Last week was a very sick & stress & gan cheong (anxiety) week.... ^^"
Coz I had flu the week before... & I took some Clarinase (bought from pharmacy)... & felt much better but still got some nose blocking or sinusitis which I think it will recover naturally very soon.... so I stopped taking Clarinase....
Last Tuesday evening... while I was watching Gossip Girl Season 3 .... I dig my ear wax with tissue paper (cotton swap finished jor) to clean the ear canal.... usually I dun dig too deep coz I kind of scary I might ter'cucuk my eardrum .... & out of suddenly I felt my left ear ter'block.... OMG... I think I push the ear wax too deep until it stick to the eardrum ..... t.t ...... with few more attempts to clear it but failed....
Wednesday morning ... fast fast went to Watson nearby my office to buy cotton swap to try dig out the ear wax but failed oso..... T.T ..... at night went to Claring ... the pharmacist there recommended Cerumol Ear Drops (RM14) ... to drop few drops into the ear.. & slowly it will make the ear wax soft & easy to come out .... but the progress might need to take few days...
Coz I had flu the week before... & I took some Clarinase (bought from pharmacy)... & felt much better but still got some nose blocking or sinusitis which I think it will recover naturally very soon.... so I stopped taking Clarinase....
Last Tuesday evening... while I was watching Gossip Girl Season 3 .... I dig my ear wax with tissue paper (cotton swap finished jor) to clean the ear canal.... usually I dun dig too deep coz I kind of scary I might ter'cucuk my eardrum .... & out of suddenly I felt my left ear ter'block.... OMG... I think I push the ear wax too deep until it stick to the eardrum ..... t.t ...... with few more attempts to clear it but failed....
Wednesday morning ... fast fast went to Watson nearby my office to buy cotton swap to try dig out the ear wax but failed oso..... T.T ..... at night went to Claring ... the pharmacist there recommended Cerumol Ear Drops (RM14) ... to drop few drops into the ear.. & slowly it will make the ear wax soft & easy to come out .... but the progress might need to take few days...

I have tried it... but I do not feel anything different.... coz I cant feel the ear drop really working or not .....
So the next morning.... Thursday morning.... went to clinic for help.... I told doctor dunno whether is my sinusitis problem caused my ear block ... or my ear wax caused it... but I m pretty sure it was my ear wax caused it.... The doctor checked here & there.... & used the otoscope the see my left ear.... & says the ear wax surrounded the eardrum.... >.< so doctor gave me Clarinase for my nose blocking.... & Cerumol for my ear blocking..... ^^" tat's what exactly I have at home lor.... wat for I go see doctor leh?? ..... doctor asked my drop the ear drop for 10 days.... if the ear wax still not coming out then go back the clinic again wor....
10 days!! .... Tat's really very uncomfortable lor...... my colleague recommended me to try the Ear Candling treatment.... so I went to IOI Mall during lunch time to try lu.....

At the BH Beauty 2nd floor of IOI mall ..... Ear Candling treatment (RM38) for both ear.... a candle was put above the ear & then the candle will be lighten up .... U will hear some burning sound.... It is kind of relax & detoxifying treatment.... & an the end U will be show how much ear wax been suck out :x.... I saw some ear wax been sucked out... but my condition still the same... >.< felt like the RM38 wasted jor.......
After fong gong.... I went to pharmacy again.... looking for something that may be working more fast other than the ear drop..... & I saw this....

Erm.... just stick the thing into the ear then press for 1 second.... there will be some water spray into the ear canal.... just like the diagram above.... arha! .... this is better than just drop ear drop... coz it spray water into the ear & might just clear the ear wax out like tat..... so I bought it for RM33 .... went back home & try at once..... unfortunately.... it does not work as I expected.... >.< ....
So I stick back to the ear drops thing lu...
Until Saturday evening ... I try to dig my left ear again with tissue paper.... & amazingly I dig out some wet ear wax which I believed clogged my left ear... @.@ ... suddenly I felt so good on my hearing.... ^^ .....
So I stick back to the ear drops thing lu...
Until Saturday evening ... I try to dig my left ear again with tissue paper.... & amazingly I dig out some wet ear wax which I believed clogged my left ear... @.@ ... suddenly I felt so good on my hearing.... ^^ .....