Thursday, September 28, 2006
Gin Ryu Tei
5.50pm... suddenly Sebastian called said Vans asked me goto MV later... got something to talk to me & yik me.... huh? got wat oh?.... So I mar called Vans lu... Vans said come out chat lar... so mar ok lu... me after dinner only go lu... coz father oredi cooked rice jor ...
Sebastian asked me want watch Miami Vice @ 9.15pm mar? .... erm... dun wan lu... watch till so late.... some more interesting sex scenes (got 2 sex scenes) sure been censored jor de lu~... keke.... :X
7.05pm reached MV lu.... called Vans asked they at where? .... he said wait at Kim Gary lu~... so I mar goto Kim Gary lu... look outside .. look inside... look outside again.... oso no geh ? .... =.-" so mar called again lu... Dim ji (who knows) Vans asked me look at my left side... I mar look loh.... they at far far there... standing outside Chopstik Noodle House.... >.<" ... cheh... make me so pai seh.... standing outside Kim Gary ... let ppl kap... some more let PLU kap tim.... :X
Finally they decided hv dinner at Gin Ryu Tei... the japanese restaurant... Wednesday got 20% discount for Genting Card member... the Genting Card can apply on the spot oso... :)
Looking at the menu after discount is cheaper than other Japanese Restaurant in MV...
What Vans wanna tell me is that he asked the FF trainer liao... slim ppl how to gain weight.... ? :X 1st must do exercise to burn those fat inside the body that prevent or blocking absorption of the nutrition... then slowly can begin to gain weight jor de.... keep ask me fast fast go join with him lu~ .... then Sebastian ajek him.. keep ask Mike join U got wat benefit ? Vans says no benefit... :x .... Then I kick explode (bocor secret) him... If I join then he can get free 1 FF cap lu~! .... lolx~ ..... Vans tot I dunno tim~ :X
After dinner about 9pm jor... we go walk walk lu... ... So ngam... We saw Vans de bf de ex ... :x..... Vans heard his name b4 nia... but no meet in person.... :X.... to9 so got fate... Vans get to see bf de ex.... As usual... Vans will ask... who more leng? who more cute? ... & as usual we all need to say Vans more leng ... :x.... then he happy lu..... then I said.... tat person de skin more leng.... then Vans speechless jor.... keke~.... then he said "of coz lar... tat person more young mar~ u see he get older got so leng de skin mou ?" :X... keke~.... curse ppl tim.....
This Friday planned go outing de... but finally oso cancelled jor.... :x... coz some one got activities lu~ so finally cannot go out liao lu... thinking to ask him come out at evening de... but know he cannot come out at nite de lu... nvm lu...
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Busy Sunday Hang Out
About 12am something.... Vans sms ask ... later midnite yam cha @ 2am lor~.... Sebastian ok liao... I asked will Sebastian ffk or not de? .... Vans says is Sebastian date yam cha de ... :x... Ok lu since I got took nap for 2 hours in the afternoon ...
2.25am... Vans came picked me lu... must quiet quiet open room door... main door... locks... >.<" cannot make a sound... later mum wake up jor will question ... :x
Went to nearby de Dim Sum World eat dim sum....
Sui Vans used his tactic again... asked me cheng him this round coz his wallet oni got RM4 nia... =.-" .... :x
We discussed wat time go out for movie later & go where? but no result de... just fixed jor afternoon will go out nia... :X
Back home at 4am something.... fast fast go sleep ....
11.30am woke up... online in IRC.... saw Chickie there... I asked him wanna join us for movie, The Banquet mou?...(I actually asked for fun oni ... coz last week he said he been booked to watch this movie with some one else jor de).... he asked wat time ? I said after 4pm de lu..... then he said see lor... if wan then will let us know... I mar said ok lu~..... Then I no bother him jor.... :x
then later 1.40pm.... Kuku & Sebastian on IRC ..... I asked Kuku join but he dun wan .... he wan play game.... =.-" .... So i no bother him oso liao.... on9 book tickets jor...... oni 7pm de show can book... so we decided to watch 7pm de show @ Times Square...
Decided to meet at Times Square at 4pm.... I will fetch Vans go .... so decided 3.40pm reach Vans place to pick him de.... Vans says ok ok....
3.05pm took bath then went out at 3.30pm... ops ... late jor.... hehe.... reached Vans place at 3.50pm.... called Vans to come down lu.... 1st call .. no pick up... 2nd call .. no pick up too... 3rd call.. no pick up oso... =.-" .... wait awhile sms him fai di come down... then oni got his replied "SOON" .... so mar wait lu.... waited till 4.20pm still no come down geh~!?? complaint to Sebastian sin.... later Sebastian sure scold Vans kao kao..... keke~ :X
4.25pm.. Vans oni came down.... show his guilty face & act cute face.... said sorry...
4.27pm.. Sebastian called.... asked Vans come down jor mei... I said ya ... came down liao... then wan pass the phone to Vans... Vans refused to take... coz he scared Sebastian fire him.... keke~ ...
Meet up with Sebastian & David at 4.50pm... David wanna ask about specs de price... so Sebs pui him.... me & Vans goto Starbuck coz Vans wanna on9 ... Vans cannot on9 at home few days liao coz no more free wireless streamyx to use (he curi curi use ppl de wireless steamyx de).. now he need to apply own streamyx jor :X
5.30pm... We all went to Low Yat Plaza de Kong Yam Kong Sik eat duck rice... cheap nia de... RM4.90++ oni for the set ... Duck rice + 1 Ribena .... :X all oso eat this set... coz we decided today is eat cheap but nice things... keke... all oso says no money jor... then we oso ordered curry fishballs... 1 plate with 6 fishballs for RM3.00 ... reasonable price... & taste good :) If you all come to Bukit Bintang area & wanna eat cheap & nice food... can come here & try lu~
After eat jor.... we went to Sg Wang walk walk... Vans bought liao 1 red t-shirt... If not mistaken is RM16 :X Vans carried his laptop til tired jor... coz so heavy :x.... asked me carry for him... I dun wan... keke... Sebastian told Vans ... if wan Mike carry U must treat him 1 meal :x Vans says ok... so I carry for him lu.... Vans act ke lian says if ZB is here sure he will carry for him FOC de.... :X no one listen to him oso.... kaka~
Chickie called Vans... asked we all at where coz he is so sien... Vans told him we all out jor bought tickets for movie jor tim :X.... then Chickie fatt lan jar (angry) jor ... :x blamed me no go ask him again ... =.-" .... Me so mou gu (innocent) lu~ like tat oso kena marah... I oredi asked him this morning jor geh... but he wanna hang high to sell ... hmm~ dunwan give definite answer :X now he boring at home... dai sei lar... :X not my fault oso lu~....
