time pass by HIS place didn't go see HIM .....
reached home around 4.25am....
Mid nite yam cha .... so long time din go out during mid nite liao..... miss the feeling.....
2 weeks no blog
so lazy... haha.... :p
26/11/2005 Saturday
Registered a Chinese forum…. With a secret identity…. To spy some frens there….
Muahahaha…. No one know I m there yet…. I think…. :x
28/11/2005 Monday
Still got flu…. & like becum worse coz of cold environment in office…..
HE called …. Asking can come my house to use the Internet access to activate his windows for his laptop…. The 1st thing came across my mind was…. Sure later mum will ask questions when see HIM again …. But yet … I asked HIM to come … I will prepared to answer my mum questions….
I din told HIM I got flu….
Around 8pm something…. HE reached Bukit Jalil LRT station…. I go picked HIM…. Then I accompany HIM hv dinner…. then around 9.30pm…. goto my house….
Mum & dad was in the living room…. They say nothing….. I say fren come use computer… then I goto my room & HE follow…
After done… 10pm something…. I sent HIM home…..
HE always falls to sleep when halfway I drive HIM home…. ^^”
When I driving home…. Cant hold my running nose any more…. & tears out too… (i always got tears when hv running nose)
29/11/2005 Tuesday
When fong gong driving home….. mum ask…
UR FREN working or studying now?
Studying wat ?
Where HE stays now? U drived HIM home last nite ?
Monday, November 21, 2005
Summary lu... Long time no summary jor~
Today evening went to Full Moon buffet dinner at a relative' place in Kepong... near the Jusco Kepong.... boring boring ..... received sms from Paikia... say "fast fast watch NTV7... dunno wat show got leng zai... " .... =.-" haha.... no tv... :( cant watch ....
Received sms from Ooby.... he suddenly goto Penang.... so wish I m there with him.... since I m so boring at relative's place.... :x haha .....
After tat suddenly received sms from Brownie.... he accident... left hand injured .... aiks..... fast fast called Brownie & sent regards ......
19/11/2005 Saturday
Received sms from Orange zai.... saying if wanna go out ask him company .... coz he boring de... but Saturday I need fetch mum de.... not free after 3pm... then planned to go for hair cut de ....
Aiks... keep raining in the afternoon.... =.-" go take nap.... around 5.00pm... raining stopped .... fast fast go out to hair salon... many ppl pulak... wait till 5.30pm oni my turn.... same question from the hair stylist:"how u wanna cut?" ..... >.< ... I always dunno answer tat.... pointed at a picture.... something like tat..... :x but the result.... not as same as the picture.... hait stylist say coz my head is round.... & the guy in the picture de head is square.... so might looks different... cut short short jor.... yer... if say early early then mar dun wan cut that short lu... aiks... too late... cant change jor.... :(
After hair cut.... wah... raining heavy .... wait till 7.15pm.... the rain still din seems going to get smaller... no choice lu... run run run.... run to the car.... wu wu wu.... hair style ruined jor..... :(
Went home... took bath ... had dinner.... 7.45pm... goto KLCC .... coz wanna buy present lu... lucky no more rain.... erm.. still got lar... a bit drizzling... really long long long time din goto KLCC.... while otw .... the feeling... like going to see HIM .... :x no no no.... dun think dun think ... ....
Around 8.05pm .... reached KLCC.... str8 away go up to Kinokuniya... finally found the book I wanted to buy and pick up some other books.... fast fast go paid at 9.30pm .... eeee.... 10pm oni close .... so after paid... back to the Mandarin section ... I go bought myself a set of Tarot :X I m going to hv a trip to search for secret of natural forces..... :p
Received sms from Lord Joa... saying tml going out at 8.30am..... -.=" so early! .....
10.30pm reached back home.... called Benboiboi... asking him got come kl mar? can join sing k with me & Joa mar? 1st time called Benboiboi.... pai seh... I always pai seh when calling ppl tat not familiar .... :x ..... Benboiboi say din come to kl lu... so din join us lu..... later in IRC Benboiboi laugh me... :( say me pai seh when calling him... hmmp... bad bad ...
Wrapped presents.... happy when wrapping present de.... :) got satisfaction ... kaka... :X
20/11/2005 Sunday
Hv dim sum with Lord Joa in the early morning .... goto the shop that got a cute boi ... muahaha... last time me & Vans went de....
