08/08/08 08.00pm.... the whole world got amazed by the 29th Olympic opening in Beijing..
2008 man power using traditional instrument beating the welcoming music...

The countdown begins...... using the traditional instrument with current technology created the huge countdown clock... surprise!

9... 8 .... 7 ... 6.... 5.... 4.... 3.....2......1 !!! yay!! fireworks~....

Follow by the 29 giant footprints created by the fireworks.... these giant footprints passed through Tian An Men Square all the way to the National Stadium, Bird Nest. Awesome!!!

The fireworks represent one of the China 4 great invention.... gunpowder....
The last footprint exploded above the Bird Nest and clusters of falling stars showering down.... created the Olympic Rings ..... another surprise!

20 fairies flying down & the Olympic Rings raised in the air.....
Little girl singing the China National Songs & National Flag been raised....

A giant ancient Chinese scroll enter the Bird Nest.... slowly open..... it's actually a giant LED display screen.... wow..... :X

2nd great invention of China.... Paper .....

Some performers drawing a huge painting using their body language....... @.@....
After that 2008 Confucius student came out... saying the "Friends have come from afar, how happy we are." "四海之内皆兄弟"

3rd great invention of China.... movable type printing..... this performance really really touches me..... a meaningful word...."he 和" as harmony..... then showing the Great Wall of China...

by looking at it.... you will think it was moving be the machine.... at the end.... the printing suddenly appeared peach blossom ... so nice.... & surprise again! .... all the performers came out the say Hi.... OMG.... all the moving were actually manually done by these people.... @.@... this really touches me.... T.T..... :X

4th great invention of China..... Compass ...... couldn't find the pic...... >.<
Performing the Silk Road .....

And then Cheng Ho exploration to the west...... Silk Road in sea ..... dun remember who is he? go back read ur history :x

Follow by some traditional performances .... & opera

Piano performance by Lang Lang & little girl....

Art Performances..... 1000 performers build the Bird Nest.... with a lovely kite flying......

Another awesome performance..... Tai Ji Quan by 2008 performers..... ops.... got see some cute guys in the pix? wakakaka :X

Look at the perfect round circle....
Suddenly some astronauts flying down...... & the Earth appeared.....

People walking & running all around the globe free from gravity @.@ .... manifesting the theme "One World One Dream"

Sarah Brightmen & Liu Huan singing the theme song "You & Me"......
Happy smiling faces all around the world

The pigeon dance.... symbolize to free the pigeon.... very nice....

Parade of the athletes .....

Opening speeches....... see the drawing the standing... it was the painting drawn during all the performances just now..... with all the shoes prints by all the athletes walk in just now

Finally what we all waiting for......the lighting of the Cauldron by the final torchbearer Li Ning...

Speechless .... Perfect & Stunning ..... not because of the flying :x ... because of the scroll showing all the moments of the torchbearers in the pass few mths..... T.T ... really meaningful ......
p/s: after that.. got singing performance by Han Hong, Xun Nan, Jacky Chen & Karen Mok ...... Han Hong & Xun Nan is China most favourite female & male singer .... Jacky Chen is the International actor... but... how come got Karen Mok 1??? :X no offense to her but.... erm... is she up to that level jor ? :X
pp/s: applause for the director Zhang Yi Mou for such a great show!
ppp/s: erm.... I din manage to see the Fu Wa.... :x did the Bei Bei Jing Jing Huan Huan Ying Ying Ni Ni show up ar? .....