Monday, May 29, 2006
Just a boring weekend nia...
Today after fetch mum .... then just out to do facial nia.... Today de facial treatment so pain~! wu wu wu.... face all red marks jor.... :(
After facial fast fast walk back from Low Yat to TS de carpark ... while crossing the Jln Imbi road... kena ter'kap by ppl jor.... sit bun jor (rugi jor) .... Pikey & Mr. TV8 were in the car.... then Mr. TV8 ter'saw me ... but I din notice coz busy crossing road lu~ ... Me wearing cap oso let ppl regconised :x
Slept at 11pm .... coz tml wanna goto temple help at the charity sales organised by my aunty...
28 May 2006 Sunday
Weather cold cold .... nice to sleep coz got rain in the evening of Saturday mar.....
Then 1.30am.... ter'woke up by hp.... >.< .... ignored it :x.... then 2 sms came in :x.... mar see see lu... Vans asked wan yam cha mou with him & sebs ? :x ... ppl sleep till nice nice kacau ppl~!! some more morning need go help at charity sales leh~.... pretend din wake up.... & put silent mode :x ..... kekeke...... 2am something woke up again.... coz ter'woke up by hp de miss called de light ... =.-" got more then 5 miss called :x sui vans .... next time wan yam cha tell early mar :x
8.30am wake up.... 9.15am.... goto puchong de temple... erm.... so many ppl helping jor :x... my job shud be selling the coupons de... but oredi enough ppl jor lar.... no need me oso .... :x so just stay for 30 mins then went back lu....
play game whole day .... till my PS 2 de controller spoilt jor.... wu wu wu .... the triangle button and the square button not working jor~!.... so mar change the other controller to play lu.... :X
after dinner play again... then on9 while... wait someone on9... but din see him... sleep at 11.30pm...
then vans sms asked want buy kose mask or not ... got discount :x ... ok lu... try try the mask... thx ah vans~!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
28 of April went to pump petrol… using credit card inside the station… so the worker there process the transaction … tried 4 times… cannot been process … ok… tried the other card for 1 time…. :x cannot oso …. No choice … so paid jor cash tat day…. RM36.03.
2 weeks ago… received 1 of the card’s statement …. Eeeeeee? Notice the RM36.03 figure appeared in the statement …. >.< called the bank… the bank officer fax a form for me to fill.. then fax back to them… yesterday received the letter from tat bank… saying they will query this transaction & if after their investigation & proof that I did authorized the transaction then they will levy RM20 charges… fair enough…. :X
& yesterday oso… received the other bank statement….. noticed got the 4 transaction with RM36.03 …. =.-“ eyes rolled big big….. @.@ …… I tot the bank will call the card owner if they found out got few petrol transaction been done in the same day same card same time de…. But dun hv …. :x coz they might suspect the card been stolen mar… maybe RM36.03 is a small amount… so they dun bother :x …. But RM36.03 x 4 = RM144.12 leh~!! ….. >.> will call this bank tomolo coz today still at hotel :x
1st time having this problem with credit card… lucky got check the statement…. If not blur blur pay liao extra oso dunno…. So li hai cheat money 1 the bank … :X
Today last day at hotel….. finally saw a leng zai :x …. He came for another event at the other room de …. :X I was discussing something with a sei 8 poh (Australian lady)… kakacaocao me to kap leng zai…. :x I saw the leng zai when he passing by on his way to toilet…. :x tat sei 8 poh say wan come at noon… then suddenly show up at morning to discuss things with me… kakacaocao me… if not I can follow the leng zai to toilet :x… kekeke….. kidding lar…. I din follow ppl to toilet b4 geh… if go toilet oso I din use the standing toilet outside 1 :x … too shy …. Will oni use those when really cannot tahan… if not I will wait to use the cubicle …. Need privacy… if not cannot pee out … :x
Afternoon suddenly received sms from Fansu… asking wish jor Mr Common birthday mei? :x …. I was like…. Huh? Not tml meh? :x …. So mar reply back… no wor… tot is tml mar…. so to9 oni wish lu…. :x Fansu double check from his side :x Fansu mistaken jor :x …. Kekeke…. So sia sui…. Dunno Mr Common received fansu de early sms got wat respond :x…. lalala~
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
23 May 2006 Tuesday
X-Men 3 will be showing this Thursday leh…. :x ….. probability will watch alone is very high …. Since someone will watch with frens…. & asked Fansu last nite…. Fansu say cannot watch on this weekend… & next week will be the dinner week & then… zoom~ will be flying off jor ….. :X …..