After that goto Time Square... walk walk coz still early... b4 that passed the b'day present to Joa in car at the parking... purposely use World of Cartoon de plastic bag & Pooh de wrapping paper (Fansu de wrapping paper oso got Pooh bear.... haha... coz it's same wrapping paper lu :p) .... let him think... the present from World of Cartoon... kaka.... but nope... a surprise lai de :x after the surprise ... he din see the b'day card pulak... =.-" ... coz b'day card is another surprise mar.... :p
11am - 1pm.... sing k lu .... Lord Joa no voice after 12.15pm .... kakaka..... my show time lu... but all fly key.... muahaha :x Coz din learn new song.... so sing back old song :x .... "Gemilang" ... shout shout shout..... :p at the end sing Leo Ku de Geng Gor Kam Kuk Medly.... 15mins.... song~! ...
after sing k... walk walk sg. wang.... walk walk lot 10.... then goto Time Square walk walk.... then Joa got sms from fren ... so he need to go around 2.30pm.... b4 he go... he borrowed me his memory slot for PS2... got FF10 save games with all final weapons... :x .... muahaha.... thx to Joa ... I went home fast fast copy to my own memory slot.... :p
Later at the evening .... around 5pm something.... HE called ..... asking me direction from Sg. Wang goto Mid Valley..... I guided HIM.... HIS fren was driving.... they missed a juction.... I say I call HIM back... coz I dun wan HIM spent too much money on phone bill .... but then.... HIS phone keep go into voice mail..... >.<" I called not less than 20 times.... all the same.... then i tot my handphone de problem.... so I use my house phone....still the same..... shit.... then I blamed myself... why wanna say call HIM back wor... now cannot call HIM back.... sei Maxis... (blame Maxis pulak) :p .... later HE lost HIS way how? Later HE late to reached MV how? Later something happen to HIM how? ... .... ....... ........ the I sent a sms ..saying HIS hp keep goes to voice mail.... cant call HIM back... asking HIM found HIS way? .......... no reply.........
I asked myself.... why m I so worried.... ? if it's other person.... will I tat worry too ? ...... I hesitate.... I dun wanna answer..... ........
Around 10.30pm something... HE called again ..... asking the way from MV goto KLCC ... & they taken the way to Kerinchi Link liao.... aiks.... wrong way.... ask HIM follow the way back to KL & follow federal highway.... then.... then .... then I say... I called HIM back again.... coz think no problem liao gua.... can call liao gua...... BUT..... same!! GOES TO VOICE MAIL ..... DAMN IT!.... =.-" really no fate with HIM .... :x
HE called back again... took a long way back to MV then back to federal highway..... then HE called again... missed a juction again.... then guided HIM back to Jln Tun Razak .... & all the way to KLCC..... after make sure HE 100% knows the way jor.... we hang up...... then I called HIM again... & this time I can get through HIM .... .... speechless ..... ......
Just a little things happen ... but I will very worry about HIM..... just a little things .... I still care a lot...
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Movie again~
The movie is more to the trial for the case of Emily Rose …. The decision of the jury is consider reasonable…. Jennifer Carpenter played Emily Rose is very good ... she can hv many horrible faces.... The movie brought up 2 messages ..... one is does demon really exist? two is bad guys always hv good lawyer defence for them .......
yo yo~ 43rd movie of the year liao ... nearly each week go cinema watch 1 movie... :p
keep up keep up~.... must achieve 52 movies .... haha :x
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Once Close Now Stranger
erm... I think got gua.... dun really remember liao ....
HE say me din call HIM liao.... I say U dunno call me meh? Blek...... handphone change to line jor... U dunno call me ar? double Blek..... :p
HE ask me got go sing K recently.... ? I say ... erm... last month got ar.... HE ask with who? I say with ppl's son.... say liao U oso dunno.. bring U go see oso far...... haha.... gik sei HIM :x
HIS hair is shorter ... shud be ngam ngam cut liao gua... like the head small liao .... haha.....
Glad to know tat HIS family de problem ok liao... :) sometimes I think of HIM will imagine the picture HE is so worry about the family problem.... now I guess this picture will not appear gua....
When sending HIM back to college ... I ask HIM study hard... & dun come see me if HE din score in HIS coming exam ....
During the whole lunch hour with HIM..... when we r talking.... I felt we just like normal frens...... when we just quiet .... I felt ......... felt like once we were close but now we are stranger.......
