Monday, August 24, 2009
Leng zai at Million Star! :X
really amazing.... he can sings tat well......... :x really touching by his sincere voice .... & his leng zai face of coz lolx..... !!! ..... for sure he will be the PK King at Million Star.... & will be like Alisa coming out own album!!
Found a few of his uTube......
1st 3D Experience
Not plan to watch Orphan de.... but nothing to do at home ... so mar go watch with Yuan Fen lu.... 9.30pm de show.... reached Cineleisure at 8.10pm.... collected tickets..... jalan jalan while waiting Yuan Fen.... Now only realised Cineleisure been changed to e@Curve ..... :X
30th Movie 2009: Orphan * * *

Not to say not nice... but coz we already knew who the killer was at the beginning.... so there's not much climax in the movie.... we just need the answer "why" only.... and the answer been revealed at the end of the movie.... "hypopituitarism" ..... Thats it .... :x
23 August 2009 Sunday
At MV again lu....
Coz wanna watch UP (3D) ....... 1st time watch 3D show..... muahaha...... so kampung..... >.<
Brunch at Sweet Chat again... boring.... no choice... coz cannot go too far..... got around 40mins for brunch only....

I'm the 1st customer again....... :x

Mango Mountain (RM6.90)

Tuna Sandwich: Focaccia Bread (RM10.90)

31st Movie 2009: UP (3D) * * * *

1st time wear 3D Glasses... tot it will be heavy... but very light only... can fix to ppl wearing glasses like me :)
1st time experiencing 3D effects during the trailers....
1st time "wow" during the G-Force 3D trailer.... coz it got really close 3D effect not far from ur face..... so decided to watch G-Force 3D next month!! (b4 this not going to watch de)
B4 the "UP" started .... there's a pre-show.... with the clouds producing the babies for all kind of animals and humans... very cute... but... it's kind of familiar.... like saw it somewhere b4....
As like all the previous Pixar movie.... Touching at the beginning.... like "Wall-E" silence for 10mins... This time we have touching memories for 10mins betwwe Carl & Ellie ... see till all eyes wet wet..... T.T ...
Story was good.... quite a number of laughing plots.... but mostly funny 1 were in the movie trailers jor geh.... >.< .... like the GPS been dropped out of the window, Russell face-wash the windows of the airship.....
Recommended not to watch in 3D .... coz there's not much of really pop out 3D effects ..... so no point waste extra RM5 lor..... :)
3D Movie trailers were shown in cinema:
G-Force - 17 Sept 2009
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs (wat a wierd movie title) - 22 Oct 2009
A Christmas Carol - 19 Nov 2009
Toy Story 3 - 2010
16 August 2009 Sunday
Chicken Sandwich: Focaccia Bread (RM10.90)

The Focaccia Bread was nice ... looks hard but very soft....
Tong Yuen SoyMilk (RM5.00)

with 2 peanuts Tong Yuen

& 2 Black Sesame Tong Yuen.... :)

29th Movie 2009: District 9 * * * * ½

Highly recommended! No big cast.... but very well act ..... unexpectedly nice ... 1st part of the movie was like a documentary style... looks quite real..... A sudden change when the main actor accidentally swallowed some alien liquid.... The "Transformers" part was awesome... ! & the story was very well plotted.... Fast fast go watch if you have not watch this movie! :x
After movie fast fast go home coz scared of H1N1 :X
Friday, August 21, 2009
Sing K with Martin
Plan jor sing K with Martin, Piano(John) & Tan Tart .....
12pm had lunch 1st with Pianoa at Times Square... Martin ngam ngam wake up oni.... :x
Then we teman Martin had lunch at Low Yat....
1pm we were given biggest room at Low Yat Red Box..... coz no smaller room for us jor.... :x
so big.... for oni 4 of us ...... ^^" .......
The LCD Screen not very clear de..... some times got no signal oso...... :X
Around 3pm something.... we were asked to switch to a smaller room... sui Martin curi curi record our singing......... kena charge him copyright..... :X
Continued to sing till 5pm something..... until no more songs to sing jor...... :x
Martin very generous treat us sing K! ...... tq tq....... :)
After sing k..... Tan Tart went home 1st..... we 3 jalan jalan at Sungai Wang awhile.... til 6.15pm ... then Martin back to Hotel to rest... old jor is like tat.... :x
me & Piano had dinner at Marry Brown, Times Square b4 going back home....
The Marry Brown here is not hynienic ... coz I saw the cashier open the drawer to take tissues/serviettes.... got a small cockroach crolling in the drawer.... @.@.....
Yo Joe~!!
Plan jor movie with Yuan Fen at MV ..... coz he said he was unable to book ticket at Cineleisure.... & I manage to booked at GSC .... so I mar ajak him along lu.... I got booked extra coz I wanna get the middle seats mar.... :x
I heard last nite that K & K wouldn't get tickets for G.I. Joe.... so I mar offer my book number to them lu... but then sei Kuku ask me collect for them oso.... so jin.... >.<
Went to MV at 5.30pm.... jalan jalan while waiting for Yuan Fen & K & K ... Finally Kuku came collect the tickets from me... then I meet up with Yuan Fen for dinner at Shih Lin Snack..... the dinner set just RM10... Crispy Chicken Rice with Tofu & A bottle of Soya... quite nice... Yuan Fen was a bit phobia of crowds.... coz Cineleisure & the Curve can't see so many ppl like in MV..... :x
After dinner went up to cinema... while waiting the Cinema hall to open... suddenly got 1 head pop out between me & Yuan Fen with ghost voice..... lolx~!! .... itu Kuku de head lor..... :X ..... K & K had Mcd just now....
28th Movie 2009: G.I. JOE THE RISE OF COBRA * * * *

