Went to Pavilion at evening... coz going for movie there with Yuan Fen at 9.10pm.... seldom go there for movie coz parking is expensive... RM8 after 6pm ( Fri - Sun) .... :X ... I went a bit early to jalan jalan & hv dinner .... coz pay so expensive parking must jalan jalan there a bit de mar.... lolx.... so kia su...... :x
Came out from parking I saw a guy carrying the big big Chicken chop from ShihLin Taiwan Street Snacks 台湾士林夜市... decided to eat that later... I went to collect ticket 1st.... After collected movie tickets.... went to Food Republic walk 1 round.... couldn't find the ShihLin stall ^^" ....
Finally I had my dinner at Hong Kong Dessert Place, Level 6 .... but it seems most of the food were not available jor... ^^" ... lazy to go other place so just eat wat ever they have....
Ginger Fried Fish Rice 姜葱鱼饭 RM11.90
Erm.... the rice did not cook well... a bit hard... ^^" .. and the Ginger Fried Fish ... do not have ginger taste.... coz it's all ready cooked & they did it seperately... they had the ginger gravy ready seperately.... & the fried fish ready seperately.... when got ppl order.. they just mix together lor..... ^^"
Mango Lo Lo 芒果捞 RM7.00
Looks pretty but just so so nia....
When I almost finish dinner.... Yuan Fen just reached lu... he so smart... parked at Lot 10... :X Then he show me where the ShihLin stall are... ^^" it's near the Mr Baoz 包子先生 there..
32th Movie 2009: Ashes of Time Redux 东邪西毒终极版 * * * * ½

Originally this movie was release in year 1994..... & had watched it already (forgot in cinema or pirated.... lolx) .... The director re-edit the movie last year with better soundtrack & digital colour & effects....
The movie still awesome to me.... the colour were so beautiful... people commented that every scenes can be printed as post card or poster.... Although many ppl do not like this movie coz it's so boring to them... just talking talking and talking... .... so maybe the movie is meant for a listener.... :X
Got 2 ppl left the cinema half way... both chinese.... yet got 2 guai lou stayed till the end of the movie.... :x.... I dunno the guai lou enjoy the movie or not?... coz the original scripts were far more beautiful & meaningful than the translated scripts..... :x
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