Last day work at hotel …. 9am stared the seminar liao… all participants went inside seminar room jor…. Then I mar call the Dell Technical Support lu …. Wanna make report so that they will send ppl come repair de PC mar….
Then the Technical support gal who took the call… ask whether I m in front of the pc?... =.-“ ….. aiks… need be in front kar? ….. she said ya lu… coz she needs me to open the casing do some testing b4 she send technician come lu… so that they know wat parts they need to bring to repair the pc lu…. So I mar quietly drive back home lu … then call again…. Another girl picked up the call…. Asked me do this do tat .. but all the things she asked de I oredi did liao last nite…. Just I din open the casing nia… I say I saw the main board got a orange light is on when I switch on the power plug…. Then she asked me to take out the both RAM then on the power plug again… see anything happen? …. So I follow the instruction lu… but nothing happen oso….
Then she suspects the mainboard got problem liao …it cannot supply electric to other compartments to turn the PC on & she will make a report on that… then will hv ppl call me on Monday to make arrangement to send technician over… I was like “har?~! Monday oni call to arrange ar? Then Tuesday oni will send ppl come lor?! >.<>
Then I quickly rush back to hotel lu about 10.45am…. Ngam ngam they came out for morning tea break… :x ….
Coz of PC rosak make stress & my blood pressure up… & veli fast saw some pimples wanna pop out liao…. >.<” ….. some more they cannot act fast on my report…. I wanna make complaint jor ….
Wanna send email to complaint…. so after the tea break… I mar on my company laptop wanna type compliant letter lu…. Then around 11.03am handphone rang jor…. Not familiar de number… …. Dell called up liao… says will hv technician come repair the pc on Monday between 2pm – 3pm …. A bit relief… ok lu… since quite fast de action been taken… then dun wan complaint 1st… see they can repair fast or not then oni compliant lu…… :X ....
This weekend I wanna play PC games de ar~…. Now cannot play liao… :( …. wu wu wu ....
Blamed the thunder & lightning.... coz I noticed my modem oso not working ... the LAN light is not on.... when I using the company laptop ... so must be the lightning go through the modem then to the CPU main board... coz normally I din detach the phone line from modem de mar... who knows even I din on my modem & pc like tat oso will kena lu~.... :( .... sad'ing..... T.T ......
2 November 2006 Thursday - New PC … ROSAK!!!
Work at hotel second day…… not leng zai to kap lu….. just during lunch time at coffee house…. Got 1 guy…. Tall slim mata sepet…. Like Japanese lu… erm…. Kind of nice looking to me lar… keke~…. Kap him oni lu…
Today 6.10pm oni fong gong… =.-“ so late… reached home already 6.50pm… after bath & dinner… then tot can play PC games liao….
So mar switch on the power plug… then sense the PC rosak liao…. coz normally when switch on the power plug… the CPU will hv a warm up sound…. but now dun hv geh?!… but I still try push the power button on the CPU… NOTHING HAPPEN…. >.<” memang sudah ROSAK…. Wu wu wu wu….. I suspect maybe the lightning make the CPU rosak lu… coz I din unplug the power point when goto work mar… then at noon got thunder storm…. So I mar fast fast call to Technical Support Dept lu… rupa rupa nya sudah lepas office hour…. =.-“ need call back tomolo between 9am – 6pm…. So sad lu…. No mood at all~!!! ….
Then got relatives come visit…. Got a kakak saudara & her mum & my youngest aunt came visit …. Together with my kakak saudara de son… I think is about 4 -5 year old gua…. Then this cute boy came in my room buat kacau when I BUSY finding out why my new PC rosak…. Later I decided to give up liao… coz I tried all solutions to save the pc…. Dulan’ing….. So I purposely start play PS2 game .. then can make the little boy sit diam diam see me play…. & I start cubit he face & kuchi him & mor his botak head… to release my Dulan’ing….. kekeke~…. So bad hor me…. :x …. Then he beh tahan & ran away jor… :x ….. lucky he ran away…. If not I felt like wanna bite him… hehe~… coz I m sooooooo sad lu~!! :”( use liao oni 5 days de PC rosak jor….. gik sim~!!! gik sim~!!! hou gik sim lu~!!!!!!