6.50pm walk back to Time Square for movie lu.... Vans always must eat pop corns when watch movie de.... Sebastian asked Vans sit far far coz he noisy when eating :x
26th Movie 2006: The Banquet * * * ½
Long movie... 2 hours plus.... the movie goes very very slow.... if you dun like you will falls asleep de lu.... This movie is actually chinese version de Shakespeare's Hamlet.... talking about a prince back to revenge on his father's death... but The Banquet focus more on the Queen ...
9.25pm... after movie jor... Vans said got 1 person from TT1069 forum wanna come meet with him... actually tat person I oso know de... Shinji de fren lai oso ... :x.... Vans regret told him we at TS ... coz this person, Popika oredi on the way coming to TS now jor... with 4 of his frens.... >.<" so many ppl ... Vans tried to entertain him by saying we wanna go off liao de... but he insist wanna meet coz he on the way jor :X Vans says ok lor... if after we dinner jor he still not yet come then we go off ... dun wait him jor...
We went to Jalan Alor eat the famous beef ball noodles.. Vans treat me coz I carried the laptop for him for about 1 hour ... cheap nia lu... beef ball noodles oni RM4.5 nia plus drink RM1 ..... I this dawn treat Vans dim sum oso more than tat jor ler~ :X .... (Survey: shud Vans treat me 1 more meal? please leave ur view in the comment column... keke~ :X)
After dinner ... we decided go 2nd round yam cha at Bangsar... coz Bangsar is located middle of Damansara & Cheras mar... later I send Vans back oso easy... Sebastian send David back oso easy... then later if Chickie wan come join us oso easy....
Popika & his frens waiting in the middle of Jln Alor.... =.-" me need to fetch Vans go to say HI & Bye ... told them we going off liao... mostly kiddo lai de... :x shud be form 4 form 5 gua ... got 1 quite leng zai oh... :X
10.50pm... reached Bangsar lu.... yam cha at Starbuck... so tat Vans can on9...
11.40pm... Chickie came joined us.... ^^" .... kena marah again... & kena stared by his angry eyes :X....
12.30am.... Starbuck wan closed jor... so we all go home lu... Vans still wanna 3rd round yam cha at McD de...... but no body choi him oso..... keke~....
After sent Vans back... me reached home at 1.10am.. fast fast get ready to sleep...
Monday, September 25, 2006
TQ Vans for treat Dinner
Datahomi din come spy me…. Aiks…. I wear so leng oso no come spy me geh ~!?... :x
Yesterday chat awhile with Fansu oso de… long time no chat with him jor… wonder how is he lu~? ….. he ar… got good got no good lu… good is because he went for a short trip to London lu~…. So nice…. No good is because b4 he go for the trip… he… masuk hospital lu~ :x…. so ke lian hor? … sakit till need masuk hospital … :x …. Wonder wat sick leh ? …. So serious de? …. Fansu says is skin infection lu~…. Skin felt itchy & scratch till bleeding… >.<” wah…. So serious wor…. Must be very itchy and painful lu~… hope Fansu is ok jor lu~… & hope no left scars lu~….
But leh… wanna ask ask Fansu de lu… dunno got scratch gugu part till bleeding mar? :x keke~~ …. & got scratch butt butt till got scars mar? …. Muahaha~…. Ops~ ham sup jor…. :x
Today sent reminder to remind the gang for dinner coz Vans treat.... Why Vans need to treat ? ... coz we always do little little things for him & his bf, ZB .... little little things added together mar become big big thing lu~... keke~ ... so must treat lu~... Vans says ZB dun allow him to treat us de... :x .... but we all dun care.... ngek ngek....
Dinner @ 7pm @ Cheras eat fish ....
About 5.04pm... Vans called... says go out now lor~... huh? ... me ngam ngam fong gong just reached home nia... =.-" .... so he mar go fetch Kuku 1st then goto Leisure Mall jln jln lu... I shower liao then oni go join them...
b4 6pm... me oso reached Leisure mall liao.... meet up with Vans & Kuku... me & Kuku cin cai (simply) wear nia... like goto pasar malam ... wear slipper nia... keke... but outside Leisure mall really got pasar malam leh.... lol~ ..... we go jln pasar malam while waiting Sebastian & David come join us...
Vans bought a Adidas shoe at pasar malam ... RM35 nia... :x... he so happy... keep asking me & Kuku leng or not? .... so fan .... :x
Sebastian took wrong way to come to Cheras... coz he din expect Federal Highway is so jam during after office hour.... ..... so we wait them until 7.40pm..... Kuku complaint he so hungry jor~... ;x
We ordered 2 fish (1 is fei zao yu - chilies steamed, 1 bak sou gong - normal steamed), 1 vegie & 1 steamed water eggs .. yum yum... so nice... all eat till bao bao ...
Come... intro to u ... our weird gang that likes to eat ....
Kuku, 21 – Graduated 1st class student but refused to find job until next year, now stay at home play online games whole day.... =.-" .... When go eat meal... follow him order U wont loose anything... coz the meal he ordered must be can make u very full and most cheap 1....
Vans, 26 – Always says he is cutest & like to compare cute with ppl younger than him ....ppl who is 18 - 19 oso wanna compare ... every half an hour he will ask u "am i cute?" "am I leng?" :X & now he always wanna keep himself busy so that he wont thinking so much of his bf who is in overseas currently :X
ZB, 21 - Vans de bf.. currenly at overseas studying... he more geng than Kuku... he can spent RM3 in McD & he got burger, flies & drink.... amazing ..rite? .... how he did it? ... erm... when U have chance to ask him personally ... ask him to tell u lu~... :X mostly he will be the bandaraya... clear up all the dishes.
Sebastian, 22 – Always says he is leng …. A materialistic freak… see what car ppl drives before he see the ppl … More marvelous ... He is rich himself... :x .... When having meal... he is our mum... always order ppl to finish this finish that.... he will be the bandaraya when ZB is not around :x
David, 22 - Sebastian de bf... most rich fellow .... A banana zai... totally dunno cantonese.... but those vulgar words to scold ppl de he knows :X.... Mostly he is most quiet... coz we all normally speaks cantonese... keke~....
Mike, 31 – Age old heart no old … like to mix with young people :x coz like tat can feels self is young oso mar... :X keke~.... wanna gain weight yet lazy to do exercise ... normally is quiet in the gang.... & IF u "zat" him, he wont fight back ... he will find chance to revenge at the right time... "zat" back u kao kao de :X He dun eat prawn... if go eat dim sum.. he will seperate out the prawn from the dim sum then oni eat :X
Kuku & David eat so fast... like hungry ghosts... :X.... then wan add rice liao... keke~...