Suddenly remember… while watching the X-men 3 trailer at cinema on last Sunday… the screen was showing Mystique …. Then the gal sitting next next to me … says “yer~ wat’s tat?! ” …… I was like …. Huh…. Omg…. GOT PPL DUNNO X-men…?! GOT PPL DIN Watched X-men de movies b4 ?!! :X ……
Mum says this Sunday my Aunty asked me to be voluntary worker to help at charity sales at a temple ….. :x if got ppl watching movie with me this Sunday … then will find excuses not going to go help lu…. :x …… so sui hor ….. if gonna watch alone then might go watch on Sat nite lu… then Sunday go help at charity sales…. Maybe at charity sales got cute boys :x…. kekeke….. those helping at charity sales sure guai guai zai 1 geh (not saying my self lu… :x) …. lalala…. look right look left …. :x
Monday, May 22, 2006
2 movies in 1 day
Today Vans got performance at Sg Wang wor :X ….. but din go see him :x coz need fetch mum at noon…. & he din inform wat time start oso …..
Around 7.09pm… Sebastian called…. I din manage to pick up coz dinner’ing …… 7.19pm msn to reply Sebastian call :x….. save money …. Keke….. he asked wan yam cha at 8.30pm mar… with he & vans… ok lu…
8.35pm reached Wong Kok Char Chan Teng at Plaza OUG…. Me arrived 1st…. normal lar… me always early geh…. :X the late 1 always Vans de lu….. say 8.30pm reach… 9.05pm oni show face …. So tai pai 1…. :x chat about his things with bf … then about his band performance .... :x ter'see Vans de de lower jaw de skin colour not same with face de colour :X.... y leh? :x cannot tell :X....
9.45pm need to go jor :X …. Coz Vans need to go work jor ….. 10pm reached home … on9 chat with Fansu ….
11.39pm called some one…. See tomolo de plan working mar? …. aiks…. not working …. :(
21 May 2006 Sunday
9.05am woke up…. Since plan A not working…. So proceed to plan B which was Watch movie alone at 1U…. wat’s plan A? … dun wan tell…. Kakaka….. :p no lar… plan A is watch TV & gai gai with some one lu~ ….. :x
10.30am… ngam ngam reached 1U GSC de reservation counter to collect ticket for 11.15am de Da Vinci Code show….
Aiks … got problem with the booking… cannot process my booking number… >.< hv to wait for a while… go sit down at the sofa beside… got 1 lady sit there liao…. I asked her izzit the same problem, same movie & same time? She said ya…. Lucky I m not the oni 1 :X ….. after a while the ticketing personnel took out some tickets… ask the lady to change to 11.45am de show…. The lady agreed…. Then my turn… I insisted for 11.15am de show & wan middle sit :X …. Then the ticketing personnel says he try his best & ask me wait another few minutes…. 3 minutes later…. He got me the ticket… yay~~ middle seat some more at cinema 2, the bigger screen de…. Hehe…. Happy… there’s 2 reason I dun wan change to 11.45am de show … coz I wanna continue another show, Poseidon at 2.10pm… & I saw the ticket for 11.45am de show is at cinema 6… smaller screen de :x ……… lalala…..
