The Rule is he won’t call or text you coz he is not interested in you. If he is interested he will make his move no matter how difficult to get into you.
The Exception is he’s been busy and he eventually called you after a week or two.
So… are you the Rule or the Exception?
Many will think they are the exception at first…. and slowly…. They will realize that they are the rule….. :X
When a friend seeking your advice about the people they dated once but never call again… what’s your advise? Don’t worry he’ll call… He just forgot to call …. He lost your numbers… He’s maybe in business trip…. Or you will say … well…. He’s just not into you! ….. :x
Here is a very nice movie…. If you like Sex & The City, you will like this movie too… The cast of the movie were fantastic…. There are multiple romantic misadventures of nine individuals in their twenties and thirties. …
Ben Affleck
Jennifer Aniston
Drew Barrymore
Scarlett Johansson
Justin Long
Jennifer Connelly
Ginnifer Goodwin
Kevin Connolly
Bradley Cooper
14th Movie 2009: He’s Just Not That Into You * * * *

At the core of these multiple stories is Gigi a young woman who repeatedly misinterprets the signs that men give her about their level of interest in her.

1) Gigi (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Alex (Justin Long)
After a rejection from Conor (Kevin Connolly), Gigi begins getting dating advice from the romantic and promiscuous Alex, the manager of a bar and Conor's best friend. Alex tells Gigi that Conor simply wasn't interested in her since he hasn't called, otherwise he would have definitely made a move. He also tells her that she should stop thinking that she is an exception to this rule, and to stop obsessing over every "sign" that she might pick up on during a date. Gigi proceeds to go on several unsuccessful dates, often calling Alex during dates for advice. Gigi starts believing that Alex is interested in her because he is so willing to take a call from her (even when he's busy at work, or is with a girl), and because she thinks Alex intentionally botched a blind date he organized for Gigi and one of his friends. Alex then invites Gigi to a party he's having at his apartment. Interpreting this invitation as an opportunity to "co-host" the party, Gigi helps make food for guests, and stays behind to clean up. When all the guests are gone, Gigi kisses Alex. Alex, surprised and very frustrated, tells her he wasn't interested in her romantically, and if he was he would've pursued her. Gigi tells him that even though she obsesses over everything and has embarrassed herself many times, she is closer to finding love than he is. Gigi and Alex stop speaking to each other, but Alex feels continuously troubled at work. After being confronted by one of his employees he realizes he's obsessing and over-analyzing his situation with Gigi, in the same way Gigi was at the beginning. Meanwhile, Gigi goes on a date with Bill (Alex's friend who was meant to go on the blind date with her). After she returns home, Alex goes to see her at her apartment. He apologizes to Gigi and kisses her, telling her that she is his exception.

2) Janine (Jennifer Connelly), Ben (Bradley Cooper) and Anna (Scarlett Johansson)
Gigi's co-worker Janine is starting to have difficulties in her marriage. Her husband, Ben, begins cheating on her with Anna, a yoga instructor and aspiring singer. During his affair he reveals that he was never ready to marry Janine, and was forced between marrying her, or breaking up with her. Janine is unaware of this, and is focused on renovating their new home. On a particular day, she discovers a pack of cigarettes under some construction equipment. Concluding that it belongs to her husband since the renovators don't smoke, she gets upset because she had asked Ben to quit as her father had died of lung cancer. Janine confronts Ben, but he adamantly denies that they're his. Ben eventually tells Janine that he's been having an affair. Although initially upset, Janine attempts to salvage their marriage by surprising Ben at work; she proposes sex with him in his office to "bring back the fire". Ben agrees and they proceed to have sex, but Anna is hiding in the closet of Ben's office as they were also about to have sex until Janine knocked on the door. Janine eventually leaves, and Anna runs out of Ben's office soon after, disgusted by his actions. When Janine arrives home she begins to clean the house but discovers a pack of cigarettes in Ben's clothing, prompting an angry outburst. When Ben arrives home he finds all this clothes neatly folded with a dozen-box of cigarettes and a note from Janine telling him she wants a divorce. Janine moves in to a new apartment by herself to start a new life.

3) Conor (Kevin Connolly), Anna and Mary (Drew Barrymore)
While in her secret affair with Ben, Anna is also casually dating Conor, but she isn't as interested in him as he is in her; Anna treats Conor more as a very close friend, while Conor wants to pursue a relationship with her. Soon after the incident at Ben's office, Conor goes to Anna's apartment and asks her to be his girlfriend. Anna agrees, but is still troubled by the end of her relationship with Ben. Anna and Conor continue their relationship but when Conor proposes buying a house and moving in together, Anna tells him honestly that she doesn't want to. Anna and Conor break-up, but both are happy just to remain friends. Meanwhile, Anna's friend Mary is a newspaper editor who also helps Conor promote his real-estate business. Like Gigi, she goes on many dates but all ending unsuccessfully. After Anna and Conor end their relationship, Mary runs into Conor having coffee and introduces herself to him as he had only ever spoken to her over the phone and never seen her in person. They both hit it off, and begin dating.

4) Beth (Jennifer Aniston) and Neil (Ben Affleck)
Gigi's other co-worker, Beth living with her boyfriend Neil, who is also friends with Ben, and who she has been with for seven years. Although Beth wants to get married, Neil does not believe in signing a piece of paper to say you love someone. After listening to a rant about relationships from Gigi, Beth becomes upset and starts thinking about her relationship with Neil. When she arrives home after work she asks Neil if he'll ever marry her; when he doesn't respond, Beth breaks up with him. Neil moves out to live in his boat while Beth goes home to see her family and to be a bridesmaid at her younger sister's wedding. During the reception, Beth's father has a heart attack. Beth constantly looks after her father: she brings him food and keeps him company, and cleans the house. Meanwhile all the other sisters' husbands do is watch football, make a mess, and are not concerned at all about their father in-law. Beth is constantly frustrated and worried, but Neil suddenly appears in the kitchen helping her wash dishes. Beth goes to see Neil on his boat and they get back together, telling him that he is more of a husband than her sister's husbands will ever be. Back at their apartment, Beth scolds Neil for bringing back a pair of pants she told him to leave on the boat. Neil insists that if she's going to throw them out then to check the pockets for any valuables. Beth complies and discovers a box with a diamond ring, and turns around to find Neil kneeling down behind her. Neil proposes to her, telling her that for him to be happy then Beth needs to be happy. Beth accepts his proposal.
* Plot copy from wikipedia.
If you like Justin Long ... which I think he's kind of cute ... you may visit to watch the funny Mac ads ... which Justin Long as a Mac.... & another fat guy as a PC... so is like a Mac vs PC conversations.... quite funny... :X