After we all finished .... left Sebastian clear up the fished until left all bones nia... he so pan nai eat ... no wonder so.... fei zai :X
5 ppls eat liao RM56.9 .... erm... consider cheap liao lu... got 2 fishes wor... :X.... TQ Vans~ ! lolx~~
After dinner... we went to yam cha at nearby de cafe.... since Vans so nice treat us eat dinner.. so we all treat him yam cha lu~ but~ Sebastian says Vans cannot order more than RM4 de drink... coz we 4 ppl oni sponsor RM1 each ..... keke~ ..... :x
One of the waiter in the cafe quite leng zai.. all oso like to kap him... especially Kuku & Vans... :X Vans ask the waiter to speed up our order coz we only have 40 mins till Vans working hour jor... then Sebastian ajek Vans flirting :X....
Around 9.30pm.. Vans wanna goto work jor... I sent him back to Leisure Mall to collect his car.... then sent Kuku home lu~....
Rojak Blog
Today lunch time @ café house… saw 2 cute guys… 1 is a bit kiasu…… :X … like de kiasu aunty… calling his colleague: “Fai di (faster) come queue up here~ here got nice food…!”
The other cute guys was seating at the table on my left handside …. I only noticed him when I free to kap around after my 2nd round of food … :X … he looks familiar …. I keep thinking… erm… looks like who leh….. ? …. Then suddenly strike my mind… oh~.. I know liao… looks like Xiao Mike… :x ….. tall, slim, fair, wearing spec…. & the features of the face oso looks alike….. feels like wanna go talk to him …. Jia jia call him Xiao Mike… then say sorry tot he is my fren…. Then start chatting with him… :x … But No lu~ …. Haha… not brave enough lu~ … pai seh ….
Today the FF gym called me… asked me go try for 1 day & can bring frens along too… asked me free on Friday mar? …. =.-“ so fast… not self prepared yet lu~ ….coz me sport shoe oso dun hv …. :X I said if I wanna go I will asked Vans to make appointment for me lu~ :x….
Some people said my pahliah rojak language is hard to read… ask me can write properly mar? …. But some people said my pahliah rojak language brighten up their bad day… :X
The Datahomi thinks I m a funny person… so wanna chat with me in MSN… :X kekeke~ … no lar… I am not funny de lu~… I am a serious person lai…. He kena cheated by my blog liao …. :x Datahomi works near Eastin hotel de…. Ops… I told him me at Eastin hotel until tomolo wor….. ask him dun come spy me …. :X ….. muahaha~… dunno he will come spy me or not….. tomolo must wear leng leng sin~ ….. . So fatt hao… keke~! :x
Downloaded the International Chinese Singing Competition that I missed out last Sunday to watch…. Wanna see how our local participant Andrew Chan won the Golden Mic Award… erm…. In the final 2 between him & HongKong contestant, Gao Wei… can see that Andrew did sings well than Gao Wei…. When they sing “Meteor Rain” … and then sing YMCA… Gao Wei de voice not suitable to sing those dancing songs… & he does not know how to interact with the audience…. That’s y he lose jor … No doubt Andrew did better than him….
Most surprise is another Malaysian contestant, Anthony won the Most Popular Demand SMS winner…. =.-“ …. All I can say is that his family is so rich…. :x can see that when Anthony receiving the prize.. he looks not confident because he knew was his family helps him won that de….. not because he really won by popular demand….
Another thing about the competition is that… Jordan Chan is not a professional judge and artist…. Because (1) he din memorized the lyrics well & keep change lyrics to influence the contestants performance … makes the contestant loose out points…. (2) he is pro HongKong contestant… during final 2, all other judgers given lower points to the HongKong contestant coz his poor performance compared to Malaysian contestant... but yet… Jordan Chan contrary gave him the higher points…. >.<” ….
Most shock is Eason Chan only gave HongKong contestant 3 points out of 10…. Walao… he so dai dam (brave)…. Lol~!! ….. :x ….
12am… Mr Common ter’kacau me sleep by miss call me…. >.<” nottie~ piaks~! :x
Taiwan PLU... tor sui kar
No leng zai kap today @ hotel….. SAD~!! :x
At nite watched a talk show on PLU in Taiwan… PLU in Taiwan are fighting on gay rights… Taiwan is a very open place… you can talk everything on tv…
The host invited 1 PLU to the show… not leng zai de… :x typical Taiwan uncle looks… this PLU engaged with another PLU… the most interesting part is … both of them are pure Bottom…
The host asked him… how they settle sex? 1st he answered … embraced each other & masturbate for each other lu… then he continues … actually he & his partner already had an understanding… both can have sex buddy to settle the needs of sex…. >.<” … OMG! … I start scolding… dui nia sing… sei cheap jing… tor sui PLU :x
The host asked him… then wat’s the purpose to get married? Coz both oso can hv sex buddy outside… why still needs to get marry? The PLU says that’s different, marriage is a way to show his partner his sincere love to him…. Having a sex buddy is only strictly for sex…
Many people might think this will be the most ideal relationships for straight or PLU couple …. If you do not agree … than congratulations…. coz I wont pei si you :X
Erm…. Maybe I am too old fashion jor gua… I cannot understand how come people can accept this idea…
The PLU says nothing surprise about lu.. coz straight couple oso will do tat… just they didn’t tell openly… for example… There are a lot people going for sauna in Taiwan… straight or PLU… for those husbands that their wife refuse to suck their penis, they will go to sauna to find people (PLU) to suck for them (pure suck no sex)… & it’s free! just to settle their needs….. :x
Those husbands are cheap…. But the PLU who suck them are more cheap ! :X …
The host says the PLU in Taiwan are clever… coz PLU in Taiwan wanna fights for the same rights for marriage under the law, same rights to adopt children…. But they do not fight for the punishment for being not loyal…
This is the 1st PLU talk show that watch till I keep scolding the PLU tor sui kar~ $#^@%%&$ ! :x
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
For people who are interested to chat in IRC… can login to Random server or Dalnet server @ channel #chineseplu … Quite a number of people are chatting there… but remember lu… the channel is just for friendly chatting de lu… if u seeking something else hor~… then u might wanna try other channel like #gaymalaysia or #malaysiagay … wat’s the different for both? I dunno lu… coz I din join these 2 channel de…. :x …. Me good people lai… muahaha~
If u join #chineseplu & u felt boring .. dun blame me wor… coz intro u boring chat room… kaka~ …. Coz nowadays most people chatting in the chat room are kiddo lu~ :X keke~ me old mar.. so all are like kiddo to me lu~ :x Normally the chat room only active at nite time… day time not much people coz most people are studying or working mar…. but leh~ … I mostly only login at day time de lu~ … nite time u seldom see me there… :x
Come find me chat lar… me waiting u all there … keke~ ….