14th Movie 2006: The Da Vinci Code * * * *
Lucky I got read the story b4 … if not… I sure blur blur… all the clues to solve the mystery…. >.< so complicated 1…. The show is good… for those who are Christian…. The show might be bullshit :X …. The newspaper mentioned tat Malaysia Censorship Board din censor any part of the movie…. Actually nothing to censor oso lar… just naked butt butt nia …. :X & of coz the whole movie din get any censor lar… as an Islamic country they wanted so much this movie to jatuh muka Christianity…. :X …. Just my own opinion… :x
After the show …. Ops ops…. Oredi 2.05pm jor…. =.-“ 5 more mins to another show… :x …. Wanna buy 1901 hotdog … but so long long queue…. Lazy to queue up lu….. go watch with hungry stomach ….
15th Movie 2006: Poseidon * * *
The movie is about a luxury ship been hit by a huge wave & the ship been turned over…. & some people trying to escape from this turned over ship …. A little bit like Titanic….. But Titanic is much much much better than Poseidon …. :x …. The most shocking part is … the engineer, a plu lai de…., was got dump by the bf … & trying to suicide by jumping into the sea… but then he saw the huge wave coming…. Then he went back inside the ship… dun wanna die jor :x …. Then he joins in the group tat attempt to escape from the ship …. Then he was hanging with another guy, a waiter, at the elevator de "tunnel"… then as expected… got 1 elevator gonna drop down from top …. This plu… need to choose…. Either die together or kick off the waiter below him & save him self from hitting by the dropping elevator… he chosen to kick off the waiter & saying….. sorry ~ sorry~…. :x if I were him… I think I oso will do tat gua :X …. So sui hor? ….
After the show… 4.05pm liao…. Went home lu…. Nothing to eat … eat chocolates :x …
Headache after dinner…. Slept at 9.15pm….
22 May 2006 Monday
woke up at 1.40am…. >.< … then sleep awake sleep awake…. So cham…. :(
Finally 6.30am…. need to get up jor…. Today till Wednesday work in hotel :x …
No leng zai see at hotel today…. :x … so ke lian …. & got a bit headache some more…. :( haiz....
got 2 pimples.... >.> ..... some more face de tone not even..... >.< ..... gik sim ..... :X
wan sleep early to keep young look :X
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Sui Streamyx
Tm net keep on getting more clients & expending..... but we dun think they improve about the service oso .... like today after fong gong .... back home.... after updated my anti virus.... then I restart pc lu~.... but then after restart jor.... cannot connect to streamyx pulak..... try half and hour oso cannot..... dulan..... have to waste money call tm net some more..... then no chocie mar call lu coz cannot on9 I will die.... :x .... phone engaged for 5mins.... got through the phone... wait another 5 mins for ppl pick up the call..... then the tm net technician says klang valley de server got problem, they are rectifying, many ppl oso call in coz cannot connect, but cannot promise me the time frame the problem will be solved, if tml still cannot connect please call them again.... so ngam he says the server got problem at 6-7pm.... ngam ngam tat time I restart my pc.... nia sing....
Since nothing can do... so mar watch movie lu.... watch Eight Below, a movie I regret din go cinema watch so downloaded to watch :X
Eight Below,a story inspired by a true story... survival of 8 Husky Dogs at Antarctic..

But unfortunately... coz of bad weather not plane are allow to go the area for weeks.... cham lu~.... 8 husky dogs were tied with chain & waiting to die.
Days on their own: 4
Maya, Old Jack, Max, Shorty, Truman, Dewey, Buck & Shadow still waiting the expedition team back to pick them at the chain... Shadow got loose.... (I think is Shadow.... :X too similar jor)
Days on their own: 15
A bird catches Max's eyes.... Shadow got excited... go chase the bird for food... other dogs got loose oso & help those who cant get loose.... Left Old Jack, the oldest husky, who din try struggle at all.... Maya, the oni female & the leader of the 8 husky.... try to free Old Jack... Maya used feet to push Old Jack but Old Jack like give up hope.... dun wanna move at all.... Maya lick lick Old Jack to say good bye..... so touching & so cute..... Maya lead the dogs to catch the birds.... Maya instructed Max to stay out of the catching coz Max is still a new & will ruin the plan .... Max din join the catching so dun hv food... so ke lian.... wanna cry jor....... Shorty shared the bird with Max....
