Sunday, December 31, 2006
New New New
No No No..... you din went to wrong blog.... hehe.... this is still Mike de blog lai de.... :x
with New Blog Name, New Blog Template.... :)
Coz wan 2007 jor mar... time for changes.... & time for a new beginning lu~....
to be continue..... :x
31 December 2006 de Hang Out
Last day of the year liao.... what did you guys did leh?..... & went to where leh? ....
Me leh... early early went to 1 Utama lu~.... with Tan Tart.... 10.15am oredi reached 1 Utama with Tan Tart lu~.... actually we went there coz we got facial appointment de lu.... haha... coz last time we bought facial products at Ken's Apothecary & they free us 2 facial mar :x... But our appointment was 2.30pm lu....
So we went jln jln lu~ 1st I go apply 1U privileges+ card lu... coz it's free de lu~... hehe .... then we jln jln at 1U de Highstreet.. coz we are high class ppl mar.... keke~.... After jln liao for 1 hour.... finally me bought 2 long sleeves t-shirt (RM39.90 each) at Zara & Tan Tart oso bought 1 t-shirt (RM59.90) ....
After that we went to have lunch at McD lu... then we jln jln for awhile lu coz so bao (full) jor.... then 1.40pm we went into Bakerzin to have our desserts lu.... actually is Tan Tart "wat" me treat him de lu..... :x
Bakerzin at 1U de Ground Floor, Highstreet
Me ordered 3 tapas (RM13.50) & Spritzer (RM1.50)... got about 15 selections can chose gua... & my selections are.....
Choc & Caramel Ice Cream with Cookie - Very nice...!
Hot Choc Shooter - erm... just so so lu.... :x
Chocolate Fondue - still ok lar... the strawberry is a bit sour... :x
Not bad lu... I think order 3 tapas is more worth then just eat 1 cake lu... haha.... coz 3 tapas got 3 different selections leh... although the portion is small small de lar... :x
2.20pm... we went to do facial lu....
Me do 1st lu.... coz hor there oni can let 1 person de at a time :x... 3pm me finish jor... coz just normal facial nia lu... some more free de wat to expect lu~....
Then Tan Tart de turn.... after 45mins.... 3.45pm Tan Tart finished facial lu....
Then we decided to go home lu~.... my face many red marks ... wu wu wu T.T .... so ugly....
No countdown lu~.... just guai guai stay at home lu~
Friday, December 29, 2006
Last movie in year 2006

Tuesday, December 26, 2006
After Christmas lu...
Back to work lu~ .... so tired :x.... coz yesterday watched drama & play pc game whole day :x & oso did some house cleaning lu ....
When reached office this morning at 8.15am .... received colleague de sms... informing tat her feet suddenly swollen this morning... & will be taking 2 days mc .... =.-" .... so ngam hor... b4 holidays not swollen, during holidays not swollen.... ngam ngam after holidays & the next morning swollen jor... & I have cover her to do her work .... >.<"
How's u all de holidays? ... hope u all enjoy lu~.... hehe...
Today is Ooby de Birthday lu~ .... Happy Birthday to Werid Weird de Ooby~.... hehe~.... :x
Pimples Pimples Pimples =.-"
I think me hor... taken wrong supplements jor...maybe me taken over dosejor lu ... sigh ... wu wu wu... now my face super many pimples liao... all red red 1.... sei lu.... wai yong jor... T.T ......
So today decided fast fast go do facial lu... must extract all pimples out 1st lu...
Reached BTS at 11pm.... BTS de Christmas decoration .... still ok lu... not so grand lu...
notice the pic below got a person taking my pic mar? .... wah... me stand at 1st floor ... he at Gound floor... he oso ter'see me so leng zai.. wanna take my pic leh~! .... keke!.... so I mar fast fast take this pic to prove lu~.... can see mar can see mar? .... a bit dark coz took the pic in a hurry... forgot off the flash lu... :x
12pm went to watch movie 1st lu~.... hehe....
36th Movie 2006 : The Curse of the Golden Flower * * *

