Early morning prepare to go out to MV lu... then suddenly 9.30am Vans sms asked wanna hv dinner tonite bor? (wah so early sms ppl.... )... I said ok lu... and asked wat time? .... but no reply ... ^^" ... coz I dun wanna go out whole day mar... will be very tire 1... if go dinner then i dun go for movie lu... maybe tomolo oni go for movie .... after half an hour oso no reply sms ... so I mar call to ask lu... Vans no pick up... then he called back... he said dinner not confirm coz Kuku not free & Fei Sebs says only yamcha after dinner.... so I said then cancel bah... dun kacau me go MV now.... lolx....
Need to rush to MV b4 10.30am... to pick up ticket... now already 10.10am... !! .... lucky traffic very smooth... & no problem find parking... still early morning mar :x ..... ngam ngam reached GSC at 10.32am.... but there was no ppl queuing at ticketing counter so I decided buy the ticket there instead of collect at online reservation counter.... :)
37th Movie 2009: Phobia 2 * * * ½

Long long time did not watch Thai horror movie jor..... ^^ .... this time chosen this movie coz ..... coz got leng cai in the movie lor...... lolx..... :x..... of coz becoz of the stories too lar.... 5 stories from 5 directors.... Quite scary coz I am sitting alone... and oso cold till shivering >.< .....
1st story is not so scary but the story is good
2nd story is a bit scary coz happened in hospital ward... always scary when in hospital de...
3rd story got leng zai.... lolx.... so just focus on the leng zai.... :x
4th story is ok scary... story is not bad...
5th story is so funny plus a bit of scary .... laugh non stop & very dai sei.... :x
B4 the movie saw this latest SE Aino ad... hmm... kind of cool... so thinking to get this instead of Nokie E72 jor....
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