For those who are new to IRC, each chat room are taken care by the Founder, Super Operator (SOP) & Auto Operator (AOP)… Those who are seeking something nottie de leh… sure will be kick out from the chat room and if more serious then will been ban to enter for few hours or permanently banned… :x
In IRC u can see a lot of weird weird nickname… more weird than ndr3w didi, koala bear bear oso got …. Like potheoto (fansu), like deranged_orange (orange zai), jarlandou (fei zai Sebastian), monohomo (xiao mike), tired_boy (mr common) … ect …. Keke~~ :x
#lalaclub chat room (Our gang de own chat room) was officially closed today …. Coz this chat room no more private jor …. Got some people parking their nickname there but not chatting… our gang wanna gossip people oso cannot liao … we wanna kick them out like we are so cruel…. So our gang decided to close it … & Vans registered a new chat room for our gang de private gossip… keke~ ….
I was the founder for #lalaclub, Vans, Sebastian & Kuku was the SOPs… during the time we all still active in IRC…. We use to do gossip there…. & we gossips a lot of ZB de things there…. All the bad things …. That time we all still dunno ZB de.. just Kuku know him nia :x…. keke~ …. Then when Vans & ZB like getting close jor… ZB wanna be AOP… but Vans dun wan give him… so ZB asked me op him…. But leh… I set the rules for him… after he met all the SOPs oni can be AOP :x…. Finally 1 day he met all the AOP liao…. But I still din give him be AOP… muahaha… but leh… that stupid Vans let ZB knew his password liao… so ZB used Vans de password & op himself as AOP….. =.-“ …. Stupid Vans use all same password for all his account de… email lar, IRC lar, MSN lar, internet profile lar…. :x …. So stupid hor ? kekeke~….. but leh… me oso like tat de… muahaha~ all use same password… coz old liao mar… cannot remember all different password mar…. :x
p/s: suddenly remember I long time no login IRC for fansu de nickname jor :x… ops ops~ … tonite must login for fansu to active his nickname… if not will be unregistered jor de lu~ :x…. sowee~ fansu :p
Chatting in IRC is one of the ways to make more PLU frens through online…. But I am more interested to know those PLU that do not online chatting to make more frens…. But how do I get to know those PLU when they dun online chatting leh ? …. Where they normally get to know PLU frens leh ? Clubbing? Match making? I still not yet figure out a way lu…. :x …. Anyone can tell me mar? :x Anyone knew any PLU that is single & dun online chatting de… can intro to me mar? …. muahaha~ :p
At nite around 9pm …. Vans sms to asked people yam cha with him at 10.30pm till 11.40pm… coz he having long break mar… :x But leh…. Pity him… no ppl wanna pui him yam cha …. Coz Sebastian & David @ SS2 eating cake celebrating their dunno how many 10++ month de anniversary… Kuku @ Cheras too far for Vans go pick him jor …. Oni me most near … but me lazy drive out coz car got a lot of things for tomolo till Friday de function @ hotel…. Plus tomolo need wake up early @ 6.30am… so wanna sleep early lu….
So I replied back Vans said dunwan go lu…
Vans replied back “plz lar, dun like tat lar, pui me lar”
The I replied back “ wo bu ting … wo bu ting…” :X this is Kuku style to dun wanna listen to ppl…. Sound familiar mar? …… “wo bu ting … wo bu ting…” …. If u know Jolin de song well then U will find out… it’s from Jolin de old song lai de… :x…. u sing fast fast & see “wo bu ting …. wo bu ting….” ….. maybe will ring the bell….. ? .... it's from Jolin de old song 骑士精神 (Knight Spirit ):x
Gik sei Vans jor….. then he no choice need to come find me @ Sri Petaling lu~ …. Keke~…. Ok lu… since he so sincere mar... come find me wor…. So I must bei min (give face) lu~… pui him yam cha lu~…. Must be he treat oso lu~…. Keke~ ….
About 10.35pm.. Vans came liao… then we goto Sri Petaling de HongKong Mui Gai lu~….
Chit chat about ZB :x…. chat the way he answer Vans de phone when Vans morning call ZB to wake up… Vans says ZB answered his call sounds dead & very fui hei …. Erm…. …. >.<” …. Who will answer wake up call with a very happy de voice leh ? …. Sure sounds dead de lar~ … rite? …. So I asked Vans lu~…. Last time when ZB in KL, he called Vans to wake up…. Does Vans answered with dead voice & fui hei ? ….. Vans admitted yes….. :x …. Keke~ ….. that’s why lu~… so cannot blamed ZB lu~ …. :x last time how u treat people…. Now mar receive back the karma lu~ :p ZB hor~? :X
Vans says he joined jor FF (Fitness First)… asked me wanna join mar? then we can go gym to keep fit fit :x …… I only scared I am 3 minutes temperature lu~ … joined liao but only go few times nia… then mar waste money nia lu~ … so me considering lu~ … no need so fast decide oso lar…. Coz wanna see Vans izzit oso will 3 minutes temperature mar ? …. :x kekeke~….. How many of U wanna do gym oso de? Wanna join together mar? :x
Chat till 11.40pm…. then Vans sent me home lu~ … reached home liao fast fast prepare goto bed lu~…. But leh… have to call call some one 1st lu @ 12.01am… chat liao 36mins then only sleep…. :x ops~… say wan sleep early… but at the end oso sleep late…… :x
Monday, September 18, 2006
Movie, Yam Cha, Steamboat
Woke up at 9am.... Tot wanna go watch The Banquet in the morning 11am de show @ MV de... but leh.... Sebastian says he, David & Vans oso wanna watch at noon .... so I mar thinking watch with them at noon lu..
Around 12pm something.... Sebastian finally login MSN ask how? Vans confirmed going mar? ... erm... I tot they all confirmed jor tim... so Sebastian mar call Vans lu.... but Vans still sleeping... no pick up... :x.... after awhile... I try call Vans lu... aiks... Why my hp no network geh ?!! =.-" so mar use house phone called lu.... Finally Vans picked up jor... :x dead voice... lol~ baru wake up de voice is like tat de lu~~~ :x
Asked him to call Sebastian to confirmed how many ppl going for the movie... I tot they can settle it de... so wanna go take a nap lu ... but leh... Sebastian said cannot book jor... all fully book... =.-" so change to watch Ghost Game... :x... ok lu... Sebastian asked me try purchase ticket on9... I mar try lu~..... using HLBB de card.... but got error... =.-" .... so mar call to the bank see wat happen lu? ..... the bank upgrading the system... oni can do on9 transaction end of September... =.-" no choice lu... asked Sebastian use Vans de card .... :X
mean time... Tan Tart on9... seeking help to dl 3 songs for him... so mar try search the song & dl lu.... suddenly like so busy jor... >.<" ... keke~ need chat need find songs.... then got relative come looking for parent... but parent not in... so i need entertain them awhile....