42nd Movie: Harry Potter 4
Same as those previous episodes .... a lot storyline not included & some been changed .... if you din read or forgot about the story then it will be a nice movie... this episode the focus totally on Harry Potter .... Hermione & Ron totally becum flower pots ..... (Hermione) Emma Watson sometimes acted too over .... :x Prof. Dumbledore (Michael Gambon) acted like a crazy man... dun really like his style .. coz he doesn't carry the wisdom of the character in the book... The part that make my eyes open big big is ... when Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) taking bath in the prefect bath room... muahaha.... can see his smooth body .... kakaka.... *^_^* .... Cho Chang oni looks a bit pretty during Yule Ball ...... =.-" Lord Voldemort played by Ralph Fiennes ... a bit surprise... :) many many characters din appear in the movie....
p/s: 1st time goto Movie Premier tat got such high security need keep our handphone at the counter....
When redeem tickets tat time goto wrong counter.. lol ... goto 8tv de counter .... :x coz the other counter got a cute guy there... *^_^* shy to take tickets from cute guy so mar goto the other counter lu... tot it's same de mar.... :x who knows pai seh jor... :p
Must ask Ooby who is tat cute guy ... kaka :x
Got ppl ffk... cannot go movie with me... then tot about Leggie... but Leggie oso got ticket & will go with a fren... erm... then ask ask Fansu ... Fansu say can... yay~ ... :)
Pick up Fansu at Bukit Jalil LRT station... wah... Fansu no late jor.... in fact ... early tim..... :x
Had McD as dinner.... yummy... favourite Mc Chicken with Mc Flurry Oreo... kakaka.... saw some ppl wearing wizard dress playing games & walk around ....
We dun hv handphone to sms inside the cinema :( coz oredi keep at the counter
After movie...... line up collect back our handphone...
Sent Fansu home.... 1st time sent Fansu home infront of his house tim... cham lor.... Fansu let me know his house jor... next time stand outside Fansu de house shout loud loud "Fansu~~" scared die him.. kakaka..... :x
Friday, November 11, 2005
Leggie, Me and Ooby
This morning Ooby called and says may hv extra de movie entrance passes for to9 but confirm later.... So I sms Leggie 1st... ask he can make it mar? Leggie sms back says can ..... Afternoon Ooby called to confirmed got movie passes liao .... wah.... happi oh.... long long time no watch free movie lu .... :p .. then call Leggie... 1st time call Leggie .... I started conversation with cantonese... to confirmed to9 I will go pick him then goto leisure mall for movie lu & he told me where he stays & how to go there.........
7.45pm reached Leggie place... din late oh... although quite jam when passing by Kesas Highway.... :x .... Pai seh when he get in the car... haha.... then try to keep the situation warm while otw to Leisure mall ... but still ... a bit quiet.... :p
8.10pm reached Leisure mall .... go walk walk a while ... erm... cham... Leggie oso quiet... me oso quiet... on & off had conversation nia..... I oredi immute with silence de oh.... dunno about Leggie :p dunno he comfortable mou.... :x
8.45pm goto cinema ... see see Ooby there mou..... oh... he's there busy start distributing movie passes to ppl come redeem the passes .... dun kacao him 1st...
8.55pm ... go see Ooby again.... erm... he noticed me jor.... :p then he passed the movie passes to me 1st.... :)
9.10pm ... go in cinema lu....
9.20pm ... Ooby finally finish his work... & come join us with his colleague ... :) we were seated as today de title ... then Ooby ask for my namecard... :p i say will give him later.... (but at the end... forgot jor.... haha :x .... soli Ooby)
41st Movie : Dragon Squad * * *
Quiet a long winded movie (1 hour & 50 mins).... & a bit boring & got some stupid scene .... especially the ending... 5 ppl shooting at the shooting duck game with real guns .... =.-" the story is simple a group of youthful Interpol agents travel to Hong Kong to give evidence at a trial... & in the middle of it... something happen & these 5 ppl, Vanness (USA Interpol), Shawn Yue (HK Interpol), Eva Huang Sheng Yi (HK Interpol), Chou Jun Wei (UK Interpol) & Sean Xia Yu (China Interpol), need to work together as a team ..... too many characters ... Director cant focus in details with their backgroud.... there are 2 good scene for me... one is when Chou Jun Wei calling home left a message he will be safe.... two is Andy On saying he just wanna know whether his ex gf really loves him (his ex gf is undercover cop)...
