Saturday, February 27, 2010

26th February 2010

Today is teman Fansu day.... been 2 years never meet with Fansu jor...
Fansu took LRT to Bukit Jalil then I fetched him to MV lu...
Reached MV at 1.40pm... luckily can find parking space fast... hehe...

Queue up very very long queue to buy movie tickets 1st... but the line was quite fast moving .... good good....

Then meet up with Federick... Fansu de... ;x ... ops... lalala... & we had lunch at Sushi Zanmai, The Gardens....

Thank you Fansu for belanja lunch lu... :)

After lunch then teman Fansu bought Private Structure underwear... ops.... since when Fansu became so hiao jor? :x.... hehehe...

After that is about time for movie lu... so said bye bye to Fred... Me & Fansu went to cinema lu....

12th Movie 2010: Hot Summer Days 全城热恋:热辣辣 * * * * ½

Good movie... lots of touching plots... wu wu wu...... saw fansu curi curi cries.... :x lots of stars in the movie... most shocking was when Maggie Cheung shown up for about 3mins.... really WOW... !! T.T .... Lots of sexy sweaty scenes.. ....hohoho..... mata sepet de Xiao Fang ... so impressed by him.. kekeke... I like I like... ops.... hiao ...again... :p

After movie... went to WOFS ... coz Fansu wanna buy things... me saw the crystal bracelet got 60% discount... so I bought 1 clear crystal bracelet... for health & stress.... ^^ only RM24.80...

Mr Tan Tart & Orange still not yet here... >.< soooo late these ppl.... ;x

7.15pm like tat baru they sampai.... sigh... tired die me... :x decided have dinner at Ding Tai Fong... finally can sit down... huhuhu....

Dinner till 9.30pm... then need to send Fansu home jor lu... coz Fansu need reach home early de... :x .... hehe....

After sent fansu home ady... then I lost liao... ops... forgot how to back to main road... turned wrong turn... then I just dun care... terus jln until the end... ops... so lucky this was the short cut until the Tnm Connaught, Cheras traffic light de... faster than the original way.... :x reach home safe finally .... :)

24 & 25 February 2010

Suddenly Vans sms asked to yumcha @ nite.. erm... ok lu.. I said dun wan so late coz still need work tomorrow mar... then asked kuku at MSN wanna join... but no reply...

9.45pm Vans came fetched me... saw his car a lot staffs ... pillow lar... clothes lar.. Ops.. he just packed his things from BF place & move back home... he so sad until almost cry jor... :x

Teman him until 12am... ^^" my sleeping time.... >.<

I asked Vans to yumcha @ nite coz thinking to teman him & give him some support de... since last nite he so sad ... but then he changed to have dinner @ Pavilion.. so mar asked Kuku & Fei Sebs go oso lu....

Me & Kuku waited Vans for an hour... ^^"

At Mdm Kwan.. Fei Sebs reached for awhile then went off with his fren for lou sang..
& Vans finally reached & said OK back with BF.... ops... dunno is good news or .... :x Anyway... wish him happy lu.... Sei Fei Sebs did not leave down money to share out belanja Kuku de dinner... :x

21 February 2010

Last day of holiday after long long break.... sigh... feeling kind of empty....

Continue with my number 8 movie during this break..... at MV again....
there goes all my ang pows money... donated to GSC ... ^^"

11th Movie 2010: Here Come Fortune 财神到 * * *

All I can say is better than All's well End's Well.... A little bit meaningful CNY movie... Alan Tam's eyes can tell the truth about his age... :x ....

Hesitated to watch 2nd movie today @ 2pm Hot Summer Days coz I dun wanna go home so rush... for relative's dinner... and back home so tired... :x
So decided not to watch 2nd movie... & find some one to lunch bah... On FB... tak de orang... On MSN... tak de orang juga... only got Piano on9.. so mar PM him lu... aiks... tak de reply...
So mar thinking ta bao @ Jusco then go home eat lu...
Dim ji Piano called and says can lunch... so mar went to find him lunch @ SS2 Hailam Kopitiam lu...