Finally purchase liao tickets.... 4.50pm de show.... & decided Vans come pick me & Sebastian... keke~ happy~ no need drive mar... :x ....
Vans said Chickie (another IRC fren) called him... so he asked him goto 1U join us yam cha 1st...
Vans 3.05pm picked me... still left 1 song not yet finish dl for Tan Tart.... so thinking later back home oni send to him lu~..... Reached Sebastian house at 3.25pm .... reached 1U at 4pm .... David already there jor.... so Sebastian & David go collect tickets... Me & Vans go meet up with Chickie 1st....
Then we decided goto Nippon Yataimura eat something lu... eat Ramen... then Chickie force me treat him eat... coz he said I always bully him in IRC... so I must treat him .... >.<" ....
The waiter took wrong order.... =.-" all the order were wrong, u believed mar? all the ramen come liao but non of it ordered by us de... so weird de.... so they change for us lu... but I think they use back the same ramen oni change de soup .... :X
We chat at there till 5pm then oni goto cinema lu..... Chickie not watching with us... so he go shopping lu... if after we finish & he still at 1U then we will yam cha again ....
25th Movie 2006 : Ghost Game * * * ½
Thai ghost movie.... went inside the cinema the movie oredi started jor... The movie is really quite scary de lu.... especially closed up scene for the ghost... & the ghost coming to chase the actor... like chasing u... >.<" .....
Among us 4..... me , Vans, Sebastian & David.... Vans & Sebastian are the most timid .... they use hand to cover the face when coming to scary scenes..... :X.... & between Vans & Sebastian... Vans is most timid.... coz he din watch most of the scary scenes at all.... & asked me... the person died jor mei? after the person been killed... then oni he continue watch.... lol~
After movie about 7pm lu.... we meet up with Chickie again... went to Wong Kok Char Chan Teng yam cha.... until 9.50pm .... then Chickie back home lu .... Me, Vans, Sebastian & David went to Kepong eat steamboat... :)
After we ordered steamboat jor... then Vans go pick another fren, Balloon, who is staying in Kepong de come yam cha with us.... :x
Eat steambost until 12.15am.... =.-" so late jor.... Vans sent Balloon back ... then Sebastian... then me ...
While on the way home... ... talking about some ppl really hang fook, coz family is wealthy ... some ppl everythings oso taken care by parent jor... Education fees - parent paid, Car - parent bought, House - parent bought oso... but this is life lu~ .... same human but different life mar~... Sebastian oso says he envy ppl with those life lu... but leh... Me & Vans scold him .. coz he himself is Tai Ji Yeh jor... still wan envy other ppl =.-" wat is Tai Ji Yeh? erm.. means generation of family got running business de lu... :X
talking about car loan .... now most ppl took car loan for 9 years.... =.-" .... Sebastian says ppl can pay more than 1.5k per month de mar... then less than 5 years can finish lu~ no need pay so much interest :x ... but for those ppl who just started work de where can afford lu? ... no need pay other expenses room rental, eat, entertainment, petrol meh? if no family burden can lar... :x Paying car loan is very suffering de lu~ :x
Me reached home at 1.08am... fast fast send the last song to Tan Tart sin~.... dunno he sleep jor mei? ... saw him still on9 geh.... but no respond.... so mar call him lu.. tell him I sent the last song jor.... but he no answer.... >.<" maybe ter'sleep jor gua.... so mar sms lu... later he wake up tat time know I sent jor the song mar... :X then oni he replied me at MSN... still not sleep yet wor.... but I wanna sleep jor lu... so late jor.... later sure Monday blue lu~ .....
Weird Weird De SMS
Today nite time ... around 8pm something.. received a sms.... dunno who de number... asked me still remember him mar? we met b4 de... & I say him sexy de.... >.<" .... so weird geh...
Erm... asked like tat how I remember wor... :X... so I mar replied him back ... asked wat's his name? where we met de lu? & he from where de lu.... ? I tot maybe I really met him b4 and I deleted his number jor... or he changed number jor ...
The he replied back....He is Ron.... he is 20 yrs old.. we met at MV de... & he from KL de ....
Then I knew he is bak jong liao de... coz I never met any Ron b4 mar... but the way he type de sms like I familiar de style lu... :x.... I agak-agak can guess is who lai .... but since he wan play play I mar play along lu~... So I mar ask this Ron dun bak jong wor... keke~ :X
Ron insisted he no bak jong... & we did met b4... & I say he is sexy .... =.-" & he can tell me staying nearby Old Klang Road tim....
Then I mar ask him MMS his pic to me see see lu... see I can recall who mou mar?
Of coz Ron din MMS lar... & asked me free to go yam cha or else mou tim~? & can overnite to his house too.... =.-"
Then I mar pretend scared lu... :x overnite ppl house wor... later dunno wat will happen ? ....
This Ron so nottie try use seducing way to trap me.... wakaka...
I asked him doing wat there... he said he got function .... Then I asked so late got wat function oh? so late still working meh ? .... then he said he now yam cha'ing with frens..... =.-" tak pandai tipu oso.... lol~ :p
Then Ron asked wan go yam cha with him now mou? so he can intro young & cute de fren to me.... wah.... so tempting .... muahaha~...
So I purposely replied back.... I dun wan young ppl liao coz... young ppl is childish de! :x....
Finally this Ron called me... & scold me... wat young ppl is childish? .... muahaha~!! ...
& this Ron is actually Tan Tart lai de lu~ :x he use another hp number play me... :p
Lucky me smart jek~! ... muahaha~
This is because every one have their own way in writing... especially writing sms... if u recognised the short form they use, the way they put the sentences.... then it is not too hard to guess who sending sms to u lu~ :)
But I oso wanna thank you Tan Tart to keep me entertain on Saturday nite de.... :)
Normal de Outing
Today after fong gong got outing lu~... wont boring at home... haha... wat outing Normal de outing lu~... y normal? .... coz go out with a person called Normal lu~.... wakaka~.... weird mar de name? ... erm... coz he is a IRC de fren mar... in IRC all put weird weird de nick name...
6pm I go pick Normal at Sunway... then goto MV see show ...
