I tot this week can go Adidas shopping coz Fei Leng Sebs says he gonna borrow his colleague de 30% discount card.... but leh.. he no respond at all :X ..... maybe sendiri curi curi go shopping without telling us.... :X
so today decided clean up my room .... :X coz very very messy ady...
B4 that must buy some plastic boxes to stored my comic books & those pirated vcds :X & oso NIFM Magazines....
So decided goto MV de Carrefour .... reached MV around 10am.... ops... saw Kuku likes de FOTOKEM at parking there :X ....
Bought 3 huge plastic containers at Carrefour.... then put those containers at car 1st... & went back up to SHINS buy shampoo..
Actually wanna buy Redken or Kadus de Sebo Control Shampoo for oily hair... but the promoter says those are chemical base products.... so she recommended me Carlton, strictly for men shampoo which is botanical base products, so it's natural & very suitable for my oily & sensitive scalp... ok lu.... so mar try try lu...
Carlton Shampoo 300ml RM 54 with 8% discount = RM49.68
Then wanna buy hairspray and mousse oso.... actually wanna buy Kadus de ... but they did not have the product series tat I wan.... so the promoter recommended me Fudge membrane gas for hairspray ..... & LAKME de mousse.... but I only took the hairspray...
Fudge Membrane Gas RM 28 ... but after back home.. I saw the price sticker on the hairspray is RM46 .... :X
After that went to buy slipper from QuickSilver RM59.90
Then fast fast back home start tidy my room .... from 12.30pm till 3pm.. very very tired.... >.<
Realised actually 1 huge container cannot stored all the pirated vcds ... consider to just throw away all the vcds... but em ser dak lor... coz there at least got 150 - 200 titles .... Let see average RM5 x 200 ...ops... spent jor at least RM1000 on vcds last time b4 got streamyx ....
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