Actually I have watched Slumdog Millionaire at home.... :x but since it's nice... I decided to watch in cinema again..... online booked 4 tickets at Pavilion 9.45pm .... normally I will oni book 1 ticket :x..... but this movie really nice.... so I must share with friends! But I am lazy to find ppl to watch... so I just sms Piano (John) asked him wanna watch? ... & asked him to ask 2 more ppl to join..... & hopefully is leng zai.... lolx..... :x
But he found Linpeh (Jack) & TV(Terebi) to watch :x
Reached Pavilion at 7.30pm..... went to Sg. Wang bought shampoo.... then walked back to Pavilion meet up with Piano.... went to collect movie tickets.... b4 buying the tickets... Piano wouldn't contact Linpeh & TV to confirm that they are coming.... so I just bought the tickets anyway..... Then went to Wong Kok coz Piano wan dinner... I just yum cha.... Finally Piano managed to called Linpeh to confirmed he will be coming at 9pm... TV still missing in action.... >.<
9.10pm... walked to cinema.... Linpeh reached at 9.30pm.... Finally managed to get TV & he were nearby walking over to cinema.... & Linpeh & TV have no idea this is a HINDI MOVIE..... :x.... lolx.... Linpeh looks regretted for joining the movie....
10th Movie 2009: Slumdog Millionaire * * * * *

Yes.... I rated 5 stars.... :x For me it's very nice Hindi movie..... perhaps it is the best Hindi movie I have ever watched.... Actually I never really watched a full Hindi movie b4 :x ... From the very beginning of the movie... you will be very curious of what had happen to Jamal K Malik (Dev Patel)...
The movie show you the life of a slums in India... how the ganster "collects" the street child to do the beg the money for them... the film reflected the social problems in India...
The movie remain me about how I use to like to watch "Who Wants to Be A Millionaire".... I use to watch very episode on TV.... not the Malaysia Version.... :x Once listen to the theme music of "Who Wants to Be A Millionaire" ... all the familiarity of the show was coming back....
The movie won 30 over awards including Best Picture in 2009 Golden Globe Awards .... & been nominated for 11 categories in 2009 Academy Awards including Best Picture....
Rated 5 stars because.... 4½ stars for the movie.... another ½ star for Dev Patel... :x.... I think he is cute.... wakaka.... hiao again :x Most attractive is when he smile... especially at the end of the movie.... he was dancing ... when he smile... walao.... >.< ... kind of sexy too when he wearing a shirt & the black singlet dancing.... :x
The weak point of the movie is actually no subtitle when they are speaking English.... I can understand 90% of the lines .... but when they are like mumbling & mixing some Indian words in between the lines... I find it hard to understand.... Luckily I watched at home de got English & Chinese subtitle 1 :x....
After movie.... Linpeh & TV seems enjoy the movie very much.... (sharing a great movie with friends --------- PRICELESS ...... at the end I had to remind Linpeh & TV pay me the movie tickets :x) TV so bin tai.... coz he says he most likes the Jamal when he was still a kid ... the youngest part in the movie..... aiyer..... bin tai lou :x
p/s: I dun mind watch for the 3rd time.... really like to see the dancing part at the end.... :x
1 comment:
invite me lor next time. kekeke :P nice meh the movie? i go buy dvd. kekeke...
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