Saturday sing k at Green box, Sg Wang… with Kuku, Piano & Mention... keep in low numbers... then all can sing more.... wakaka :x
1.30pm went to picked Kuku…. Then meet up with Piano & Mention at 2pm in TS…. 3 of them wanna eat lunch…. So decided go to TS de Gasoline….
Just entered Gasoline… Kuku:”WAH !!!” …… then I oso “WAH WAH…!!” …… we saw about 20++ kiddo PLUs gathering there….. ^^” One of the old timer IRC chatter was there, Coolboy….
TT gathering??..... ^^"
We got the seats not far from them…. So Kuku been very busy kap those kiddo PLUs :x A rough estimation, there were about 25 – 30 kiddo PLUs… & unfortunately I cant see got any cute 1 cause my back was facing them >.< Too bad Tofu was not here, if not he will be very excited to see so many kiddos!! …. :x
Lucky saw a leng zai when we left Gasoline…. Tanned guy, fit with sleeveless shirt… ops…. Saliva oso out ady…. Muahaha….. :X
2.45pm… walked to Sg Wang, Green Box @ Room 49…
Kuku been a while didn’t sing K jor…. So he was quite blur at first to select what song to sing….. :x
Mention very fast selected many songs >.< but then many songs he din sings till finish de :X
Piano this time didn’t sing Zhang Dong Liang’s song as his Opening :X
Finally Kuku back to Normal after he sings Mayday de Li Kai Di Qiu Biao Mian. Then he successfully challenged Sam Lee’s Guang Nian …. Which is a very very difficult song to sing… of coz there is one part Kuku runs tunes jor… :x but that was already enough to impressed Piano & Mention jor :x
Me mostly sings songs that I didn’t sing in K b4… some is first time sing de … and some kena kacau & distracted by Piano & Kuku :x so jin kak… The I sang run tunes they all laugh till 99…. CCB…… >.<
6pm we were still allowed to continue sing…. ^_^ ….. so we continued…. Until 6.40pm
We all walked back to TS…. & decided to eat KFC… I had the Snack Plate Original… which was tasteless to me…. ^^” & so ngam at KFC I saw the leng zai tanned guy again which I saw at Gasoline this noon *^_^*
We saw Eason at TS…. With KK(slim jor) hosting the event…
Ops.... too far away..... :X
We decided to continue yum cha at Wong Kok, OUG Plaza…. Can have the Chocolate shake with Ice Cream…. Yum yum… while listening to Halo Café de singer sings….
9pm something at Wong Kok… & the singing at Halo Café (2 guys) was terrible…. >.< even Piano can sings better than him…
10pm something… David came join us….
11pm something… confirmed that Linpeh not coming… then we went home lu…
The whole day I couldn’t hear 5 sentences came out from Mention de mouth…. ^^" ….
waaaaah, dont say me till like uncle gold fish la... haahaha
Lulu says u r.....!!...
lolx.....!!! :x
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