The movie hor... sigh~.... it's really nothing to see except those gals de nen nen (boobs) :X ... if u likes to see nen nen ..... then go watch this movie lu... keke.... some more hor... the stupid management go import cantonese version de movie... =.-" .... the movie originally speaks mandarin de mar.... so shud take the mandarin 1 lar...! ...
The palace is oso nice to see lu... inside the palace is so colourful .... & those costumes are oso nice ... but not the story & the fighting scenes .... especially the king's secret killers went to kill the family of his ex wife... the fighting were so outdated & graphics was not up to standard... No wonder this movie not able to be nominated in Golden Globe Movie Awards lu~......
After the movie .. then me go do facial lu... asked the facial gal to dun press so hard to extract the pimples.... but at the end oso... my face all red like tomato jor.... =.-" .... so cham~! ... got sensitive skin is like tat lu~... kena press little little oso will red de... & now i think the redness will last for months.... >.< .... wu wu wu.... wanna cry jor....
After facial fast fast go home lu ... but leh.... so jam at BTS de parking .... jam jor 30mins to go out from the parking.... until my parking ticket de pay time oso expired jor.... coz me paid at machine mar... then oni allow 15mins to go out... till my turn to go out oredi expired jor lu.... =.-"Today X'mas eve lu~.... me count down at home alone with me red red de face lu.... keke~....
Vans' Birthday
Happy Birthday to Vans Vans lu~ :X
Decided jor Vans treat us dinner at Cheras Yew Lik ...
About 5pm Sebastian suddenly sms asked who buy cake for Vans? .... =.-" tot he bought jor de... since ZB ask him buy Hagaan Dazs ice cream cake :x... but leh ... found out Sebastian have not buy Vans de birthday gift oso... :x... coz he says he went to Mid Valley yesterday @ around 12pm geh... but leh... very jam!... & all the parking enterance closed jor... he din managed get in Mid Valley lu... so no buy de gift yet.... next week oni give Vans lu :x ...
Like tat ok lu... i go buy cake lu... 5.25pm bought jor Walnut Choc Cake... then walk walk around lu... 5.48pm Vans sms to all of us says he going out liao... so I mar goto Cheras lu....
5.58pm Kuku called me... says he cant called Vans he waiting at opposite his place de 7-11 jor... but din see Vans .... :x .... I told him he see wrong msg jor... Vans sms "go now. just park 7-11 there..." means Vans told us all to park at 7-11 there lu... not he oredi wait Kuku at 7-11 lu~.... keke... & is not Vans go pick him mar... shud be Sebastian go pick him :x ....
6.01pm.... me reached jor... & park nice nice out side de restaurant jor... then Vans called... we chat chat chat then I asked him where is he liao ? .... he says he still at home.... >.<" ..... Dulan... coz his father drove his car liao... now oni otw back ...
wat to do leh... no ppl arrive yet oso.... so mar called Tan Tart chit chat lu... :x ... ter'kacau he taking nap tim.... keke~~~ :X
6.30pm... finally Vans reached jor... showing off to me his original Adidas jacket bought from Bangkok :x... & the bluetooth handsfree (bday gift) ....
Then Sebastian, David & Kuku reached jor.... we ordered food lu... so hungry :X
Then Sebastian told Vans we only give him present next week since he din manage to buy :X .... then Kuku says we will buy wat depending how Vans treat us today.... keke~ :x.....
Then Vans shared with us his experience at Bangkok few days ago.... :x.... of coz those he can shared out de must be very guai zai de him lu .... then Sebastian & Kuku gossip gossip there sure got something else de .... keke... then Vans do like this jor ---> (*x*)
After dinner then we proceed to 2nd round yam cha @ near by Cheras Leisure Mall de Tan Cha Wu ... we ordered our drinks ... then we ask the waiter to bring us the cake lu ... then the cafe play us Happy Birthday de music...
Din managed to take nice de pic... keke... just cincai take 1 when Vans blowing the candles ... no one wan help Vans cut the cake... so he cut then serves us..... keke :x ...
The cake is very rich of chocolate.... yummy... :X
We yam cha till 9pm... then Vans goto work.... Sebastian, David & Kuku get ready to clubbing @ La Queen.... & me back home play pc game lu :x ....
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Leng zai...shy shy~
Wah.... so special geh christmas tree geh ?..... where lai de? ... :x
At Sheraton Hotel lu.... :x.... keke.... today got function there lu....
Today de event very big oh... got more than 300 participants came all over Malaysia...
Me hor.... b4 7.30am already at the hotel standby jor lu...
most lucky thing today is that the leng zai who attend my seminar months ago... got come to attend this big event :x... keke... so happy to see him ... still looks very guai zai... quiet quiet slim slim ... but me too busy no time go chit chat with him :(
After lunch time... he come and ask me something.... wah... so shy... he come talk to me wor... yippy~! :x .... so I mar ask him lu... how's his work lu? ... he says he begun to feel the work pressure jor... >.< ... might thinking to change feild ... aiks... if he change work feild then I mar no more chance to keep in touch with him liao lu~ :( ....
Coz he from Penang mar & he came alone ... so a thought run across my mind... wanna offer him hv dinner to9 & take him looks around KL ar? .... so wanted to ask geh... but leh... at the end oso no ask lu... pai seh lar... haiz... so regretted... wu wu wu~.....
just spy spy him at far far lu~...
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Morning b4 9am already woke up jor... then started play chinese pc game... but leh... so dulan... coz the game always hang =.-" ...... pirated chinese games always like tat! .... :x
So no choice lu.... last minutes decided goto 1U watch movie lu... fast fast get ready lu~...
1U de Christmas decorations.... Mickey Mouse!! :X....
Lucky managed to buy ticket for 11.15am de show ..... what show leh ? ... Eragon lu~ :X