24th Movie 2006: DOA: Dead or Alive * * *
erm... the movie is something like street fighters de.... a fighting competition then won the money... then actually the fighting competition was a trap .... .... the fighting scene are so exaggerated .... =.-" ..... really impossible than mission impossible.... :X.... if just watch for laugh laugh still ok geh... :)
After movie... we had dinner with another IRC fren Mr Linpeh... we had dinner at OUG de Steven's Corner.... eat mamak lu.... Mr Linpeh suggested there... coz he said there got leng zai see wor....
10pm reached Steven's Corner... just rain jor.... so not many ppl ... till 10.30pm oni got more ppl lu~.... erm... got leng zai mar? .... got de... keke~... but dunno is PLU or not... u know lar... my gaydar very char de... :x erm... OUG de Steven's Corner got more quality guy de... not like SS2 de Murni got more lala zai.... keke~ :X
11pm go home lu.... sent Normal home liao... then me reached home at 11.40pm ....
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Ponteng Work :x
Coz last nite insomnia... so struggling wanna ponteng work or not.... :X .... So in the morning when fetching mum to work .... decided if it's jam on the road then no ponteng... if the road is no jam... then will ponteng ..... surprisingly.... NO JAM (god's will)... wakaka... then I ponteng lu ... :X went home rest after fetched mum ... shh... dun other ppl wor... :p
Rest jor awhile... then watch drama lu... :x tot wanna goto KLCC de Kinokuniya at noon.. but lazy ..... :X
2.30pm fetched mum back home... then take nap lu.... so nice... can take nap.... keke~ ... but tat Vans kakacaucau me sleep ... sms asked to yam cha at 10pm coz he got long break till 11.45pm...
erm... ok lu.... decided goto KLCC de Kinokuniya after dinner @ 8pm then stay at Kinokuniya till 9.30pm then goto yam cha with Vans at 10pm ... erm... nice timing :X
Reached KLCC at 8.30pm.... then took lift to 4th floor... aiks... so many ppl take the lift.. & I need to stand most inside.... >.<" so scary ~ coz i got heights phobia lu~..... dun dare to see the view outside while the lift moving up......... hands palm wet wet liao .... hak sei me...
At Kinokuniya lu~ ..... go str8 to Chinese section .... goto the usual rack where plu books put.... wanna see got new plu books mar? ...... but.... eeeeeee ....... no more liao de? :x ... =.-" normally is the middle rack at the second row... then oni noticed... they moved plu books to most bottom liao.... >.<"

See the last row mar? .... those are plu books :x.... half of it are about Les de... erm.... dun hv new books... :(
Just got a new book on another rack... a local author... just written a book to came out as plu... so I bought tat 1 lu... RM36.90 .... :X expensive lu.... =.-"
9.35pm... need to go jor .... 10pm reached Plaza OUG de Wong Kok.... wait Vans lu...
Ordered the Choc Milk Shake with Ice Cream... yummy~...
Chat about Vans learned what is love .... chat about ZB been matured jor .... Chat about the uncertain future at work ... :X
11.35pm... went back home.... sleep lu...
Yin Yiong de fault
Vans suddenly called asked me help him print something ...... ok lu.... in office mar... so mar print lu for him lu... coz can get 1 free meal .... wakaka :X He called liao Sebastian & Kuku for dinner tonite @ MV ....
6pm reached MV lu..... Kuku & Vans already there playing games there.... so I mar go meet up with them lu..... they playing photo hunt .... the game tat need u find 5 diff spots from 2 pics de lu~... Then I oso join in to play lu... see till eyes blur blur... :X .... 3 person 6 eyes oso cannot break the record on the game machine .... :X.... so char.... lol~ =.-"
Then we goto ground floor wait Sebastian lu.... Vans suggested to eat Japanese BBQ .... but Vans said today de dinner pay AA :X... so expensive mar.... so we wait at Gin Ryu Tei... then we noticed they have 30% discount for VIP world card on Monday.... then Sebastian reached after 10mins... >.<" .... Sebastian said he & his father got world card but different colour de so dunno izzit VIP or not :x .... so we decide to eat next time lu... coz 30% discount alot wor... wait next time Sebastian bring world card sin~.... :x
Then we need to decide eat wat lu~? ..... Vans said dunwan eat western food... :X ..... coz his bf now eat burger everyday :X.... he dunwan eat same food with bf... =.-"
After awhile.... we decided eat at Kim Gary .... :) then David come join us....
I never try the Yin Yiong (kopi mix tea) b4.... since Kuku said it's most nice ... so I mar try lu.... erm.... really quite nice .... :) .... all drink Yin Yiong... :x
While chatting.... have a lot of planning....
plan Vans treat me dinner @ Cheras lar coz I help him print something mar... then Sebastian & kuku oso will join in.. Vans treat them too ... keke... ...
plan goto Nga Nga mountain to hv BBQ lar....
plan goto Bangkok during Chistmas lar....
but leh... all oso no conclusion ... :X
We had dinner till 9.30pm... then Vans goto work lu... me sent Kuku back home ..... then reached home at 10pm....
Sleep at 11pm.... but ..... I insomnia at nite.... I think is because of the Yin Yiong.... >.<" .... cant sleep ... so ke lian.... :(
Monday, September 11, 2006
3 Favourites - Kena Tagged jor
3 favourite local food
1. Gu Lu Yok (sweet & sour pork)
2. Satey
3. Ice Kacang
3 favourite beverages
1. Choc Milk Shake with Ice Cream
2. Soya Bean
3. Honey Milk
3 favourite item from McD
1. Mc Chicken
2. Mc Fries
3. Mc Flurry Oreo
3 Favourite colors
1. Red
2. Green
3. Blue
3 Dreamjobs
1. Writer
2. Condom Designer
3. Rich People de Second Generation 二世祖
3 Animals I like the most
1. Doggie
2. Hamster
3. Fish
3 wishes in life
1. Not Alone
2. Not Poor
3. Not Sick
3 Places I must visit in my life
1. My future bf de Heart ^_^
2. My future bf de Room ^o^
3. My future bf de Body *^-^*
3 favourite blogs
1. Fansu de blog - no more liao... but still my favourite lu~
2. Ooby de blog - a cute blog... but banana zai cannot read... keke~
3. Other frens de blog
3 persons you are tagging this meme to
1. Ooby de Blog
2. Vans de Blog
3. Tan Tart de Blog
Those ppl been tagged... please do the same as above blog... :x dun blame me tagging u wor... me oso let ppl tagged de~.... keke~~~.... :X
Vans slim jor?
Boring .... working .... thinking wan ask ppl yam cha .... then Chickie from IRC ask when wan treat him yam cha? =.-" force ppl treat him yam cha oso got de.... :X lol~ ok lu... since i oso boring ... then I mar pull Vans into water too lu~ ... so I invited them to have MSN conference chat to decide when & where yam cha .... =.-" both oso so busy de .... this time cannot that time cannot ... finally decided Sunday 4pm lu..... yay~....
