As usual... morning fetch mum ..... back home watch dl'ed drama...
then about 12.30pm... goto the Store de salon for hair cut... coz just near by ma...& wanna try new salon.... the hairstylist so char 1... dunno how to cut de.... >.< .... gik sei me... next time better go back TS cut...
After tat... fetch mum back... & goto bank...
Back home rest a while.... then 3.45pm.... goto MV jor ... watch X-men III at 5.15pm de show...
16th Movie 2006 : X-Men III: The Last Stand * * * *
The movie is not bad.... Surprisingly.... 3 important characters died.... & The director cleverly explained how Jean Grey become so powerful as class 5 mutant.... of coz if follow the original X-Men the reason is very diffirent.... but I prefer the movie de explaination..... the original reason Jean become Phoenix is because Jean sacrified to save the team & she was possessed by a protector/guardian which is Phoenix..... In the original X-Men no 1 actually died ...
After the movie ... already 7.05pm lu... called Fansu... He & Leng just reached... wait Fansu at KFC .... & 1st time see Leng..... so Fansu passed me my bday gift 1st & Mr Common de gift.... Ask me to pass to Mr Common if he got come to kl ... :X .... hehe... thx Fansu & Leng for the gift

8.03pm.. Fansu called... say he got the place at Chili's jor.... so mar goto Chili's 1st lu.... (ops... ah Vans hor... we sat the same table .....) Fansu & Leng were there jor.... & Pikey oso ... 1st time see Pikey de real ppl.... erm... exactly the same with his pic... no run look (mou zhao yiong) ..... sat opposite Fansu & next to Pikey lu... old ppl sit together mar... :x.... Fansu says de lu... so sui .... :X
We wait wait.. then Lulu came.... 1st time see Lulu... :x Lulu sat next to me... then he & pikey keep sar fa cheung with each other.... & I was in the middle :x..... like a lamp post .... We all ordered bottomless fruit juice ..... :x .... y dun hv topless geh? :x ..... after a while Orange Zai came oso.... sat next to Fansu .... & Pikey switched place go sat next to Lulu... :x keke.... I no need be lamp post jor :X.... Orange zai passed me bday gift ..wah... so nice....

Then I passed to Fansu a tiny farewell gift .... & let all ppl signed & write something on the card which I cincai make 1 :X...... keke..... the card got some head icon de.... & guess who chosen the most lengzai icon to sign? ....... Pikey lu~ :x .....
Finally .... Tan Tart reached jor :x last person to reached... kena teased by Leng :X.... Tan Tart become student look jor.... no more lala look :x.... so young..... looks like 13years old nia ... :x coz pikey switched place jor... Tan Tart sat next to me .... :x he passed ne bday gift too ... wah... so big box .... :x ..... .... nicely wrapped with ribbon tim ... :) thank you Tan Tart~
Then we ordered our meal lu... All oso ate till so full jor .... :x untill Fansu went to unbutton his pant oso :x kekeke..... :p forgot wat we had.... if din remember wrong about the names... got Chips & Salsa, Awesome Blossom, Grilled Salmon w/garlic & Herbs, Monterey Chicken, Chicken Ranch, Classic Nachos, Classic Fujitas & etc lu …… really cant remember.... :x
After tat ... suddenly got cakes some more.... >.< .... surprise lu... paiseh... all sing bday song to me... :X... 3 flavours de cheese cakes... got 6 slices Blueberry Cheese Cakes, 3 slices Oreo Cheese Cakes & 3 slices Cappuccino Cheese Cakes.... :x all from Secret Recipe de :x ..... keke... (ops.... ah vans must be laughing.... eat Blueberry Cheese Cakes again at Chili's) .... so full~~
In between got 2 calls.... 1st was mum... called wrong ppl... she wan call my 2nd brother but called me :x... once i answered the phone.. she talk talk talk.... then I say... I m ah hong ar~! ... she says cheh.... then put down the phone :X .... then the 2nd call was Sebastian ... asked wan yam cha after Vans fong gong ... coz he owe me de... ffk me yesterday~! :x i say ok gua....
Around 12am.... go back lu.... oh ya... b4 tat.... Fansu gave each of us a tiny envolope ... dunno wat inside de lu... cannot open until next Tuesday 5.15pm wor... (dunno got ppl curi curi open b4 Tuesday mar? keke ....) :X
All parked at Jusco there .... just me & Tan Tart parked the other side :x.... so ngam ... keke.... walked Tan Tart to his car lu at P1.... he so little nia.... sked kidnap by ppl ... then I goto my car at P2 ...
Reached home b4 12.30am... then sms Sebastian... says dun wan yam cha jor.... so tired :x ... tomolo baru yam cha lar... :X
happy birthday to u too, I am late jor, paiseh, paiseh :P
thx you~ lawboycool~!! .... where my bday gift? keke...
wahhaha... orang3 reach early dun want become lamppost mah.. then mah roll roll to corner and hide hide looh... :p
so long no see mikey joh... hahahha hope u enjoyed yur bday wor.... :p
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