Days on their own: 50
The 7 dogs saw the lights dancing in the sky.... & the lights reflected to the land..... Max got excited to chase the lights.... some join in to chase too.... so cute.... but tragedy... Truman fallen from a slope and badly injured...... all the dogs stay near him to keep him warm......... so touching .... hold back tears.... :( Few days over.... Truman died.... so sad..... Maya lead the others to move on.... Max din go & company Truman's body..... weather getting bad.... Max got sked.... but he cant find his tean mates any more..... :(
Days on their own: 133
Maya & others found a evacuated base by the expedition team.... found food there.... yay~! O nthe other hand.... Max was alone..... at another evacuated base....
Days on their own: 152
Max ... saw a dead hugh killer whale.... goes near to eat the meat.... suddenly a huge sea lion cames out from the body of the killer whale to chase Max away... got shocked.... >.< .... Maya & the others cames from the other side... Max tried to distract the sea lion to chase him.... so that the others can go eat the killer whale.... but unfortunately the sea lion head back to the killer whale half way.... Max try to warn the others.... but too late..... the sea lion ter' bite Maya's leg.... Maya was injured ... the others attacked the sea lion & chase it away.....
Maya walk with injured legs.... so ke lian.... finally ... she unable to walk... the others stays near her ...
Days on thier own: 175
Max & others catched bird .... Max gave his bird to Maya.... but Maya dun wan... she gave back to Max.... :(
Finally Jerry, the expedition team member... found a way to back to the expedition base.. to pay respect to the dogs so tat he could release his sadness by leaving the dogs behind ..... He pulled the chain... & saw Old Jack's body..... died at the chain.... so sad..... then he pulled again ... the whole chain came out & it's all empty....
Max sense the expedition team are back.... he lead the others head back to the base.. reunited with the expedition team..... very very touching..... cry jor.... wu wu wu ...... T.T ..... Jerry put them all into the car... but Max dun wan goes in.... & runs away... Jerry goes chase him.... Max lead Jerry to Maya.... Maya lying there not moving..... so so so sad..... cry again.... wu wu wu..... T.T .... Jerry goes near Maya... mor mor Maya.... Maya woke up weakly.... :x ... she alive~..... yay~~
Most touching movie so far..... remind me of my beloved family dog, Bobby ....
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
No update wor~...
& downloading 2 drama.... The Dance of the Passion & Welcome to the house

The Dance of the Passion
Welcome to the House
Monday, May 15, 2006
I Love Tart
Ordinary Egg Tart, Portuguese Tart, American Egg Tart, Cheese Tart, Blueberry Cheese Tart, Strawberry Tart, Assotred Fruits Tart, Lemon Tart, Pineapple Tart, Apple Tart, Durian Tart, Coconut Tart, Bird Nest Egg Tart, Pandan tart, Chocolate Tart, Vanilla Tart .....
Wah~ so many tarts~..... yummy yummy.....
I love tart~! :x
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Alone - Movie
On leave today…. :)
Din sleep well last nite…. Keep woke up and fall sleep…. :( something bothering me… coz my mind keep thinking too much….
Woke up at 7am…. Sent mum go out at 7.40am …. Back home at 8.20am…
On9 a while….. went out at 10am …. Reached MV at 10.25am
Ops….. a bit dizzy when walking… lucky din faint…
Went up to the cinema.. bought MI3 movie ticket… 11.30am de show…. Hehe…. So cheap RM6 nia :x
Still early… goto hv breakfast…. JJ's Super Sandwiches …. Same place had lunch with tan tart tat day… :x same seat …. Ordered same menu …. Oni diff is … without tan tart there :X ….
Saw a father & a son …. Father shud have 70++ years old & the son is about 50++ years old…. The son is down syndrome….. father holding the son’s hand…. walking slowly….. touching…. Father love… ….
