Tm net keep on getting more clients & expending..... but we dun think they improve about the service oso .... like today after fong gong .... back home.... after updated my anti virus.... then I restart pc lu~.... but then after restart jor.... cannot connect to streamyx pulak..... try half and hour oso cannot..... dulan..... have to waste money call tm net some more..... then no chocie mar call lu coz cannot on9 I will die.... :x .... phone engaged for 5mins.... got through the phone... wait another 5 mins for ppl pick up the call..... then the tm net technician says klang valley de server got problem, they are rectifying, many ppl oso call in coz cannot connect, but cannot promise me the time frame the problem will be solved, if tml still cannot connect please call them again.... so ngam he says the server got problem at 6-7pm.... ngam ngam tat time I restart my pc.... nia sing....
Since nothing can do... so mar watch movie lu.... watch Eight Below, a movie I regret din go cinema watch so downloaded to watch :X
Eight Below,a story inspired by a true story... survival of 8 Husky Dogs at Antarctic..

But unfortunately... coz of bad weather not plane are allow to go the area for weeks.... cham lu~.... 8 husky dogs were tied with chain & waiting to die.
Days on their own: 4
Maya, Old Jack, Max, Shorty, Truman, Dewey, Buck & Shadow still waiting the expedition team back to pick them at the chain... Shadow got loose.... (I think is Shadow.... :X too similar jor)
Days on their own: 15
A bird catches Max's eyes.... Shadow got excited... go chase the bird for food... other dogs got loose oso & help those who cant get loose.... Left Old Jack, the oldest husky, who din try struggle at all.... Maya, the oni female & the leader of the 8 husky.... try to free Old Jack... Maya used feet to push Old Jack but Old Jack like give up hope.... dun wanna move at all.... Maya lick lick Old Jack to say good bye..... so touching & so cute..... Maya lead the dogs to catch the birds.... Maya instructed Max to stay out of the catching coz Max is still a new & will ruin the plan .... Max din join the catching so dun hv food... so ke lian.... wanna cry jor....... Shorty shared the bird with Max....
Days on their own: 50
The 7 dogs saw the lights dancing in the sky.... & the lights reflected to the land..... Max got excited to chase the lights.... some join in to chase too.... so cute.... but tragedy... Truman fallen from a slope and badly injured...... all the dogs stay near him to keep him warm......... so touching .... hold back tears.... :( Few days over.... Truman died.... so sad..... Maya lead the others to move on.... Max din go & company Truman's body..... weather getting bad.... Max got sked.... but he cant find his tean mates any more..... :(
Days on their own: 133
Maya & others found a evacuated base by the expedition team.... found food there.... yay~! O nthe other hand.... Max was alone..... at another evacuated base....
Days on their own: 152
Max ... saw a dead hugh killer whale.... goes near to eat the meat.... suddenly a huge sea lion cames out from the body of the killer whale to chase Max away... got shocked.... >.< .... Maya & the others cames from the other side... Max tried to distract the sea lion to chase him.... so that the others can go eat the killer whale.... but unfortunately the sea lion head back to the killer whale half way.... Max try to warn the others.... but too late..... the sea lion ter' bite Maya's leg.... Maya was injured ... the others attacked the sea lion & chase it away.....
Maya walk with injured legs.... so ke lian.... finally ... she unable to walk... the others stays near her ...
Days on thier own: 175
Max & others catched bird .... Max gave his bird to Maya.... but Maya dun wan... she gave back to Max.... :(
Finally Jerry, the expedition team member... found a way to back to the expedition base.. to pay respect to the dogs so tat he could release his sadness by leaving the dogs behind ..... He pulled the chain... & saw Old Jack's body..... died at the chain.... so sad..... then he pulled again ... the whole chain came out & it's all empty....
Max sense the expedition team are back.... he lead the others head back to the base.. reunited with the expedition team..... very very touching..... cry jor.... wu wu wu ...... T.T ..... Jerry put them all into the car... but Max dun wan goes in.... & runs away... Jerry goes chase him.... Max lead Jerry to Maya.... Maya lying there not moving..... so so so sad..... cry again.... wu wu wu..... T.T .... Jerry goes near Maya... mor mor Maya.... Maya woke up weakly.... :x ... she alive~..... yay~~
Most touching movie so far..... remind me of my beloved family dog, Bobby ....
Padan muka~
=.-" Rcks so sui... laugh ppl cannot on9..... sui yan
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