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Monday, January 19, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
12 Valentine's Day in a Year
★1月14日 日记情人节(Diary Day)
Today, the couple will give each other a diary to record their love story.... this is to represent they both will go through this year together & to record their good memories....
★2月14日 华仑亭情人节(Valentine's Day)
A traditional Valentine's Day for the couple.... in USA... today is not only a day for young ppl ... but oso a day for relatives & friends to exchange gift... to improve the relationship & friendship... In Asia ... today is the day for girl to reveal her feeling to the guy she likes.... by giving him a gift....
★3月14日 白色情人节(White Day)
If you received a gift from someone at 14/2 .... and you are having the same feeling... you will return a gift the that person today... If you are not interested... :x... then you could just pretend nothing happen.... :x
★4月14日 黑色情人节(Black Day)
This is the day for those who are single.... those who did not receive any gift for the pass 2 mths.... they can gather together today and cry :x..... ops... no lar.... gather together to encourage each other lu... kar yao kar yao~
★5月14日 黄色与玫瑰情人节(Yellow and Rose Day)
If you still are single until May.... today you could wear something in yellow... to show ppl that "I am still available"..... & May is the season Roses bloom... Red Rose to express love, White Rose to express u are not sure... Yellow Rose to say bye bye :x
如果已经到了5月,你的情事还没任何进展,在这一天穿黄色衬衫或黄色套装,吃黄色咖喱饭,就是告诉大家" I am still available"的最好暗示. 5月是玫瑰发芽的时节,气候宜人适合出游,因此许多情侣都选在这天相挟到户外踏青.所以 也有玫瑰情人节之称. 在玫瑰日送人红玫瑰是倾诉爱意,送白玫瑰表示仍犹豫未决,若送上一束黄玫瑰,就是说再见 了.
★6月14日 亲吻情人节(Kiss Day)
An important day for couple... couple may kiss openly today ..... :x
这是一个属于成双成对恋人的重要节日,在这一天,情侣们不必再害羞,可以大大方方地用亲吻表达对对方的爱意.当然,花前月下,烛光晚餐等浪漫气氛,对这一吻定情可是很有帮助的 喔.
★7月14日 银色情人节(Silver Day)
A day for couple to meet each other's parent and relative....
★8月14日 绿色情人节(Green Day)
A day for couple to enjoy a summer with the nature..... For those who still looking for lover could attend some soju party ... to try their luck :X
★9月14日 音乐情人节与相片情人节(Music Day&Photo Day)
Today is a day to have a big function to introduce your lover to friends ans colleagues.... also a lot of couple will take photo under the clear blue sky ... so today also called Photo Valentine's Day.
音乐情人节这一天是举办大型社交活动,轻歌曼舞的日子,也是将你的心上人介绍给朋友,同 事认识的好机会.而单身一族,更可以借此机会看看活动现场有没有自己心仪的对象. 许多情侣喜欢在这天就蔚蓝清朗的天空合影,所以又叫做相片情人节.
★10月14日 葡萄情人节(Wine Day)
Very obvious.. Wine Day is for couple to enjoy a romantic dinner with great wine....
★11月14日 橙色情人节与电影情人节(Orange Day & Movie Day)
Today couple could watch 2 movies in a roll.... maybe 1st is action movie..... follow by a romantic love story movie..... after movie they could drink Orange juice together to replenish body water level....
★12月14日 拥抱情人节(Hug Day)
Final Valentine's Day of the year..... couple could hug in public to tell the world about their love... & also warm up each other in the cold Winter....
10 January 2008
4.45pm on my way to 1U.... reached 1U 25mins later... but the entrance to new wing basement was FULL.... ^^" ..... Since David's house is nearby 1U .... so I parked my car at the shop lot outside David place... then walk 5mins to 1U ....
While walking to 1U.... so ngam David passed by .... he was heading home....
At 1U .. jalan jalan at Parkson.... waiting Tan Tart to come.... but Tan Tart still at home ^^" ... say liao meet at 5pm something de mar..... >.<
Bought 1 shirt at Parkson for my father to wear curing CNY...... :x ...
Then went to Jusco look see look see got what to buy for David lu.... 1st time visit ppl de new house mar.... then Tan Tart reached jor at 6.20pm... meet up with me at Jusco.....
I decided to buy red wine lu... coz dunno what to buy.... so cin cai chose 1 lu.... dunno which 1 is nice.... Lindemans Cawarra RM35.90..... the promoter says is more to fruity & smooth wor.... :X
After that I sit Tan Tart's car to David's place.... ngam ngam reached at 7pm.... we are on time & others will be late ^^" .... Tan Tart so hungry jor :x
nearly 8pm... Linpeh(Jack) & Normal(Kelvin) arrived..... then David heat up the BBQ Chicken & we start eat lu.....
Kuku & Kelvin (K & K) reached about 15mins later .....
After dinner ... & after watch "Deal or No Deal" .... then we tour the house lu ....
The house is very nice.... big & well renovated.... but it's kind of lonely & quiet if only 1 person staying lu...
Kelvin went off 1st to his friend's party......
After tour the house... we watch the movie Transformer (Blu-ray DVD - so kaya bought original 1) .... last time watched at Times Square IMAX .... sit too front .. cant see clear oso ^^" .... so this was my 2nd time watch.... hehe... still very nice....
After the movie .... is about 12am liao.... then asked David try use PS3 surf net awhile....
12.20am... we go home lu.... I sent Kuku back....
Reached home b4 1am....
Friday, January 02, 2009
Happy New Year 2009
Tan Tart knew I will be going MV .... so he says he wanna join for movie oso.... so ok lu.... I reached MV at 10.05am..... then went to buy movie tickets lu.... so early already queue up 2/3 of the ticketing waiting row liao... ^^" ....
Later Tan Tart show up.... then he asked me to help his fren buy movie tickets oso..... his frens wanna watch Cape 7.... but Tan Tart thought was CJ 7.... ^^" ..... CJ 7 so old de movie still got showing meh?? :x
I decided to watch Outlander...
After that we went to Yoyo Snacks had breakfast lu.....
1st Movie 2009: Outlander * * * ½

The movie was not bad if compare to others B grade movie..... The story was about A man from other galaxy crashed to the Earth during the time of Vikings.. & an Alien was brought to the Earth as well.... You could see the shadow of the monster Alien in the poster(if your eyes is sharp :X ).... Although the movie rated PG18..... regrettably there are still some bloody scenes been censored .....
After movie..... jalan jalan at Isetan.... but din get to buy anything..... Mango came meet up with Tan Tart.... :X ...... so strange de fren hor..? ..... got Orange .... now got Mango :x.....
Then went to Borders .... was looking for a novel 《由于男人都不在了》 (In the Absence of Man) written by a French writer Philippe Besson .... but dun hv at Borders.... -.-" the novel was about relationship between 3 mans during the time of war ... ops.... yes.... it's a P story..... :x...... Know this book coz it's was recommended by Malaysia Artist 易桀齐 ( Jet Yi Jie Qi) in the Sin Chew Jit Poh.... ops..... how come he will recommend this book 1?.... could he be a.... .... ??? :X
After that I left Tan Tart & Mango in the Gardens..... went to MV de MPH oso..... but there oso dun hv.... then I went home lu...