After breakfast 11.15am…. go in cinema…. Hall 11… =.-“ small screen…. Tot can enjoy big screen….. sms with fansu & ray ray until the show starts :X no leng zai in the cinema :(
13th Movie 2006: Mission Impossible 3 * * * ½
Impressive starting… impressive actions… impressive stuns …. But…. Less mission impossible de feel …. I dun feel the mission is impossible…. It’s just like those CIA, KGB actions movie…. No big deal actually…. Sexy scene: Agent Declan changing cloth… aiks.. he changed too fast~! … hohoho…. Musgrave de hp dun hv loud speaker meh? Y he needs to bring the hp so close near Agent Ethan de ear & give opportunity for Ethan to attack him … =.-“ & y they dun hv fake names during actions …. So easy to reveal Agent Ethan’s name….. =.-“ so unprofessional….. :x
After the movie…… realized the father & son I saw earlier was inside the same cinema with me….. touching again…. Fatherly love…. :)
Tot wanna shopping …. Then … suddenly stomachache … >.< "
2.30pm fetch mum back home..... 4pm took nap...
6.30pm on9 ...... fansu says might not be able go out tml with pikey & me.... :( aiks.... if fansu no go.... then me oso no go lu..... :X
then tml got wat plan leh ? :X.....
Fallen Angel
He used a year to collect enough feathers to make 2 little wings … he was flying again .. but… he still hoping to be loved again…. So he flies at a low level.… hoping some one will spotted him….
One day… he saw a light… he circling above the light … they started communicate…. After a while…. The light start blinking…. Like giving the signal to ask him come down….
After some thoughts … he hides his wings… and landed on the light….
As soon as he landed… the light suddenly black out… he thinks he moves too fast… scare the light away…. Now he is in the dark….
He felt like the “A Sad Movie” story no. 3 ….. Ended without even starting….. He drops off 1 tear… & spread his wings ……. and…………. ………………………………
A Sad Movie

See the title oredi know the ending of the movie is sad... yes.... the story is about leaving...
4 story line in the movie
1) A fireman 李真佑 and his gf 安秀晶 (a tv news translator for deaf & dumb). The fireman saved 安秀晶 de younger sister at a fire incident … then fall in love with 安秀晶. At the end of the movie, while 安秀晶 at her work, busy translating the news in front the camera… “2 firemen died at the fire incident, 李真佑 and ……. ” 安秀晶 was stunned……
2) 郑何锡 a nameless boxer for 3 years & 全淑贤 a supermarket part time cashier for 3 years ….全淑贤 was tired about the poor life…. Just hv love is not enough…. She left him. He cant accepts it….. & wanna continue the relationships. He quits as a boxer & started a “Break up website” - for ppl who dun dare to break up with their lover… can request for him to speaks for them. He helps a lot of ppl to breaks up…. & finally … he received a request ….. from全淑贤 … wanna break up with郑何锡 with the reason she is seeing some one else….
3) 安秀恩 is deaf & dumb after a fire incident & left a fire scars at the left cheek, work at the theme park, like ppl who dressed like a mickey mouse…. & 尚奎 a young painter who draw or sketch for ppl at the theme park. 安秀恩 likes尚奎, she always try to catch his attention at the theme park … 尚奎 is curious about her looks under the puppet mask & wants to draw her face…. & he is curious why she never talks to him? 安秀恩 was reluctant coz she has no confident about her looks…. Finally安秀恩 with the help of her sister… make up & become pretty … so tat she can let him draw… after finish.. she saw the drawing…. She realized tat’s not her…. She removed the make up… & let him draw again…. She confess she likes him…. But … he told her… he will be going overseas further studies tomolo….. her 1st love ended without starting it …
4) A mom & her 8 years old son…. Mom always busy at work & less time to cares about her son…. One day… she admitted to hospital coz have cancer…. & she realized how much time she missed to be 2gether with her son… but it was to late…. Death is getting closer & closer each day….
Cry a bit during the movie..... touching....
Monday, May 08, 2006
No MI3
Today goto 1U with a TT forum de fren, Haru ... planning to watch MI3 de... reach 1U at 11.10am.... then fast fast go buy tickets... coz din able to book on9.... all fully booked jor....