Around 7.45pm.... Vans called but me having dinner... din realized... 7.56pm..... I called back... He said just now he went around the roundabout dunno wan go where .... :x now he took the way to Mid Valley liao ... wanna go pick a fren to his work place... then he got incoming call.... so I hang up lu... 5mins later.. he called back.. asked for yam cha lu.... coz no need pick his fren jor ... ok lu....
8.25pm.... I finally get a parking nearby Plaza OUG... then saw Vans oredi waiting liao ... Vans ask go where yam cha? coz he dun wanna goto those places he & ZB went b4... coz that will make him miss ZB more :x....
So we goto a kopitiam... PAPPA KOPITIAM.... after we sit down... the waiter (shud be a Burmese)said... they will close soon.... =.-" so early close geh ? .... then Vans ask him can we sit till 9.45pm.... he said ok ok.... but I dun think he understand well de lu.... So we ordered Ice lemon tea & roti bakar... Sui Vans said he only got RM4 nia... >.< ....
Chat chat about recent live... erm... been more than 2 weeks no see liao ... he less argue with ZB jor... but still got argue lar... Like Vans fatt pei hei coz ZB dun wan xxx xxx with him :x.... lolx~ .... wat is xxx xxx ? u all guess lu~ .... muahaha....
I saw Vans de face abit slim jor... the chin abit sharp jor.... erm... maybe it's too dark liao... cant see clear gua... kaka~~.... :X
Then Vans said... he this Sunday no free to yam cha with Chickie liao .... >.<" so we changed to next week lu~ Chickie sure will be dulan him :X
9pm... the Burmese waiter bring the bill liao .... =.-" they wanna close liao... see I already said liao... he dun understand wat Vans said just now :X.... we sit till 9.10pm.. then go walk walk inside Plaza OUG lu.... erm... here lighting so bright jor... :x erm... now notice Vans de chin... still same fat.... kaka~!! :X
9.30pm... we go mao gai (sitting) at staircase like lalazai :x .... till 9.45pm... Vans got work... & I go home lu~ ....
When going to take my car that time... I noticed only the Pappa Kopitiam closed early nia... =.-" others still open .... next time wont go there liao....
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Throat Inflammation
Yesterday evening already felt throat pain liao.... but just drink herbal tea lu... slept early at 10.30pm....
Then today morning drink herbal tea again... felt still pain... :( but the pain switched place jor.. from right side of the throat to left side.... >.<" evening back home drink herbal tea again.... still no use...
10pm already get ready to sleep liao de... brushed teeth washed face & applied pimple mask jor tim :X .... got 2 pimples... >.<" gik sim ....
10.15pm Vans called... so excited asked for yam cha coz he having long break time from work & said Sebastian going liao :X... =.-" then I pour him cold water.... say I wanna sleep liao :X.... keke~ .... ya mar... me already applied pimple mask jor wanna sleep liao de... if go out then need wash it lu... lazy leh :X
10.30pm after watched 2030 Dictionary ep 07... went to bed liao lu~... throat pain pain :(
06 September 2006 Wednesday
9am.... goto clinic see doctor lu.... really need antibiotic lu... so xin ku... :(
no fever... so no MC ... aiks... lol~ ;p
Lunch eat bi hun soup nia... & kena a bit rain... :x hope wont get fever :x..
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
20|30 Dictionary

Every episod will have 1 english word as the topic & explain it in real life of str8 or plu... example... ep01 Flirt, ep02 Liar, ep03 Mirror, ep04 Crazy, ep05 Horny, ep06 Who am I, ep07 Treadmill ............... etc
Visited the drama de website... copy down some of the phrases that quite meaningful... in mandarin de... translated some to english (dunno translate correct or not oso... lol~ ) ... but a bit lazy... so no translate all... lolx (anyone can help? :x) .... sorry to those banana zai :x
在爱人的面前, 通常都会看到一个较卑微的自己.
When you are infront of your lover, usually you will see a more humble of yourselves.
当爱不由你争取时, 唯一可以做的就是等.
When facing the love that you are not able to strive, the only thing u can do is to wait.
爱情没有对与错, 只有爱与不爱.
Love dun hv right or wrong, only have love or dun love.
孤单的人特别高贵, 因为没有爱情的折腾.
A lonely person will be extra noble because they dun hv love torment.
忘记是不需要用力的, 要用力忘记反而越记得更清楚.
Shud not try hard to forget, the harder you try the more you remember.
得不到的时候,什么也不介意. 当得到了, 什么也有点介意.
When you not yet get it, everything you oso dun mind. But when you got it, everything you oso will mind.
当爱情要走的时候, 最好不要挣扎.
When love wanna be gone, it would be best not to struggle.
男人同你讲"I LOVE U" o既 hidden agenda就是 "Let's make love".
Men tells you "I Love you" de hidden agenda is "Let's make love".
你以为对方有问题, 其实有问题的那个人是你自己.
You tot the problem is with your partner, but in fact the one who got problem is you yourselves.
Two people can be together normally is because got 1 person afraid of boring.
世上最远的距离就是我站在你面前 而你不知道我爱你.
The longest distance in the world is I stand right infront of you, but you dunno that I love you.
Can in love with each other does not means Can live with each other.
我可以爱一个人, 不可以只爱一个人.
I can love one person, cannot only love one person.
经常保持一点神秘感, 人就会矜贵一点.
可以不在乎自己, 才能够对别人在乎.
眼泪的存在, 是证明这一切都是真的.
让你开心的 同样也会让你伤心.
在所爱的人面前 任你是谁也会自卑.
一起还是分开 有时只是一念之差.
能控制的是感情 不是爱情.
SEX 是一种不会让你OVERDOSE的特效药.
讲"我爱你"很难, 讲"我o地分手"仲难.
Another interesting things to see are those leng zai actors cast as PLU... like Daniel Chen Xiao Dong, Edmund Liang Han Wen.... :x lol~ let you all see see sexy pic in the drama .... open eyes big big ... 18sx oh.... :x under age please dun scroll down lu~.... :x....

