After collected the movie ticket.... went to buy comic book... planned to buy Naruto (book 1 - 50) ... but the comic shop do not hv the complete set ^^" ..... so look see look see awhile... decided to buy Saint Seiya (book 1 - 28) ..... hohoho.... so happy ...
Intro you a great website to read comic online.... (already added this link to my side bar) .... This website got the most updated on going comic... like Naruto, Bleach, One Piece and many many more...... most important it's free ! :x
46th Movie 2008: Twilight * * * ½

The movie was quite nice.... because got quite a number of lengzai..... lolx..... :x the movie actually quite romantic.... nothing to scare about... although it is a vampire movie.....
lai.... let me intro to u the lengzai ..... :x

Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen
Quite leng zai .... looks familiar.... ?
If you got watch Harry Potter ..... he played
the most leng zai character in Harry Potter -
Cedric Diggory.

Cam Gagandet as James ... the sexy bad guy ... :x hiao again

Jackson Rothbone as Jasper

Kellan Lutz as Emmett

Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black....
this kid looks like Steven Strait some time.... :x
i dont mind their bite me >.<
chester.... wahaha.... u more hiao than me :x
do they bite else where besides the neck?? *wink*wink* wah you are so into comics!
Ah Frog... where u wan them to bite u ..... *^-^* .... keke...
I love Emmett.... sexy.
bite me! suck it ! :p
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