After movie wah.... oredi 11.15pm lu ...
then .... go parking.... yiaks~.... some exit was closed jor... & the stairs oni reached P3.... me park P2 ... :( then ben dan Ooby found another stair but dun use ... go use the car lane go down to P2 de.... :x hehe.....
Lucky all stays near near nia :p ... quite near from Leggie place to Ooby place... then from Ooby place to my place....
Around 11.30pm .... sent Leggie home liao..... then sent Ooby home at 11.43pm.... me reached home ngam ngam 1 min b4 12am .... :x
Leggie: see ur big name finally appear here liao ..... & repeated many times tim.... :x Leggie got big round eyes like Harry Potter (commented by Ooby & I do agree) .... :x as quiet as me...... maybe he pai seh... coz 1st time meet mar.... haha.... :p Leggie say me pleasant looking ... din say me leng zai.... :( ..... kakaka
Ooby: as 3 8 as I tot.... & real more good looking than pic.... :x slim slim de.... wind can blow him away ..... (ooops... got mouth say ppl dun hv mouth say self) :p Ooby say me fair .... aiks... y all ppl like to comment tat? :x
sleep at 12.20am ..... sleep sleep sleep.... then think think ... friday go office wan finish wat work... then half way fall sleep.... sense got something forgot liao .... erm.... suddenly 12.40am... "Ting" Fansu de B'day! .... fast fast SMS fansu 1st.... aiks.... late liao... not the 1st person wish Fansu tim .... haha.... :p
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
08/11/2005 Tuesday
After fong gong …. Back home … bath & dinner …. Then goto hang gai gai at Mid Valley for a mission …. Cannot tell the mission coz it’s confidential for some ppl who reading the blog…. Kakaka…. :x after the mission accomplished ….. erm… still got time… then go watch movie …. Watch international screen .. tot will dun hv much ppl watch this movie… coz normally international screen not much ppl watch de … some more it’s weekdays & 9.30pm jor …. Wah…. so many ppl in the cinema 15… when go in all turn their head & look at me…. pai seh…. :x fast fast sit down…. & put my things on the left seat …. Then got ppl come…. Shift my things to the right seat….. then got ppl come pulak ….. =.-“ aiks….. put on my lap lu … :p enjoy 1901 chicken hotdog… yummy…. J
40th Movie: The Machinist * * * * ½
Have to add extra ½ star for Christian Bale….. he is so brilliant …. He scarified his weight for this movie …. He is definitely thinner than me in the movie….. :x For those who dunno who is Christian Bale… erm… he is the Batman in Batman Begins… You can see him so “Hunk” in Batman Begins… then suddenly so thin in Machinist… Well… back to the movie…. Simple message in the movie… but you will oni realized this simple message at the end of the movie ….. “guilt will haunt” ….. the character, Trevor played by Bale din sleep for a year coz of feeling guilt…. The tiredness makes his mind ran away from the mistakes he had make a year ago …. The director successfully filmed the movie as a thriller & mystery drama… the t-shirt that Trevor wearing at the end of the movie… printed “Justice Brother” …. Bring up the message for the Director ….. & finally Trevor can sleep after justice… :x
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Why Nov and Dec so many ppl Birthday geh?
Pok gai lu~ ...
November got 5 ppl b'thday ..... lucky 2 ppl not in kl de.... haha... =.-"
December got 9 ppl b'thday ..... lucky 4 ppl seldom contact liao (pretend forgot) & 2 ppl not in kl de ... muahaha ..... :p
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Empty Holiday…. Wasting Live….
Hari Raya Holiday…. Thursday went to watch movie…. Then stay home watch download movie “Saw2” and some anime….. at nite…. Goto Secret Recipe bought 2 cheese slices cake & 2 pieces brownies …. & ate half of them … :x wan be fat fat mar… haha ….
Friday …. Woke up at 11.30am… kind of blur ….. whole day did nothing … felt like wasting live … :x
Erm… downloaded some MP3… & downloaded 1 ring tone…. 1 ring tone need RM2 plus phone on9 charges tim….=.-“ Nvm lu…. Access fee cannot finish oso :p still left 35 bucks I think :x
Listening to
39th Movie : Chicken Little
Quite a meaningful message brought up by this animation…. Communicate with parent ….. Chicken Little is so tidy & cute…. Tat shud make it the most popular anime character of the year…. J a bit noisy while watching the movie… coz too many kids around….. more than half of the cinema occupied by kids…. :p erm….. the movie copy cat many this from other movie like Sign and Wars of the World …. Funny …. But not creative enough …. Shud hv more original idea…. :X
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Because .... Cry....