The movie is not bad.... not as good as other magical movies but definately worth to watch... From the 1st time I saw Eragon's trailer long long time away... I was like cheh~... the main actor oso not leng zai geh~ :x... but today when I watching the movie... Edward Speleers (Eragon) is the kind of actor that you need some time to discover his charm....
Actually I only give the movie * * * ½ nia de... but the director so nice let us see Eragon nice body ... then I add another ½ * lu~.... kekeke~... those who not yet watch... must open eyes big big lu... keke.... looks yummy yummy :x mostly will have 2nd episode lu~... I still will support de~
After the show me go walk walk lu... bought a chinese RPG pc game back home play... keke~ :X pirated de again ... :X
Dinner at MV
Today Vans ask wan dinner or not ... then we decided go OUG Plaza de... but after that he called again says change venue to Mid Valley lu... coz Tan Tart was there and he asked us go dinner there ...
That time just 3pm something :X... when we go oso is 6pm something :x... then Tan Tart mar need wait us few hours ? :x... ops.... nvm lu... he sendiri wan wait geh .. keke... he likes lu... :x
Decided jor Vans go pick Kuku geh....
5.45pm... Vans called asked me out jor mei ? .... he dun hv car coz father drived his car jor... now waiting father back... =.-" .... ask me go fetch Kuku...
b4 6.30pm reached Mid Valley lu... lucky found parking easy coz ngam ngam got ppl wan keluar jor...
Then me & Kuku goto MPH meet up with Tan Tart lu... so ke lian Tan Tart standing for few hours... :X
After 6.45pm oni Vans reached ... =.-" so late .... Then we decided eat dinner at Gin Ryu Tei Japanese Restaurant ...
Tan Tart 1st time meet Vans & Kuku.... a bit pai seh geh ... :X
When I walking with Vans, Kuku & Tan Tart hor... I always walk infront or behind... coz .. when walking all together hor... like a human walking with 3 hobbits :X..... keke~ ....
After dinner ... we go eat Baskin Robins... 1 scoop each person... the Bakin Robins waiter after given us the ice cream then no more choi us jor... like no need pay money de... we can just walk away without paying money :x....
then we walk walk lu... ter'see Kuku like de Brad Brad... Kuku surprise till blur jor... ppl wave hand with him he oso dunno how to react back.... =.-"
then we walk to CF ... ter'saw the famous Sunny walk pass.... Kuku & Vans see till eyes oso wan drop out jor... :X ... both of them says Sunny very leng ....
8.50pm... we go off lu... Vans fetched Tan Tart back Klang coz he otw to Klang work oso mar :x.... then I fetched Kuku back lu .....
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Dear Life
This song is quite nice ... just wanna share out :)
Dear Life
Artist: Anthony Hamilton (can hear the song here .... )
Oh my babe
Oh my love
Early was the morn, flowers filled with dew
I became somebody through loving you
Softly as a child, born in natural rain
I predict the seasons to go unchanged
Sometimes in life you run across a love unknown
Without a reason it seems like you belong
Hold on dear life
Don't go off running from what's due
I became somebody through loving you
Warm was the sun
That covered my body so
Reminding me of you as I'd first known
Those were the days
The days that changed my life
The days that made me knew
I became somebody through loving you
Sometimes in life you run across a love unknown
Without a reason it seems like you belong
Hold on dear life
Don't go off running from what's due
I became somebody through loving you
As the sun shines down on me
I know with you in love is where I want to be
Oh sometimes I go on through life thinking
That love is something that's not meant for me
Woah, somebody, somebody
Hold on dear life
Don't go off running from what's due
I became somebody through loving you
I became somebody through loving you
I became somebody through loving you
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Cartoon day...
Not bad the Pork Chop Burger..... maybe I m hungry gua .... keke.....

The story of the movie is actually just so so nia... or can says very old fashion ... no surprise at all ... So wat's the story anyway?.... erm.... the story is about relationship between father & son lu... the son refuses to grow up & taking responsibilities.... & surely the son will learns in the hard way....
The Christmas decoration at centre court of Mid Valley.... nice mar?..... all the candy houses.... hehe...
Got dancing performance lu....

