Yuan Fen asked to watch Star Trek on Friday .... so mar ok lu.... I done the booking coz his PC rosak jor.... so cannot online :x
GSC ticket booking website always down when ever u need to book tickets.... =.-" so I book through phone booking.... but dunno the seating is nice or not.... On the other hand... managed to booking nice seats at Cineplexes.... so we decided to watch at Cineleisure ....
Friday... went out office at 3.45pm... went to IRB (Inland Revenue Board), Jalan Duta to submit company's things... Reached there at 4.10pm... timing should be ngam ngam hou 1.... coz always not much ppl by that time.... & I should get everything done in 15mins... then I can goto the Curve jalan jalan jor .... :x
But then something tells me something wrong... coz how come still got so many cars 1?? .... If u went to Jalan Duta, government office b4 ... u will know what I mean... normally ppl parked their car everywhere 1... all illegal parking... Very lucky I got a nice parking coz ngam ngam got ppl coming out.... I was stunned when I went in the IRB payment counter... it was full of ppl ... pack like Sardine.... ^^" .... so I press the number... I got 2 cheques to submit... so press 2 -3 cek .... I got 6341.... & the number now was 6154 ..... erm... that's mean .... I need to wait for 187 people to my turn.... REALLY OMG lor....
Luckily... I am not stupid ... :x .... fast fast press 1 cek de... I got number 4396... number now was 4345 ... so I need to wait 51 people ONLY.... still a lot .... but much much better... & I press again for the other cheque... ^^ ....
Managed to finish submit the thing b4 5pm.... ^^" .... sweat & tired .....
Not familiar with Sprint Highway... drive slow slow... took the wrong turn... to TTDI jor... so took a longer way & reached the Curve b4 5.30pm... :X
Went to collect tickets.... jalan jalan while wait for Yuan Fen....
We had dinner at Kim Gary.... then went in cinema at 6.55pm ....
Saw a few lastest new movie trailers .....
1) Terminator: Salvation .... nice... long forward to the movie....
2) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen .... very nice... very looking forward...
3) G.I. Joe: ... Looking forward to this movie b4 saw this trailer.... after this trailer... was like.... erm... kind of fake.... :x... the effects looks fake.. u can see the actions not match with the background... meaning u can see tat were the computer effects... but I still will go watch this movie lar... coz it's my childhood cartoon mar.... :x
16th Movie 2009: Star Trek * * * *

This movie bring back a lot of memories of Star Trek 1st generation..... Romulan's Spaceship was so cool .... very well designed.... The brand new USS Enterprise ... still looks beautiful.... very emotional when u see 5 or 6 Starfleet ships making Space Jump... & the future Ambassador Spock's Ship looks smart & cute.... :X All the characters ... very well cast .... Each of them brings their character alive.... Spock(Sylar in Heroes) is so cute... lolx... very different from Heroes...... The Russian officer is cute too... he smartly added some Russian accents to make ppl remember him more.... good job & we will see him again in Terminator:Salvation! :X The story was quite well written... The movie was 2 hours...... but still felt should hv been longer... coz I wanna see more!!
1 comment:
No doubt Chekov is cute too, 17 yrs old only, LOL
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