Cry because Emotional
Cry because Sad
Cry because Feeling Helpless
Cry because No One Care
Cry because Feeling Hopeless
Cry because No Chance
Cry because Dream Awaked
Cry because Heard HIS Voice
Cry because Realised The Truth
Cry because Wanna Cry
Today I Cried...... because .............................
Erm… din blog long time liao …. Nothing to busy about…. Finally finished reading Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince…. L sad …. But looking forward the last book …. How Harry Potter going to kill Voldermort …..
Recent quite addicted to drama LOST …. Download the last few episode of season1 … & first 5 episode of season 2 …. More & more characters’ background revealed …. The love story between Sun & Jin (the Korean couple) so quite touch… simple …. but touching… Hugo (the fat guy) … funny… he is the last passenger tat went in the plane … & nearly couldn’t make it… but they let him aboard … dunno lucky or not lucky …coz he won one hundred & fifty six thousand US dollar b4 the plane crashed….
The flash back of the character’s memory or history … often is quite educational …. To let us know how our experience affect our current decisions ….
LOST ….. meaning we get lost in a place…physically …. Or meaning we lost mentally?
Friday, October 28, 2005
38th Movie : Corpse Bride
38th Movie: Corpse Bride * * * ½
Watched at Time Square…. Always many plu around here….. :x saw a les couple… so sweet… holding hands…. When at Borders... got live performance at StarBuck... so nice...
Thursday, October 27, 2005
37th Movie: Election
37th Movie : Election (Hak Ser Wui) * * * ½
Not bad the movie… can let us know how those Hak Ser Wui in HongKong elect the gang leader…. & let us know how Hak Ser Wui leader end up …. Tony Leung Kar Fei fully develop his characteristic in the movie… he will be the focus when ever he is in the scene… no wonder he is nominated in the coming Golden Horse Awards…. Simon Yam a bit soft becoz of his character … & others actors like Cheung Kar Fei, Cheung Siu Fei, Louis Ku, Lam Suet, Lam Kar Tong … all try make their character in the film more special & added some little movement to make the audience remember them… only got 1 gal in the movie… Jiu Mei Kei…. But end up become a flower pot…. :x coz this is a man movie….
Watched at Sunway… Before the movie… Yuanfen saw a cute leng zai at the car park… but I din see…. L then inside cinema …. This leng zai so ngam … sit same row with us… but I still din see his look…. L after the movie…. We purposely walk slow a bit … haha…. Finally saw liao …. Really cute & leng zai… but with a gal … we 3 8 say maybe he is bi … coz got wear earing & wear pink shirt…. :x lol~…. I ask Yuanfen go tell him tat his shirt behind a bit dirty liao … kakaka… take opportunity to know him… ngek ngek… but we just walk pass him & go back home lu…
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Other ppl Blogs
Back to work after on leave 1 week…. Refresh? Not at all…. More tired…. Haha… :x done 70% of the out standing work in office… then … started boring jor … thinking wanna take leave on 31/10/05 (Monday) or wanna take leave on 02/11/05 ( Tuesday)… kaka…. But on leave oso no plan to go anywhere…. Will just at home… watch vcds, on9 or play PS 2 …. & ya … read Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince (Chinese version) :p borrow from a fren de…
Then found out some links from fren’s blog… & then from other ppl’s blog link to other ppl blogs…. Hahaha… confuse leh~ … :p most of them is PLU … I think… so read other ppl de story.. some blogs quite touching… shared about life, family, frens… :’( left some comments to cheer up ppl … buat kacao … muahaha… :x dun come beat me… :p
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
24/10/05 Monday
3.09pm Ooby called …. Erm… a bit weird … sound not happy … a bit quiet …. >.<
asked him y quiet…. He says call ppl must talk de mer? Call liao quiet cannot mer? Call song mar~…… =.-“” hahaha… funny de ooby… say if got go sing k must find him lu~… but must Sat or Sun …. I say ok lu~… see lu~ find a day lu~…. LoL~ then he dulan liao … :x say me so fu hin him >.< after hang up …. Still felt he not so happy …. So sent a happy sms to him :X
22/10/05 Saturday
Din sleep well oso .. but better than last nite…. After taken breakfast…. We check out hotel & wait for Vans come fetch us … 1st send Yuanfen to bus terminal …. Then send me to City Square jln jln lu~…
1.25pm reached Lakin Bus Terminal… say bye bye to yuanfen…. Then received sms from yuanfen … so lucky… 1.30pm got bus to KL …. He in the bus liao …. J
Around 2.00pm… reached City Square…. Vans so nice lu~ pui me jln jln in city square…. Scarify his sleeping time … :x … if vans din pui me … then I will go watch movie de …. Easy to kill time mar…. hehe….