We lined up buy tickets lu.... the counter we lined up, the staff is employee of the month tim.... :x ok.... our turn to purchase tickets.... 1.20pm de show left oni 1st 3 rows from the screen ..... 1.30pm & 2.30pm de show all the same.... >.<" the employee of the month told us "oni can choose number seats (the 1st 3 rows form the screen)" I see all others rows were showed "R" means reserved.... I am thinking ...maybe we come back line up again at 12.50pm... to buy those uncollected tickets ..... so I mar asked the employee of the month "have all the reserved tickets been collected? coz i see many are reserved tickets" ..... the employee of the month said "yes" .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... i was stunned.... & repeat "1.20pm, 1.30pm & 2.30pm all been collected?" he answered "yes" .... .... ..... ..... i hv doubt on tat..... how is possible all the reserved been collected jor ?? it's still early ... sure got uncollected tickets 1 ~!! ... nvm..... i oso dun wan argue with this employee of the month... we watch the other movie... TYPHOON
12th Movie 2006: Typhoon * * * ½
Jang Dong-gun & Lee Jeong-jea, 2 "ying nam" (very man look de guy) .... Jang Dong-gun is really a good actor.... in this movie.. he speaks great Thai & Russian...... Typhoon is consider a high budgeted korean movie... but the story is just so so .... actually just a simple revenge movie... Jang Dong-gun is too knowledgeable about the typhoon as a sea pirate.... & at the end of the movie, Lee Jeong-jea been too selfish to risk his team's life to continue with the mission... He could abort the mission coz the US oredi sent their secret army to destroy the Jang Dong-gun's ship. :x just my view :p
after movie ... 2.15pm lu.... we walk walk 1U .... then ter'see got David Tao de concert ticketing launching.... we wait wait lu... then around 4pm something.... saw David Tao in person at the stage... most ppl take out camera lar... snap snap snap..... & most ppl use hp de carema lar.... noticed Sony Ericsson & Nokia the most :x... just about 10 - 15 mins... launching ended.... so me & my fren mar walk away lu... then suddenly David Tao with those workers walk pass by next to me .. :x so close nia.... ter'see David Tao got make up de :x got put foundation de :x
5pm.... go eat Ramen b4 go home.....
after dropped my fren home... 6.05pm like tat Zb using vans de hp called ... ask wanna hv dinner mar? I say ok lu.... but will eat little nia.. coz just had ramen .... asked them go where?.. goto Serdang eat Paper Wrap Chicken again..... :x so jam at the Horse Racing Roundabout.... reached the restaurant at 6.48pm... eat a bit....
after dinner then pui vans goto Sri Petaling de Optical shop do contact lens.... but ... finally oso din do :X coz ask ask ask jor a bit ma fan wanna do lens there.... i oso dunno actually y .... kekeke.... :X
then i back home lu~.... 8pm reached home... bath & on9 a while...
forgot to reply sms to mr common... coz he sick jor... so cham.... high fever & felt cold.... send jor regards ... but no reply.... must be sleeping and rest ... :x
then watch downloaded drama
b4 sleep chit chat a while on phone with tan tart... kacao him lu~.... tease tease him.... coz he funny mar... after chat liao sure happy geh... then can easy fall sleep... :x kekeke......
Cousin's Wedding Banquet
Today... woke up at 9.30am .... Cousin's Church Wedding ....
me no need go to witness the ceremony at church.... Father say my another cousin will come & pick me to the Hotel at 11am for the Wedding Banquet at 1pm... (Mum oredi went to chruch & father will follow my brother's car) ... yeah~ no need me drive... keke.... :x
10.30am... bath & get ready.... 11.15am.... cousin reached with his gf & anther uncle .... then we go pick up another aunty ....
12 something reached Hotel Mandarin Oriental ... helping at the registration table ... around 1.30pm bride & bride groom was there... & noticed the male photographer is quite leng zai :x.... so shy when he taking photo at the registration table.... :X
ok.... wedding lunch started .... registration table can "sao dong" (close shop) ... go in ballroom eat lu~~~ .....