Unexpectedly nice ..... the actions like non stop.... story plot was ok.... unexpected the Doctor (Cobra) is the brother of Baroness, Rex...... some of the actions were great..... some just so so.... & some were fake..... but it still great to watch & full of entertainment.... a movie that not to be miss this year.... Hopefully the 2nd & 3rd movie will be better than this 1....
After movie.... yamcha with K & K at KimGary .... Yuan Fen went off 1st... Kuku said he never watch G.I. Joe cartoon b4.... ^^" ... so nice de cartoon oso never watch mer? ... tv got replay de mar .... :X
Martin was in the Town!
Was plan to yamcha with Tan Tart, Tofu (Pikey) and Orange at WonderMilk, Uptown de..... but then CP de mum, Mr Martin came to town all the way from JB.... so must entertain him a bit lu..... :x .... So mar FFK Tan Tart they all lu...
So mar brought Martin went to The Walk on The Park at Cheras to see Vans de band perform lu... coz Vans de band just won 1st place of the Soler Canton Live Band Power competition... congratulations to his band lu~ but hor ... Vans no treat us drink oso.... :X
Me & Martin reached there 1st.... Martin already very hot... he saw the Band wearing scarf.... he lagi felt the hot..... lolx....
Later Martin de frens (Jackson, Hediaki & xx ) came to lepak awhile... coz it's still early for them to go clubbing at Blue Bar....
K & K (Kuku & Kelvin) reached at 10pm something....
Ernest ffk .... :X Fei Sebs got his own plan so no come...
Vans came entertain Martin during break time... he wanna bring Martin go massage :X.... they said wanna go on Sunday evening....
K & K went off 1st..
About 1am like tat.... I sent Martin back to hotel at BB .... Martin spent liao RM100 for 2 jugs of beer.... just to see Vans .... :X ....
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
So... Are you gonna stop masturbating??
Article from Bernama:
Unconventional Methods To Prevent Influenza
By Sajad Hussein
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 9 (Bernama) -- Avoiding masturbation and homosexual activities are among preventive measures one could take against Influenza A (H1N1), according to an eminent practitioner of complimentary therapy.
Dr. V. M. Palaniappan said that such activities caused the body to develop friction heat which in turn, produced acid and made the body hyperacidised.
"Thus, the body becomes an easy target for H1N1 infection," he told Bernama, emphasising however, that normal sexual union between members of the opposite sex was absolutely safe.
The former associate professor of ecology at Universiti Malaya has authored several books on complementary therapy called, 'Ecological Healing System'.
Dr Palaniappan said his 33 years of research had shown that high acidity in the body resulted in loss of immunity, thus making people more susceptible to viral diseases like Influenza A (H1N1).
Hence, to prevent acidity, it was essential to consume alkaline food and drinks that could neutralise excess acid in the body.
Dr Palaniappan recommends coconut water, which is alkaline, and therefore could be used as a herbal medicine for the prevention of H1N1.
For example, he said, those who felt feverish and developed a burning sensation while attending to a call of nature because of extreme acidity, could neutralise it by drinking coconut water, twice a day, for three days.
He also recommended orange, lemon and pomelo which, despite containing citric acid, were very rich in potassium and therefore, would not disturb the body's immunity.
According to Dr Palaniappan, excessive physical activity like running a marathon should be avoided as it produced acid due to excessive metabolic activity.
Similarly, he said, keeping late nights without adequate sleep and working without proper rest could also increase the body's acidity which in turn, lowered immunity and made the body vulnerable to viral attacks.
Dr Palaniappan's blog: discusses the therapy in more detail.
An Article from Gayrights given the comments to the above:
Friday, August 07, 2009
2 August 2009
Collected ticket.... today not many ppl queue up... maybe yesterday all been arrested coz of the protest gua :X....
When to had my brunch lu.... eee..... the replacement of Yoyo Snacks open jor wor..... so mar try try lu.....

ee.... got Jawi wording 1.....

