I reached MV at 11am... need to collect tickets ... but still early... so I queued up at the ticketing counter ... see can get better seats or not... since now online booking only for middle rows... but unfortunately no better seats jor... so I went to collect tickets at reservation counter lu....
After that went to KAMTAR to buy some cloths for mum.... then went to parking to put the cloths in the car 1st.... Very ngam bump into K & K at the parking...
35th Movie 2009: Surrogates * * *

Not very nice... just so so nia.... a bit disappointed lu.... The idea of the story was good... but did not executed into the movie well enough... Not much actions actually ... after the movie... u got nothing to remember in the movie... except you might remember u saw 2 or 3 leng zai in the movie... keke..... :x
After movie.... we went to Kim Gary to had lunch... then back home lu.... Kuku commented how they have sex leh? ... will the surrogate cum or the user will cum? ops.... so ham sup....