This cartoon is really really cute & funny.... the little penguins are so incredibly adorable...! ... The movie do wanna send a strong message to everyone about stop hurting mother nature...
Monster ar!
Today afternoon Fish called asked wanna go out to9 mar? .... ok lu.... since last week he came KL I oso no choi him... keke.... so this week he come KL again mar hang out with him lu...
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Bloody Bitch!
Really geram today at work... till I scold Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch YOU DAMN BLOODY FUCKING BITCH!!
Tot wanna talk it out with frens .... but finally oso just keep in my self... talk to my self nia... like ppl got schizophrenia ..... wah..... so scientific de term oso come out tim.... keke..... know wat is schizophrenia mar?..... like mental disorder de ppl lu... like got 2 person in mind talking to each other.... :x .... like orang gila... >.<"
Stress & sleepless..... haiz..... no mood no mood no mood.... but who cares? ... tak ada orang cares lu.... so I must care my self lu.... gam ba teh neh! ... jia you jia you~!.... ops.... talking to own self again..... hehe~ :x
Monday, December 04, 2006
Suria KLCC, Sunway Pyramid & One U
While waiting Tan Tart I took a pic for KLCC de giant Christmas tree.... hehe... nice mou ? :x do advertisement for SK-II oso.... keke~ .....

After that Tan Tart meet up with me lu.... ops~.... we both wear red colour shirt.... >.<" ... keke... we sum yao ling sai ..... but Tan Tart says he went home wanna burn the red colour t-shirt liao... :X
Yam Cha with Pikey, Pangtin & Normal
Today 6pm something on9... then suddenly invited @ MSN to Pikey, Pangtin & Normal de 3p chat... become 4p liao... :x Pangtin & Pikey asked me to join them dinner... =.-" so late oni tell :x.... my mum oredi cooked jor lu... so I said I just yam cha oni lu... they all eat lu .... So decided 8pm meet at Sri Petaling de BP station... & Pangtin will pick me....
8.05pm... Pangtin & Normal Zai reached lu... then we went to BP station meet up Pikey....
We saw a cute Myvi at BP... so tat 1 must be Pikey liao :x... keke... then ask Pikey follow Pangtin de car lu.... we went to nearby de Dai Pai Dong ....
Pikey driving hor... so careful 1... dun look here look there 1 ... he looks str8 oni .... keke~ :x
We saw 1 parking ... so I pointed the parking ask Pikey park there lu... then we parked at the opposite of the road....
Then hor... Pikey no see where we parked de.... he just concentrate on parking then style style his hair ban leng leng :X... I tot he will notice us at the opposite... so we goto the Dai Pai Dong sat down liao.... about few mins... then realised.. why Pikey still no walk over geh??! :x.. I mar go see see lu... =.-" Pikey still standing beside his car looks here & there searching for us :x.... lolx~ so blur this Pikey ....
During the dinner time... just me & Pangtin been talking nia lu... Pikey & Normal zai just quiet nia... :x
Pangtin saw opposite got Secret Recipe... so he tot wanna "wat" me treat them eat cheesecake :x.... but me dun wan treat... :x.. muahaha... so we just AA lu... but we treat Normal Zai eat lu... coz he still student mar :x
Pangtin tot wan ask me tml go out shopping geh... but too late lu... I got plan jor... So he very 8 wanna know who am I going out mar... but I dunwan tell him.... keke... so keep asking but I just ignored him.... muahahaa..... make him dulan :X .... he said " hmmp!... i will find out geh!!" ... HE SO 8 :X .....
About 11pm... wanna close shop liao... then we all went home lu ....
Eat Fish @ Cheras
Friday, December 01, 2006
Korean Drama - Wat's up? Fox

This the Korean drama I m watching now.... :x... kind of nice.... & the young actor, Cheon Jung Myung in the drama is cute (most important)..... muahaha :x....
One thing of Cheon Jung Myung do not have a camera face.... u properply wont put much attention on him when see the pic... but he is the kind of actor that will shine in the drama... U properply will hoping to see him more & more in the drama... That is why Cheon Jung Myung, a new actor, started to catch the attention of Korean movie & drama industry...

Recently most of the Korean drama did not acheive good result in Korea itself... this is because most ppl oredi bored with those old fashion 4 ppl de love story ... 4 ppl means always a love story among 2 gals & 2 guys... & oso the story line of the main actor is ill ... soooo boring.....
This drama catched the attention of the viewers with:
1) Small didi with Big jie jie de love story
2) Story line not boring ....
3) Good actors
4) Do not avoid those sex topic :x...
For those who interested.. can hv a look at the link below, it's actually ep 01 part 2 tat ppl post in youtube .... this part is actually the cute main actor start showing.... & show his gorgeous body.... keke~ :X (it's in english subtitle de oh, so those banana oso can see) :x <-- a scene in ep 01... try scroll to 5mins 45sec .... can see nice body... ngek ngek~!! :X......