English educated ppl de wedding banquet ... always will invite frens to talk about the bride & bride groom.... sometimes is nice to listen if they r good in delivering their "speeches" ... if not.. will be very dry & boring... lucky this wedding is still ok .... when listening to all the speeches on how the couple met & wat the couple had been through.... ..... I was thinking.... wat's if it's is a PLU wedding banquet? .....
will the couple's frens brave enough to give speeches... ?
will the relatives attend such a ceremony.... ?
will they willing to listen to PLU de story... ?
can they accept it....?
2pm something... vans sms .... say he very gan cheong (nervous) ... coz he & his bandmates standing by go up stage at Sg Wang :X ....
3pm something... vans called .... saying his band just finish 1st time "show face" at public ... now still scare & happy.... ask wan yam cha? I ask him come klcc pick me :x
4.40pm yam cha at Blue Dragon..... shared his happiness ... chit chat chit chat till 6pm something... then he sent me home...
After reached home... parent say no cook today coz they will go out eat with sister in law de parent ... ask me eat ownself... =.-" din tell me earlier... if not i will ta bao back eat just now & vans will treat me :X
thinking dun wan eat de... coz still full ..... so mar on9 lu.... then in msn CB (coolboy) says he got nothing to eat at home ar & dun hv transport go out eat & very hungry.... looks like very ke lian like tat..... so I go eat with him lu...
We goto eat dinner at Genting Kelang nearby the place where me & vans meet loh jack :x
After dinner then sent him home.... & I reached home around 10pm....
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Labour Day
Today labour day~.... not need work.... hurray~~!! Today oso is Sebastian de Birthday..... last nite wish him Happy Birthday jor :x ...
9.30am woke up by sms ... today will buy a net fren bday meal de (no buy Sebastian :x keke... sowee~ )... woke up by his sms say 12pm .... ok.. on9 a while... 10.30am... he sms saying going out take KTM jor... =.-" so fast geh... I not yet bath oso... fast fast go bath ... then style hair... erm.... today style better than yesterday :x
11.14am.... he sms says reached jor Bukit Jalil station.... ok lu... i reply say going out now.... half way... he sms again... saying.... he actually at Sri Petaling station... =.-" he mistaken jor.... he so blur~!! haha....
Picked him up.... wah .... lala zai ar~ :x We goto Plaza OUG de Wong Kok Char Chan Teng .... coz nearby lu.... :x he eat Cheesebake Pork Rice.... I eat Nuddle... then we share Banana Ice Cream Wafer and a Pudding.... So full jor...
Today suddenly received sms from not much contacted de net fren.... coz Hotlink Maxis is having a special deal today.... RM1 for 1000sms .. but validity is just for today until 11.59pm .... ..... received sms from fansu oso~!! .... & out of 1000sms fansu oni sms me 2 sms~! ... hmmp... me is not important de ppl is like tat de lu~ ..... :x
After eat jor..... then we decided go for movie lu.... goto BTS.... reached there about 1.25pm.... then walk up to the cinema.... 1.30pm... see see got wat show is around tat time de..... got She's the man 2pm.. but oni left 2 seats...... so no choice... watch 1.30pm de Election 2 ....
1.40pm goes into cinema.... ngam ngam hou~ show start... hehe... no waste any time... :x
11th Movie 2006: Election 2 * * ½
Election 1 is much more nicer..... this episod is like all Keh Le Feh~...... oni Louis Koo is the main actor.... others just show up a while then disappear liao.... either died or jao lou (hiding from police)... maybe been censored a lot gua...... feel the movie is a bit short... Hong Kong movie always like tat..... 1st episod good respond.... then follow by 2nd episod with weak story line... =.-"
After movie then go home lu~....
evening when sms is so terrible.... network busy like hell~! ...... wan send a sms need try for 5minss at least~! ..... ta ma de~...... got 1 sms to tan tart I tried for more than 20mins oso failed~! =.-"
Vans de Band was on air 988 radio station at 9.30pm last nite.... promothing their song for becoming the radio drama de theme song ..... all members is like talking till ki li ka lak.... :x NEED IMPROVEMENT!!!
MV at Sunday
Today will be going to MV teman Tan Tart buy shirt :) .... Tan tart means Egg Tart... :x keke... cute rite?