31 October 2006 Tuesday
Today is Tuesday & is 31st of the month… our gang decided go hv dinner & hv ice cream lu…. At 1st we decided eat Baskin Robins at Mid Valley de (got 31 % discount) … but then Vans informed says that ZB says Mid Valley got Swensen’s (got 50% discount) nearby Brevoulard Hotel… so we will eat Swenson’s liao lu….
Sebastian asked me to pick him up on the way to Mid Valley coz he dun wan drive coz tonite he will overnite at David de place mar…. ;x …. So 5.05pm I on my way out lu… then received sms from Vans says eat dinner at 5.30pm then oni go eat ice cream…. Coz Vans dun wan empty stomach eats ice cream…. Then Sebastian called me… no need pick him coz he dun wan go so early coz Vans wan eat dinner 1st… David cannot make it so early so he wanna wait for David to eat dinner 2gether… so I mar called Vans lu… says Sebastian dun come so early liao… & we shud eat ice cream 1st mar… coz dinner is more important lar for Sebastian & David … they wan eat 2gether de mar… then Vans is like… hmmp … got bf eat dinner 2gether hou bar bai mer~ :X…. keke… he a bit sour grapes jor… :x coz he dunno how long din eat dinner with bf liao lu :x then I says we reach Mid Valley baru decide lar….
5.30pm… reached Mid Valley… after some discussion among me, Vans, Kuku & Chris… all oso agreed to wait for Sebastian & David some liao oni eat dinner … so we go eat ice cream 1st… but b4 tat Vans wanna buy Siu Bao to eat 1st… so he bought 2 Siu Bao… then we saw a cute boy lu…. Really cute lu… but still so young nia … about 14- 15 year old gua….
Then we go search for Swenson’s….. dim ji (who knows)… dun hv lu~! …. Blamed on ZB…. Kekeke~…. Coz he says got de :x… So we goto eat Baskin Robbins lu…. We bought 2 pints (RM33.15) with 2 flavours each… so we hv 4 flavours…. I asked them wat flavour they want… all says dunno =.-“ …. Vans says wan mango & strawberry…. But dun hv mango… so we choose strawberry… then the other 3 flavours he ask me choose…. >.<” ….. so I chosen Rum Raisin, Chocolate & Cappuccino lu...
& so ngam got all ppl de flavourite lu.... Vans likes Strawberry, Kuku likes Chocolate, Chris likes Cappuccino & I like Rum Raisin lu~ .... happy happy~... me so pan nai choose :x

After we finish then Sebastian & David reached liao.... so we goto hv dinner lu~.... goto Gin Ryu Tei Japanese Restaurant lu... today got 30% discount leh.... :X Kuku 1st time go with us... coz previously no ppl ask him go... coz all lazy go fetch him .... :X ... & today 1st time we all see Kuku cannot finish his meal..... @.@ .... all so surprise... keke....
After dinner... then we all go home lu~... I fetch Kuku back lu...
Today is Vans last day work in Old Kelang Road .... after today he will work in Klang jor lu.... :X so far ...... =.-" ...... but leh..... Vans can ask Tan Tart come out yam cha lu... :X keke~.... :p
28 October 2006 Saturday - New PC.. Nice~ !
Today 3pm … New PC arrived from courier service… so happy to see it finally here…. Str8 away cant wait to set up the PC…. Keke~….
Took me 45 mins to set up everything… coz wanna read the menu & follow the instruction carefully mar…. ;x …
Finally set up everything… yay~…..! Switch on lu~…. Wow~ ….. 19” LCD monitor ler… super nice & big…. Kakaka~….. watch porns oso super clear tim :x… ops… ter’say out tim…. Lalala~….. happy happy….
