Parent goto relative's de wedding dinner today... so 10.30am fetched them to Jinjang, relative's de house then I went home lu... last minutes oni let me know de... =.-" if I know i m free & afternoon no need fetch mum work.. then i shud hv make my facial appointment ealier in stead is 6pm :( aiks... watched drama at home lu... then went out to Low Yat at 5pm... 5.30pm reached jot Time Square.... still early for facial....
so went to Sg Wang jln jln.... find the new facial products, the skin food de shop ... bought jor 2 products... this is a Korean brand lai de.... saw ppl commented say not bad.... then mar try try lu...

Watermelon Mask (RM32.50) for dehydrated skin... & 2 Eye Mask (RM8.60 each) for dark circle...
keke.... wan do the Watermelon Mask everyday :x.... so free hor?..... no zai kao is like tat de lu... :x
do the Carrot Collagen Eye Mask at nite.... quite nice... got a jelly form of liquid under the sheet.... after 30 - 45mins.. the jelly will disappear jor... :X means absorbed by skin jor gua.... :x din see got result yet... keke... of coz lar... do 1 time wan result wor... u tot sin tan (god medicine) meh~! :x
p/s: today de facial so ke lian.... kena picik picik till very pain & many red marks jor tim... wu wu wu.... ..
25 June 2006 Sunday
woke up at 10.30am... wah... fansu still watching anime ... so terror.... become anime maniac jor... :x... so late still not sleep (UK is 3.30am jor)... piaks~!
watched downloaded drama lu... chasing 3 drama leh... terror mar? keke... :x cannot like tat jor... eyes will be too tired... :x do 100 times eye mask oso no use.... :X....
About 4pm something.... tot wanna go take nap... then Vans called.... ask wanna go dinner mar? ... ok lu... go go go.... go eat nice food :x... yeah~.... but I say i wan take nap till 5pm sin.... :p asked the fei zai Sebastian oso... but he not free....
sleep till 4.48pm.. ter'kacao by Vans de sms... woke up jor... >.<>

This is where we eat.... NAK WON

We ordered jor 1 BBQ set (pork meat)... plus 1 set meal with rice

wah.... the pork meat all ready to eat jor..... yum yum

The waiter says is eat like this de.... vegie wrap the pork with some korean source.... not bad... :)

This is the set meal... with soup & rice de.... u know the additional rice how much mar? RM5 !! =.-" they say is korean rice wor.... so expensive..... we dint add any additioanal rice :x the soup not bad oso... but dun hv anything special lu...

Got dessert.... rice juice & watermelon.... rice juice... so special hor? .... taste like barley... I joked with Vans the rice juice dunno izzit use lai wash rice de water :x
Reasonable price lu.... BBQ set is RM22 & set meal is RM15 plus 15% tax.... RM21 each person...
after paid bill.... Vans show me is wallet... left RM2 nia.... then act like so ke lian.... :x.... ok lu... I say treat him eat dessert.... we decided go eat swensen's ice cream... after tat Vans show me he actually hide RM500 inside de wallet..... =.-" more rich than me... (Ooby, Vans mar like this cheat me de lu.... ) :X
B4 goto Swensen's at Sg Wang... we went to Starhill jln jln 1st..... Vans show me the toilet at LG level... :x wah.... so dark 1.... lucky got ppl jaga inside de toilet... :x if not ... sure got ppl ush ush inside this toilet... coz really special de concept toilet :x...
Sg Wang de Swensen's
Vans eat Mango Madness (RM10.50)
I eat Coit Tower (RM13.50)... ops ... ter'eat liao a bit oni take pic.... keke... yummy yummy... quite nice...
After tat.... we chit chat chit chat ... suddenly wanna drop by Pudu de wai sik gai... see got deng tan eat mar? :x.... but the stall no open.... but Vans ta bao liao very famous de Curry G Cheong Fen back home eat...
After sent Vans home.... I reached home at 10.30pm lu.... get ready to bed... tot wanna call some one b4 sleep.... but finally oso no call.... sked ter'kacao ppl lu.... :x