Actually this is second meet with Tan Tart 1.... :x but the 1st time meet is actually more than 1 year ago... when Martin came to KL & organized a CP (irc channel) group meet :x.... tat time too many ppl.... Tan Tart din even notice me..... haiz~... not leng zai is like tat.... no one notice de~ :X
10am.... start style hair..... but failed ! .... nvm lar..... ugly mar ugly lu~ ....
Morning 10.50am ... I reached jor MV... walk around the LG floor... see later lunch eat wat.... :x.... 10.57am... called Tan Tart.... oh... he almost reach jor... so I wait him ar KTM entrance to MV....
11.04am.... Tan Tart called lu... asked where am I waiting.... I mar say I wearing red shirt lu... got see me ar? he say saw liao... then he come towards me.... :x
1st impression.... y this little guy .... erm... looks like who ar? the way he walk they way he wear the way his hair tat day..... :X eeee...... got Haruko de sytle :x this is younger kind of Haruko ... :p
then tease tease Tan Tart a bit..... :X ... goto walk walk ... talk talk.... see Tan Tart de fashion show.... fix fix the shirt for Tan Tart.... got chance to molest his shoulders.... ops... he got a broad shoulders... sure good to be hug :X kekeke..... *^-^*
Then go eat lunch lu... we go JJ's Super Sandwiches eat sandwich lu... coz my ulcers still not recover.... cant eat heaty food :x sandwich is healthy lu~... got fresh watermelon juice some more.... so nice.... Tan Tart eat till so careful.... he says dun wan eat like fansu ... drop here drop there.... scare later I will write in blog :x paiseh..... keke.... but the vegie from Tan Tart de sandwich
still drop drop drop.... muahaha.... mike ter'see jor :x lalala~.... Tan Tart pai seh so cute 1...
After lunch... ask Tan Tart decided jor wan buy which shirt mar ? Then we goto buy lu~ ...... after bought jor... then walk walk..... tot wan watch movie... so surprise not much ppl at cinema... but timing not ngam... so no watch .... walk walk.... ter'see exhibition hall got Education Fair.... so go look look... nothing to see de.... =.-" all for malays de i think .... :x
After tat walk walk for a while more.... then we decided go home lu~ .... walked Tan Tart till KTM de enterance... :) & i oso back home lu~.... reached home b4 3pm.... try take nap... but couldn't sleep.... so cham....
p/s: when walk walk around MV ... sometimes we din talk .... Tan Tart like felt so weird.... :X looking at me... :X sowee ~ .... hehe.... & Tan Tart tat time looks so innocent :x ...
erm.... 1 more thing is .... after I reached home I ate Portuguese Tan Tart :X lol~! :p
Hair Salon Disappear in BTS
Today went to BTS for hair cut.... maybe long time din goto BTS jor.... I just use the usual way to goto the salon ... walk walk walk..... then eee......? y the salon not there 1? .... maybe one more floor up.... so go up lu~ .... then saw an empty unit space.... huh? OMG~ salon no more liao de? .... no leng zai cut my hair jor :x.... >.<
y no notice de ?? no saying been moved or wat...... aiks...... then I mar walk walk around nearby..... see the salon got moved to another unit or not..... .... walk walk walk.... tired :x suddenly walk pass the BTS Directory..... mar see see lu.... see got other salon mar? ..... Eeee...... spins salon still there geh? ......... located at 04-xx ...... tat 1 not the previous location meh? then I go back to level 4 again..... :x ops..... ter'see Mr KK at the front counter :x ...... silly me.... I mistaken the place right from the beginning..... kaka..... :x
After cut hair.. ask KK got the shampoo for sensitive hair mar? he look look look.... dun hv.... nvm lu bought the wella shampoo for hair lost RM49 ... & the hair cut price increase jor...... >.< ...... previously is RM25.... now become RM35..... so expensive jor~...... u all go where cut hair de??
after cut hair .... coz wan facial later...... then the hair sure messy jor.... go look for a corner no ppl de then take pic... keke... :x