ops... jump to 7th day liao..... hehe.... coz nothing happen on the 5th & 6th day of CNY....
Today actually planned jor watch mid nite show with Fei Leng Sebs they all de.... but me not much mood to go liao.... :X so I gave the movie booking number to Fei Leng Sebs.... asked they all go watch lu....
Then Fei Leng Sebs called at 6pm something... asked me go with them lar.... ok lu... since he so got heart.... purposely call me wor.... so I mar go lu... Sebs, David & Kuku will be going to Bukit Bintang see the Super 50 Concert at 8pm.... So i will meet with them around 10.30pm lu.... Vans got work today.... so he cant join us.
Me reached Times Square at 10.15pm.... walked to Bukit Bintang in front of Royal Bintang meet up with Fei Leng Sebs they all..... while I walking to Royal Bintang I watching Penny Tai performing at the big screen....
I saw some other of the local artist performance too.... got Eric Lin Jian Hui, Danny Wan Li Ming, Zhang Xiao Quan, .... PLU favourite Gary Chow
Try to take pic of Gary Chow.... ops... too bright!
Try again... ops.... too small..... lolx....
Received sms from Pikey asking where m I? He says he is at LQ clubbing.... :X .... I told him i m going to watch mid nite show later.... so he says maybe can yam cha after that.... I says ok lu.. will call him after the movie....
Our mid nite show is 12am.... About 11.25pm, David oredi making noise wanna walk to Times Square liao de.... but Fei Leng Sebs still wanna wait for Gary Chow, Fish Leong & Guang Liang... finally Gary Chow performed at 11.30pm.... after the performance oredi 11.40pm.... & the following artist is Pin Guan... no ppl interested on him... but Fei Leng Sebs still hesitating wanna go liao or not... he says the show is 12am... still need 15mins for some movie trailers & advertisements..... Then I told him... go lar go lar.... mid nite show dun hv advertisements 1 lar... :x .... so off we go lu.....
Dim ji (Who knows) ... we in cinema watched liao 20 mins advertisement & movie traliers.... hahahaha~!!! .... & I let Fei Leng Sebs scolded when got each & every advertisement showing.... >.<" lolx~~.... lucky I not sit beside him... if not sure let him nag till die.... :x
14th Movie 2007: Norbit * * *

The movie is actually just so so ..... & dun hv leng zai to see .... :X but interesting is how Eddie Murphy played 3 roles in 1 movie.... which are Norbit him self, Rasputia the super giant fat wife & Mr Wong. Quite entertaining to see Rasputia torturing Norbit.... :X Luckily Fei Leng Sebs not like Rasputia... if not David will be very cham liao......
After the movie already 2.20am liao.... called Vans wanna yam cha bor? ... but he cant leave coz the pub he working kena operasi..... then called Pikey... but he din pick up.... then called again... the hp no more ON liao.... :x .... we thinking maybe he was "busy" with his bf :X... keke..... he "busy" wat leh? erm.... tat 1 u sendiri imagine lu~..... hehe.....
So we decided go home lu.... since everyone oso looks tired.
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