I think me hor... taken wrong supplements jor...maybe me taken over dosejor lu ... sigh ... wu wu wu... now my face super many pimples liao... all red red 1.... sei lu.... wai yong jor... T.T ......
So today decided fast fast go do facial lu... must extract all pimples out 1st lu...
Reached BTS at 11pm.... BTS de Christmas decoration .... still ok lu... not so grand lu...
notice the pic below got a person taking my pic mar? .... wah... me stand at 1st floor ... he at Gound floor... he oso ter'see me so leng zai.. wanna take my pic leh~! .... keke!.... so I mar fast fast take this pic to prove lu~.... can see mar can see mar? .... a bit dark coz took the pic in a hurry... forgot off the flash lu... :x
12pm went to watch movie 1st lu~.... hehe....
36th Movie 2006 : The Curse of the Golden Flower * * *

The movie hor... sigh~.... it's really nothing to see except those gals de nen nen (boobs) :X ... if u likes to see nen nen ..... then go watch this movie lu... keke.... some more hor... the stupid management go import cantonese version de movie... =.-" .... the movie originally speaks mandarin de mar.... so shud take the mandarin 1 lar...! ...
The palace is oso nice to see lu... inside the palace is so colourful .... & those costumes are oso nice ... but not the story & the fighting scenes .... especially the king's secret killers went to kill the family of his ex wife... the fighting were so outdated & graphics was not up to standard... No wonder this movie not able to be nominated in Golden Globe Movie Awards lu~......
After the movie .. then me go do facial lu... asked the facial gal to dun press so hard to extract the pimples.... but at the end oso... my face all red like tomato jor.... =.-" .... so cham~! ... got sensitive skin is like tat lu~... kena press little little oso will red de... & now i think the redness will last for months.... >.< .... wu wu wu.... wanna cry jor....
After facial fast fast go home lu ... but leh.... so jam at BTS de parking .... jam jor 30mins to go out from the parking.... until my parking ticket de pay time oso expired jor.... coz me paid at machine mar... then oni allow 15mins to go out... till my turn to go out oredi expired jor lu.... =.-"Today X'mas eve lu~.... me count down at home alone with me red red de face lu.... keke~....
1 comment:
mikey got take mineral or vit c supplements ah? coz it's heaty. if not then it's mikey got tou far wan. got ching chun tau. bwuahaha... mean mikey veli soon got romance in piggie year. *lalala mikey can use cucumber to do facial ma. cheap n fast. if u take it out before ripe hor, sure many lubang one. not leng cai lor.
der movie not so nice. unless ur a interior designer. lolx. where got palace last time got tainted color glass gar. so unhistoric deh.
mikey oso trap in BTS ah. koala oso went on same day wor. Lucky koala went off early. if not stuck. watch 2 movies tim. saw curse n night at the museum. museum is better leh. at least can laugh.
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