We go take lunch 1st… but I take breakfast late this morning … so I just pui him eat … after tat we tot wanna go sing k at Neway …. But leh… expensive…. So we jln jln a while & goto starbuck on9 …
Shown cam to brownie…. Let him see my ugly face jor… got eyes bag & dark circles some more…. >.<
Around 7.00pm…. we goto dinner….. decided goto back to eat steamboat…. Muahaha…. Really nice…. This time we order separated dishes de…. More worth… hehe…. After dinner .. we can on9 there oso ….. Stay there until 10.10pm …. Then rushed back to Vans’ hotel… 10.21pm …. At Vans’ room door…. Alamak….. key not working … vans need to runs back down… then 10.23pm… came back… aisk…. 10.25pm he need start work liao …. :x hope he din late…. :p
Then I bath in his room … & wait him fong gong…. Watched vcd & felt sleepy tim …. :x
Around 2.45am…. we goto eat supper before we drive back to KL …. Another person need tumpang our car… Vans de colleague.. a gal lai de…
3.15am … goto petrol station pump petrol then off we go… back to kl ….
(while vans driving.... then we wan open window..... i help open.... then he put his finger to test izzit wide enough the window ... then he say open a bit more.... then I press wrong.... the window close.... then kiap dou his finger..... pain die him.... :x soli.... not purposely de... :p hehe )
After Yong Peng… we stop a while & go pee ….. then Vans ask me to take over the driver seat…..
Wah…. Dun like drive at nite…. So dark de… some more raining leh~… aiks… L
7.05am… reached Vans house lu~ …. Reached my house at 7.20am…
Happy trip to JB & Singapore… J
21/10/05 Friday
woke up at 9.30am … din sleep well…. Wake up many times at nite…. Normal lu~… coz not my own bed mar…. then we eat breakfast… then goto bank coz yuanfen need buy bank draft …
10.30am…. called Vans to wake up…. Coz he need to fetch us to custom … hehe….
Around 12.05pm we reached custom…. Goto change Singapore dollar notes 1st ….. then we goto Singapore lu~ …. Go see Singapore leng zai… kakaka…. No lar…. Me accompany yuanfen goto NUS submit his application de…. :x
Lucky we did some study on how to goto NUS … we printed the MAP of NUS & Singapore MRT map…. For our easy reference mar…
We took bus 170 to cross the bridge & goto Kranjit MRT station…. Then we take MRT to Jurong East station & change MRT to Clementi station … & take bus 96 to NUS … while in the bus …. Eeee…… saw a leng zai come up the bus leh~ spiky hair & tanned skin … muahaha…. :x we missed the 1st stop at NUS… then we refer back the map… oh… the bus goto NUS from the other side de… nvm lar…. We can stop at the last station… hehe….
Student in NUS … erm… just like those youngster lu~… din see those book worm type…. :x
Lucky 1.20pm still got ppl in Admission Office… After submit the application …. Take less than 5 mins …. >.< … then off we go… take bus back to Clementi station…. & take MRT to Raffles Rage station…. & change MRT to Orchard station …..
We walk walk at Orchard road…. Then we found the shopping mall then yuanfen wanna buy mask…. We goto buy mask 1st then eat lunch…..
After lunch around 3.10pm jor …. Our mission in Singapore accomplished liao … so we decided go back JB lu… From Orchard station back to Kranjit Station …. Then take back bus 170 back to custom…
Around 4.30pm… reached JB … then yuanfen received sms from Vans tat he din go back hotel… he wait us in Starbuck City Square… so we go meet him there…
Shinji was there oso … then we sent Shinji back… & we back hotel bath… yuanfen bath 1st… then my turn…. But after I wash hair & face…. Tak ada water… >.< …. Lucky din rub rub my body yet with shower gel… aiks….. then wat to do… we go dinner 1st lu… come back oni bath again ….
