I reached MV at 6.50pm… went to Jusco 1st …. While walking towards Jusco …. I saw two familiar de objects walking towards me …. Ops…. One is hiao po Desmond … another one is never meet before de isBackKajang…. :X I dun think they saw me… so I fast fast walked pass them baru sms hiao po Desmond…. :x
Desmond very fast called back…. Ugut me go to Domino Pizza meet up with them…. :x but I went to Jusco see still got any promotion for Rocky – Chocolate & strawberry sticks ….. sadly Jusco in MV dun hv…. >.< last time was bought at Jusco, Pyramid de…….
Later I went to Domino meet up with Desmond & Kajang…. Chit chat awhile… Piano says he will be late cause super duper jam at Federal Highway… he asked me go jln jln dulu…. Sigh… me felt very hungry no energy walk oso…. Some more the 2 hiao po keep seducing me with their pizza….. >.< …..
7.55pm…. I walked to cinema counter to queue up 1st …. Quite many ppl ….. Piano finally show up at 8.15pm…. Piano generously asked Desmond & Kajang wanna watch the movie oso… since he still got quite a number of free movie passes….. :X Desmond & Kajang kindly accepted the generosity of Piano… so 4 of us will watch the movie…..
Finally 8.35pm Me & Piano went to Kim Gary to have our dinner …. My favourite waiter was not there…. >.< disappointed….. but Kuku’s favourite waiter, Bryan was there (very very difficult to kap his name at his nametag coz he keep on walk very fast & his nametag is Red colour but wording in Black … difficult to read from far) :X …..
After dinner…. 9.10pm…. meet up with Desmond & Kajang at Pets Wonderland…. Then kap kap zai awhile before went to Cinema there ….. Piano requested to treat him popcorn…. Ok lu…. Since he used his free movie passes to belanja movie…..
32nd Movie 2008: Made of Honour * * *

The movie is so so… actually the movie is something like My Best Friend Wedding starring Julia Roberts…. My Best Friend Wedding still 1 of my favourite movies… watched it dunno Ns time…. :x For me, Made of Honour was not so touching… I would prefer a sad ending…. :X
Thank you Piano for the free movie ... from me, Des & Kajang.... :X
How come nobody offer me free movie tickets?
Leggie: erm.... I remember when we met tat day was going for a free movie at Leisure Mall ... :x rite? .... haha.....
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