Played new PS2 game: Persona 3 whole day.... from 8am onwards..... go to work oso not tat hardworking :X
then about 2.45pm... Fei Leng Sebs sms asked wanna watch movie, Fracture, at nite? .... I replied ok lu ....
then 3.30pm.... went to took nap...... 3.52pm David sms says 9.20pm de movie... then about 5pm .... I called Fei Leng Sebs see wat time meet up.... he working over time dunno wat time finish oso =.-" so rajin ... then I called Kuku ... Kuku says he will eat dinner at home oni go TS... So I oso eat dinner at home lu ... so still got time to play game :x hehe
7.20pm.... start going to TS.... smooth journey all the way except at Hang Tuah de traffic light... a bit jam... =.-" dunno go wat event near there.... a lot of buses stop there....
Reached TS at 8pm... called Kuku see they are at where ? Kuku says they at G2K .... so mar goto G2K lu .... brought my FFX:International version to borrow Kuku since many places oso out of stock jor....
While I walk passed opposite G2 Blue de shop.... I saw a familiar face inside tat shop... EEEeeee tat guy looks like Lok Lok wor..... :x ops.... is Lok Lok lai....
Then reach G2 Blue.... Kuku, Fei Leng Sebs, David & BW all there.... & Kuku de ex classmate is working there...
Then I asked Kuku got saw Lok Lok mou?.... He says no wor.. WHERE? WHERE? WHERE? ...... ops... he din see.... feel like dun wan tell him tim.... let him sum si si ..... lolx ..... :X but I where got so sui 1 ..... :x so mar told him at opposite de shop lu.... then fast fast go kap Lok Lok .... :x
8.15pm.... Fei Leng Sebs, David, BW wan eat dinner .... so went to 4th floor de kopitiam lu....
40th Movie 2007: Fracture * * * ½

The movie is not bad.... the story line was cleverly arrange... so that the audience will think & think how can Willy (Ryan Gosling) make Ted (Anthony Hopkins) under arrest ... Anthony Hopkins won Oscar Academy Award winner year 1992 for Best Actor in the movie, Slience of the Lambs, which in the films he actually on screen for only 17mins.... After that he been nominated for a few times in year 1993, 1995, 1997.... Ryan Gosling is oso a nominee for Best Actor this year....
After movie... Kuku, Fei Leng Sebs, David & BW might wanna go clubbing because LQ got free entry & free beer... :X so I go home lu.... parking is RM9... =.-" so expensive... can watch another movie liao ...... dns....
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