We goto eat steamboat… muahaha…. Happy happy… & nice nice oh~ … the wan tan is nice … hehe…. Eat a lot… till got tummy jor …. :p yuanfen says he dun wan so late go back kl tml … so he suggest he take bus back kl 1st …. I wait Vans lu~….
After dinner … vans goto work … I goto back hotel bath… then I ask yuanfen wan go on9 mar?
he says ok… so we go cc on9 till 12.05am …. Back to hotel sleep…20/10/05 Thursday
Today will be going to JB lu~ ….
12.47pm … Ooby called … but I on the line…. Then I called him back … chit chat till around 1.20pm …. Ooby always so cute… & 3 8 …. Kakaka…. Ooopss… gtg liao … need bath & eat lunch …
2.05pm goto Bukit Jalil LRT station pick up Yuanfen…. then we start our journey to JB.
3.15pm we stopped by Bridge Restaurant at Malacca … aiks …. Cant park at the restaurant … the car entrance oni open from 4pm onwards…. So we park at the kawasan rehat… then walk to the restaurant…. We eat KFC… hehe…. Nice nice…
4.00pm… we continue the long drive ….
1st time drive to a place so far leh~…. 312km …. Then me & yuanfen hesitate… we will go out from which toll ? …. Based on the map draw by the yuanfen’s fren … we will out through Senai toll…. Then yuanfen called his fren to confirm…. After tat … Vans called me… asked where r we jor…. Then we saw senai toll liao … so I told him we reached toll jor…
6.15pm …. We reached toll lu~ … then start looking to the map go to our hotel…. Yuanfen direct the way…. just like the TV show Amazing Race… haha… :x … not bad … the map is quite clear .. Thanks to Ryan provide us the map…. Then Vans called Yuanfen ask where r we liao …. ? ngam ngam we wanna pass by the hotel he staying … so we go pick him 1st lu~ …. Then he can direct us the way to our hotel …. Hehe… more safe mar…
then we check in hotel 1st … aiks… dun hv 2 single bed jor… :x so we hv to take a queen bed de lu~….. :p
then we pui Vans eat dinner…. after tat.. yuanfen back to hotel 1st bath & rest rest …. Me & Vans goto cc on9 a while lu~….
10.02pm… me back to hotel take bath… then yuanfen say hungry liao…. We go eat supper just opposite the hotel .. then back hotel sleep.Wednesday, October 19, 2005
18/10/05 Tuesday
Yay~ started on leave for a week…. Hehe.. happy happy….. no need work…
Today went sing k at the Curve…. 1st time go the Curve… :x sing from 11am till 2pm … J
Sing with a fren …. 1st time sing with him oso … :x a bit shy shy …. Hehe…. :p dun hv strong voice … just sing with stagnant tone …… then my fren sing… wah …. Terkejut….. voice quite strong wor …. He can go sing opera lor~…. When we sing duet … he always cover my voice lor~ … :x … & he make me sing wrong :x
Earlier on he sing Menghitung hari .. then he chose then song again … say my turn to sing… I sing liao … then he sing again…. Must be he hear me sing well …. Then he wanna sing again …. :X ….. kakaka…. Kidding :p
Then I sing Gemilang …. He so nottie…. Kacau me~!! Then I sing again …. He pretend din kacau me… but laughing secretly~!... hmmp!! …. I forgot I got sing the 3rd time or not…. Hehe….. :p ….. when sing Gemilang… at the end… I always “ menjadi realiti~~~ iii~~~iiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIII “ …. :X then he help …. “wor~~WOR~~~~~ya ya ya~~~!!” ….. then waiter pop in …. =.-“” waiter always pop in the wrong time… >.<
After sing k…. walk walk around lu….. so quiet de…. Weekday… hehe… no ppl walking oso…. :x ….
Then send my fren to pudu… he teach me to open voice.... by singing menghitung hari... he sing 1 line I sing 1 line.... >.<" so funny ..... :X ... reached pudu at 2.50pm … he bought bus ticket for 3.30pm de bus… so we wait at the road side… then 3.17pm… police came… then we move a further up… then dropped my fren…. Then I go lu…