27 October 2006 Friday
Fish date liao Chickie hv dinner & yam cha…. Morning in IRC I jokingly tell Chickie I wanna follow oso :x…. Then he pm me asked me I wanna join mar? … I was like fell not to join lu… coz sked they both will bored me mar…. kakaka… :x … so I told him… erm…. See where they go lu… too far or too late then I dun join lu… coz I knew Chickie will wanna go gym 1st till 10pm de mar…. sure he will wanna yam cha after 10pm… then I can say so late dun wan go liao…. Kekeke~…. :x
Then later at noon…. Chickie pm me again… asked wanna go where hv dinner …. Aisk…. He cancelled goto gym liao… so will go out early…. So I hv to join them liao :x…. then I fast fast ask Sebastian join us…. Ask Sebastian call Vans then Vans call Chris… I dunwan call Vans coz he no pick up my call 1…. Still dulan’ing him :x
So I suggest to Chickie goto Mid Valley lu…. Everyone oso near mar… then he says ok lu…
7.10pm I on my way to Mid Valley… Vans called like very action coz he early early reached Mid Valley… :x we date laio 7.30pm de mar….
7.30pm all reached jor, Me. Vans, Chris & Fish except Sebastian & Chickie… then we decided goto Gin Ryu Ting 1st while wait the 2 late comers….
Later Sebastian called Vans tat he is not coming liao…. =.-“ FFK again…..
Then Chickie came liao…. like a malay… so dark liao his skin…. Coz he went to Bali during the holidays…. :X
After dinner… both smokers Vans & Chickie was smoking…. Then Fish beh tahan liao… he went into Mid Valley walk walk alone lu…. :X Till around 9.30pm… we goto meet up with Fish…. Then Vans wanna goto work jor…. B4 tat when paying bills…. Chickie ter’saw Vans de Mandarin name (written in English) in his VIP card…. Kena laugh by Chickie … keke`….. coz Vans de Mandarin name in English veli lou tou (old fashion) 1…. :x …. Chickie keep oni repeated Vans de mandarin name lu… gik sei Vans…. :X
After Vans left … just got Me, Chickie, Fish & Chris …. & we decided go sing k lu… so goto MyKTV sing lu… near mar… just up stairs nia …. So we goto booking lu…. 10pm liao … we wan see wat time can sing… the person says now oso can sing… 10pm till 2am… RM38++ includes buffet dinner…. =.-“ expensive & we just finish dinner nia… where can still eat leh~? …… so we decided sing 12am – 3am de lu …. :x
Now still early so we went to Kim Gary yam cha lu….. during yam cha.. it was like nothing much to chat…. >.<” see… I says I dun wan come de lu~ :X but then I managed to open up a topic lu…. Coz I see Chickie sms Vans & still wanna laugh about his name mar…. so I mar ask wat’s Chickie’s Mandarin name lu… from there we start the guessing name games…. I personally think .. Chickie de Mandarin name(in Mandarin) is lou tou too… but I din say out…. Coz Chickie very small gas de :x…. kekeke`…… & Chris de Mandarin name is quite girlish…. :X
Almost 12am… we went up to sing k lu~ …. I been to MyKTV once with Yuanfen… tat time felt the system is just so so lu…. But today it become very char liao…. the sound system…. Nothing much improvement….
Now is time to comment a bit of the singing skill …. :x erm… most good de singing skill is Chickie lu… coz he can change his vocal…. & it’s different when he speaks & sings… then follow by Chris… although he mostly sing F.I.R. de songs … & he sings & speaks de voice not much different… but he can catch every tune correctly … so not bad his singing…. :x ….. then is me lor… me can sing better geh… but coz my vocal not strong so can oni sing those slow slow de song & not many heavy background music de lu…. :x …. Last is Fish … :x … his voice when he sings no different from when he speaks… & his key was not correct de :x …. Shhh …. Dun tell him I comment tat …. Kekeke~ ….. :x …. But it’s ok mar he is brave enough to sings… better than those ppl who not dare to go sing k at all….