Green Tea Honey Latte RM6.50

Erm.... not says liao is honey latte de mer? ... why give me sugar 1??? ...... ^^" ....
Chicken Chop with Brown Sauce RM10.90

The Chicken chop was very thin 1.... ^^" .... it shud be a a thin piece of chicken .... the rest of the meat been chopped off to cook other thing.... felt like not very worth it lor..... But here got free WiFi ... hehe... good good... can on FB here..... :x
27th Movie 2009: Ghost of Girlfriends Past * * * ½

Matthew McConaughey still is hot.... :X Story is ok... A dead uncle wanted his nephew to return to the right path in relationship.... so he sent 3 ghosts to guide the nephew to see the past, present & future.... more touching moments... less laugh....
After movie.... went to Metro ... look see shoes ..... erm.. still very tempted to buy Bonia de shoe.... but expensive wor....
Suddenly saw this Cian shoe ....

RM119 .... Friday casual wear cum leisure wear..... hehe...... White Shoe oso lor..... ok lu.... buy this 1st.... coz my Friday casual shoe rosak jor.. need to change liao....
Forgot.... this bought at Metrojaya, The Curve yesterday after movie..... Working Shoe....

50% discount.... after discount RM159... time to change working shoe soon oso... coz dunno why... my working shoes after wear 1 year plus ... the heel always will missing one third de (one of the corner dunno go where jor?).... ^^" ...... so not very balance jor.....
Super Jam on Saturday!!!
Went yam cha with Vans, K& K .. 10pm @ McD Cheras ..... ^^" .... ppl watching Mr Hong Kong 2009 de mar.... :x Mr Hong Kong de quality keep dropping each year... so char ....
1 August 2009 Saturday
Planned to watch 2 movies today.... but my brother got work today... so my plan did not work out... coz need to stay home take care of parent's lunch....
So changed of plan... today evening 1 movie (Ghost of Girlfriends Past 7pm).... tomolo morning 1 movie (The Proposal 11.15am).... fast fast book movie ticket 1st.... lucky still managed to booked at MV.... hehe...
Suddenly Yuan Fen asked wanna join him watch The Proposal at Cineleisure 7.10pm? .... ooo... OK lu... since I wanna watch oso de mar... so today watch 1st.... then tomolo watch Ghost of Girlfriends Past lu....
Left home at 5.15pm.... (forgot today got ISA Protest) .... sooooo jam at Old Kelang Road on both way.... ^^" walau... need to detour back to use Kesas Highway lor.... After Sunway Toll... jam also all the way until after Uptown Damansara... >.< ... reached The Curve already 6.40pm.... luckily Yuan Fen reached early ... so he collected ticket 1st....
26th Movie 2009 : The Proposal * * * *

This should be the must watch movie ... totally hilarious....! From the beginning until the end... Ryan Reynolds innocent looks was totally adorable!! .... So naturally cute .... haha.... Great show & good cast.... Although it was an expected story line.... but still very fun... Keep on laugh & laugh & laugh ... of coz there were romantic moment & moral of the movie... Highly recommended!
Vans sms asked wanna go see his Band playing at PGRM..... so I mar called Kuku lu... coz Kelvin said wanna go today de mar.... Kuku said will go later geh... so I mar asked him sms me when the are going out lor.... meantime... I asked Yuan Fen wanna go or not? He said if we all go then mar follow lu... So we both chit chat at The Curve after movie waiting for Kuku's sms ....
Waited until 10.43pm then oni Kuku sms said No Go jor.... >.< ... ... waited so long then say no go jor... coz very tired... speechless....
So mar go home lu....
26 July 2009
But over slept till 9.30am.... >.<" ..... so mar rush rush rush lu.... reached outside MV 10.10am... pheww .... still manage to collect ticket .... then suddenly realised I din changed my spec... @.@" wearing the old spec ... sigh.... no mood jor tim.... So decided dun wan watch movie lu... goto KLCC Kinokuniya buy Naruto latest volume ... & see got wat P book buy.... :x Found this French translated to Chinese P novel... recommended by Malaysian Artist 易桀齐 (Jet Yi Jie Qi) at newspaper ....

Piano (John) called & asked for lunch later @ MV ^^" .... then later changed to The Curve @ 12pm ...
So mar fast fast bought jor books then goto The Curve lu....
Reached The Curve around 11.35am.... jalan jalan & wait Piano & TV at Starbucks... then Piano sms said change to sing k later....
They both so late... dunno mi mi mo mo apa.. until 12.35pm oso not yet ...
Finally we had lunch at Kim Gary @ 12.45pm....
Then jalan jalan at Metrojaya..... saw the shoes got discount... erm... look see look see lu.... saw the Bonia White shoe very nice.... but expensive... RM359 .... got 20% discount only.... >.<
2pm sing k lu.... sing until 5pm....
Jalan jalan at Ikano Power Center... then had tea time cum dinner at Just Dessert

Dun try the Mango Sago (RM6.80) here.... coz oni ice & ice .... just 5 - 6 Mango cubes... me kena tipu jor.... >.<
Back home at 7pm...