Monday, September 04, 2006
Weekend liao lu~~
1st Saturday of the month... no need fetch mum work.... yeah~ .... planned to go for hair cut... but lazy.... keke~.... so just stay home nia....
then at evening... tot wan go KLCC de Kinokuniya.... & oso can see see Loius Ku @ 7.30pm ... :x .... but lazy oso ... lol~ ..... lazy de me ..... :p
3 September 2006 Sunday
12am something.... suddenly Tan Tart on MSN :X.... saying tomolo last day sales liao lu~... thinking wanna go buy shirt... so I mar ask him go where lu....? he said thinking goto Lot 10... then I mar said I teman him lu... I will go for hair cut early... then teman him buy shirt ...
woke up at 9am.... then reached Times Square at 10.30am.... aiks.... the hair salon not yet open tim.... so mar wait at the opposite side lu... sittng there... wait.... 10.45am.... the leng zai hair dresser, KK with another gal hair dresser came open shop liao :x.... from far... I cannot see clear tat's KK ... coz me wearing contact lens... the contact lens got 1 side de power is less liao 50 de :x... so 1 side is not so clear de... But I can guess is him lu... & he is wearing black singlet.... *^-^* muahaha~ can see from far his is quite fit :X ....
11.05am... go into the shop lu.. be the 1st customer.... keke~ .... KK says "Hie~ Leng zai..." ... ops~... called me leng zai tim.... but i think he every male customer oso call leng zai de lar... lol~ nothing to be happy about :x get a closer looks at him... keke~... still a leng zai with a just wake up de hair ... haha~ ... wearing singlet.... sexy-nya~ :X
So KK wash hair for me.... but I din kap him at mirror... pai seh.... so I just put my eyes on those magazine.... we chat chat... talk about work ... talk about got take leave for travel mar? .... he saying wanna goto Singapore but dun dare coz his english not good... :x I tot wanna say lai lai.... I teman him go.... keke~ :x But of coz I din say it lu~ :p
When start cutting hair.... then I oni kap kap him.... lol :x chat chat about eat liao breakfast mar? ... I mar say no lu... dun wan eat alone..... later wait fren come then will go eat brunch (breakfast + lunch)... then he said he oso no eat de... always come open shop liao then oni go eat... I tot wanna say lai lai... later we go eat 2gether lu~ .... :x But again of coz I din say it lu~ :p then we chat chat other things ....
Then when finised cut liao goto rinse water.... KK got bring up the breakfast topic again... he ask me not hungry meh ? .... I said a bit hungry liao lu... but fren not here yet... :(.... Then he said hungry better go eat 1st ... I ask oso not yet eat... I can teman u eat de... ....... wah... me got heard correct mar?!?!... *^-^* .... but leh.. I take that as a manner lu... dun treat serious .... :X so I just laugh laugh nia .... :x
Over the conversation he knew me waiting fren to come mar.... I say fren will call me when he reach jor... then ..... when almost finish cut ... he mar style style my hair lu... he see my fren no call me yet means stil got some time lu... then he said... lai... I use the hair straightener to straighten my front hair & top hair.... :x .... wah... so nice...
12.03pm... finished hair cut.... called Tan Tart and asked he at where liao ? ....erm... at Monorail jor & wanna reach Sg Wang already.... so we decided to meet at Lot 10 lu~.... Tan Tart said he kena sexual harassment by a chinese guy when taking KTM just now.... that guy sitting next to Tan Tart & crossed his arms on chest... then use his 1 hand near to Tan Tart & molest Tan Tart de arm .... & oso show out his tongue to seduce Tan Tart.... OMG~... >.<" bin tai lou~! Gik sei Tan Tart :x Gik sei me too.... how dare he molest Tan Tart... >.< .... :X I oso not yet molest Tan Tart! ... lol~~ :X
After we look see look see awhile at Lot 10 then goto Hagen Daze look see look see.... then we goto Sg Wang de Swensen have lunch lu~.... me eat Chicken Burger & Tan Tart eat Chicken Stick .... chat chat about the bin tai lou.... :X what would u do when got bin tai lou molest u at KTM? :X
After lunch back to LOT 10 teman Tan Tart buy shirt ..... after that Tan Tart teman me goto Low Yat buy blank CDs...
Then we goto Times Square walk walk at Borders.... sit there awhile chat chat .... then back home lu... already 3.15pm lu~.... hope Tan Tart din get molest taking KTM back lu~ :X
Friday, September 01, 2006
Merdeka Day
woke up at 9.05am.... prepare go out lu.... goto MV see show....
Reached MV at 10.25am.... wah... already many cars liao.... =.-"
Late to collect my ticket liao... lucky no much ppl line up for movie ticket.... :X so i mar line up bought my 2 movies tickets lu~..... tot wanna watch 3 movies de... but tot wanna buy Baskin Robins ice cream later... scare no more nice flavour de...
After bought tickets then goto Baskin Robins see see.... wah... already got any ppl liao... mostly aunty aunty.... so I mar ask ask the staff lu... can I buy now then tumpang at their place till later I come collect? :(
10.45am... enter cinema lu.... b4 tat bought 1901 Chicken Hotdog... :)
22nd Movie 2006 : My Super Ex-Girlfriend * * ½
erm... just so so nia this movie.... for me is not nice lu~.... But 1 thing is true de... a normal person got own feelings.... when suddenly got super power... then power of revenge oso will be super high... :x.... the most funny part is when Uma Thurman throw a living shark at Luke Wilson... lol~ laugh die me...
12.40pm finished movie.... rush to another cinema :x... coz the other show is 12.45pm ....
23rd Movie 2006 : Snakes On A Plane * * *
Very scary~.... many snakes..... >.<" ..... all kind of snakes..... anaconda oso got... =.-" so funny... so big de snakes how to hide inside de plane....
Many ppl died coz bite by snakes.... got 1.... kena bite his penis when pee... =.-" .. & always got a couple making love in plane de toilet then kena bit till die..... & always got ppl kena bite butt butt....
all the scenes oso as expected liao.... just 1 scenes a bit surprise.... tat's the anaconda.... suddenly jatuh down... :x lol~
After movie.... 2.25pm liao lu... goto buy ice cream... yeah~..... :X
Many ppl jor... >.<" till need take number to buy.... why many ppl leh? coz today got 31% discount lu~ ..... finally till my turn lu~ ... bought 3 quart (medium size) with Jamoca Almond Fudge, Ram Raisin & Choc Mousse Royle ... total bill is RM86++... ops.... never bought so expensive de ice cream b4...
Got a senior staff (wearing blue colour de shud be senior gua) ... chinese lai... quite leng zai :x... slim slim de...... lol~ kap him nia while waiting my ice cream :X .....
they running out if ice liao.... >.<" so must fast fast back home lu.... later all melt jor...
After came out from parking.... soooooo jam.... =.-" gik sim~!! those ppl hor..... afternoon liao... sure know dun hv parking liao de lar... still wan come MV de..... :x .... kekeke~ blame ppl pulak...
my ice cream.... melt already~ .... wu wu wu~~~~ :(
at nite.... eat Raim Raisin de.... wah... nice... got a bit like wain de taste de ... :X yummy yummy~....