Every episod will have 1 english word as the topic & explain it in real life of str8 or plu... example... ep01 Flirt, ep02 Liar, ep03 Mirror, ep04 Crazy, ep05 Horny, ep06 Who am I, ep07 Treadmill ............... etc
Visited the drama de website... copy down some of the phrases that quite meaningful... in mandarin de... translated some to english (dunno translate correct or not oso... lol~ ) ... but a bit lazy... so no translate all... lolx (anyone can help? :x) .... sorry to those banana zai :x
在爱人的面前, 通常都会看到一个较卑微的自己.
When you are infront of your lover, usually you will see a more humble of yourselves.
当爱不由你争取时, 唯一可以做的就是等.
When facing the love that you are not able to strive, the only thing u can do is to wait.
爱情没有对与错, 只有爱与不爱.
Love dun hv right or wrong, only have love or dun love.
孤单的人特别高贵, 因为没有爱情的折腾.
A lonely person will be extra noble because they dun hv love torment.
忘记是不需要用力的, 要用力忘记反而越记得更清楚.
Shud not try hard to forget, the harder you try the more you remember.
得不到的时候,什么也不介意. 当得到了, 什么也有点介意.
When you not yet get it, everything you oso dun mind. But when you got it, everything you oso will mind.
当爱情要走的时候, 最好不要挣扎.
When love wanna be gone, it would be best not to struggle.
男人同你讲"I LOVE U" o既 hidden agenda就是 "Let's make love".
Men tells you "I Love you" de hidden agenda is "Let's make love".
你以为对方有问题, 其实有问题的那个人是你自己.
You tot the problem is with your partner, but in fact the one who got problem is you yourselves.
Two people can be together normally is because got 1 person afraid of boring.
世上最远的距离就是我站在你面前 而你不知道我爱你.
The longest distance in the world is I stand right infront of you, but you dunno that I love you.
Can in love with each other does not means Can live with each other.
我可以爱一个人, 不可以只爱一个人.
I can love one person, cannot only love one person.
经常保持一点神秘感, 人就会矜贵一点.
可以不在乎自己, 才能够对别人在乎.
眼泪的存在, 是证明这一切都是真的.
让你开心的 同样也会让你伤心.
在所爱的人面前 任你是谁也会自卑.
一起还是分开 有时只是一念之差.
能控制的是感情 不是爱情.
SEX 是一种不会让你OVERDOSE的特效药.
讲"我爱你"很难, 讲"我o地分手"仲难.
Another interesting things to see are those leng zai actors cast as PLU... like Daniel Chen Xiao Dong, Edmund Liang Han Wen.... :x lol~ let you all see see sexy pic in the drama .... open eyes big big ... 18sx oh.... :x under age please dun scroll down lu~.... :x....

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