Around 2.45am like tat… Vans came join us after he work…. I ask him sing Jacky Cheung de song “Big City Small Matter”(Siu Sing Dai Si) …. But he pai seh sing wor… cheh…. Jia jia pai seh…… pui~ :X
2.55am…. I asked Fish fast fast bring forward Leo Ku de Geng Gor Kam Kuk … so that we can sing extra time mar…. the song last 10mins ++ :X …. Vans wanna sing the last part of the song de…. He ask Chickie past him the mic when reach tat part….. but Chickie din diu him…. Kekeke~ :x …… After the song still got song coming out…. So we mar continue sing lu…. :x …. Then the waiter comes chase us out liao …. :x
Vans asked who wanna eat supper… coz he hungry jor… Chickie dun wan… Fish oso dun wan…. Just Me, Vans & Chris go for yam cha lu…. Yam cha till 4.30am…. 4.45am oni reached home… so tired….
26 October 2006 Thursday
Back to work after Deepa Raya holidays…. >.<
Got a IRC fren come to KL, Fish..... so he called me to go yam cha lu..... decided with Fish goto nearby Leisure Mall de café lu…
6.00pm when I wanna go out .. Fish called & said he & his frens, Popika & Prince Xiao Lin (tt forum de ppl) at Mid Valley … so I went to Mid Valley picked them goto Tun Razak de KTM station where Popika parked his car… then Popika & Prince Xiao Lin in Popika’s car… Fish sit my car lu…. Then I follow Popika car goto Leisure Mall lu…. Coz I dunno the way mar… but at 1 roundabout I not able follow… coz a bus blocked my view… & then I asked Fish where they went liao ? It’s raining & been dark liao tat time…. …. Then Fish point at 1 proton saga says “neh neh.. tat 1 tat 1”…. I mar quicky chase up… but…. Tat 1 is a TAXI lai….. =.-“ …… So I search my own way go lu… reached Leisure Mall at 7.30pm…. coz raining we dun wan go out of Leisure Mall lu… So we have dinner & yam cha at Wong Kok lor…. Called Vans few times but he din pick up the call….. dulan him :x ….
Opposite Wang Kok is Fitness First mar… so can see a lot of ppl coming in out lu.. erm … no see leng zai oso de…. Tai jek lou got lar… :x
Popika is funny …. Fish told us his joke… got 1 time Popika eat till very full… so his stomach mar big big lor… then his mor mor his stomach and said “see… my xiu ji (chest muscle) so big….”……. >.<” ….. keke~….. so funny… tat 1 shud be fu ji (abs) mar….
Around 9.15pm… Fish & his frens wanna go see got wat movie watch mou?... so we goto cinema… but dun hv nice movie watch lu… so they decided goto buy anime DVD back home watch….. At the pirated CDs shop… Popika saw Meng Mian Chao Ren de DVD… asking Fish buy for him…. So funny… like a son asking father buy thing for him…. He keep showing the DVD in front of Fish & saying “ I wan this.. I wan this… buy for me…. I wan I wan….” Fish keep ignored him… lol~…. Laugh die me & Prince Xiao Lin….. :x
After tat we go another place walk walk lu….. then I saw something & then consider wanna buy or not …. Erm… cannot tell wat … coz it’s a birthday gift lai… for some one who born in November… keke~ … a bit early to buy lu… now still October mar…. but that’s the oni 1 left liao…. =.-“ so finally oso decided buy 1st lu …. :x
B4 go home we eat Kuai Ling Gou at Gong Wor Tong… wat… Now oni I know 1 small size Kuai Ling Gou is RM6 … :x….
Later at 12am something…. Vans sms says sorry coz cant wake up to pick my call… hmmp!
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