Then went to buy TOTO b4 going home.... sigh... tak de kena.... >.< ...

Holiday ended...

Good Bye and Hello my LOVE

19 February 2010

10am went to Perodua waited the SA to get ready the documents & collect my Myvi ... so gan jiong... hopefully everything will be fine...

Until 10.50am... oni saw my new lover 1435 .. :x ... after signed everything & the SA installed the aircond filter for me... said bye bye to my beloved Kancil 3384 ... then off I go to MV with new lover 1435 ... :x

Ngam ngam reach on time at 11.15am.... to catch 11.30am de show with Piano (John)...

10th Movie 2010: 72 tenants of Prosperity 72家租客 * * * ½

This movie make me suddenly so miss the other HK movie, The Banquet (豪门夜宴)which oso acted by a lot of famous actors.. much much more famous than this movie... :x ... So after went back home I quickly dl the movie and watch again... :x ...

After movie... we had lunch at Papparich.. again... :x ... then jln jln awhile & went home..

Sunday, February 21, 2010

18 February 2010

5th day CNY..... Movie marathon cotinues.....

Early morning went to MV jor... movie @ 11.15am

8th Movie 2010: Valentine's Day * * * *

The reason to watch this movie coz got a lot lengzai lenglui in the movie... luckily the main focus is Ashton Kutcher... hehe... but sadly he did not get naked in this movie ^^" .... :x ... Other lengzai were Bradley Cooper, Taylor Lauther, Patrick Dempsey, Eric Dane, Topher Grace... wow... and the lenglui were Anne Hathaway, Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Jennifer Garner, Julia Roberts, Taylor Swift.... Dun really like Taylor Swift acting... a bit over :x... A lot hilarious scenes... laugh a lot... & 3 surprise unexpected story twists ... really a good surprise... :) Ending "NG" scenes - the stubborn seat belt really really laugh die me... ^^ ... Well I watched early show... oni RM7.... kekeke... really worth it!

After movie... meet up with Kuku couple at Papparich for lunch & watch another movie together @ 2.40pm..

9th Movie 2010 : Tiger Woohoo 大日子 woohoo * * * ½

Local movie by Astro & My FM.... quite funny... mostly is laugh how the sei P jing act..... really hiao till die.... :X Each actor oso try to make their own character stand out from Lam Dak Weng changed is vocal, Yang Jia Xian talk slow & add a lot "tapi hor, pun" , the P jing over act the hiao'ness :X ... After movie de "NG" scenes oso very funny.... :)

We yam cha at Little Taiwan... till 6pm I went home 1st lu...

17 February 2010

4th day of CNY... continue to watch movie lor.... what to do... :x

Went to The Curve had my dinner @ Heaven Cafe, 8pm....while waiting Yuan Fen to come... then we watch movie at e@Curve 9.30pm show ...

7th Movie 2010: The Wolfman * * *

Not bad the movie... storyline was there... but struggling between human & animal a little less ... Transformation of werewolf is not bad... but the wolfman's face a little bit looks like King Kong to me... :x... maybe the mouth should be a little bit longer :X ...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Movie Marathon @ 2nd Day CNY

15 February 2010

2nd day of CNY... still soooo Hot & SIEN at home... already planned for movie marathon @ MV...

My breakfast @ MV...

4th Movie 2010: Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief * * * ½

An OK movie... nothing much actions or magical thing... kind of disappointed... oni selling Percy's cuteness and Luke's lengzai'ness... :x ... most impressive would be Medusa (Uma Thurman)... her snakes hair are so "pretty" ... but she was too easy to be slaugthered :x ... but she die liao oso can make ppl turn to stone.. tat's the impressive part! LOL.... Poseidon is Dr Owen Hunt (Grey's Anatomy).. surprise! ^^ ... And who is the Lightning thief??? ... well watch for ur self lu.... :)

5th Movie 2010: Little Big Soldier 大兵小将 * * *

So so oni... not much interesting action scenes actually.... Main message is World Peace.... and follow by friendship..... no other leng zai.. oni LeeHom.. ^^" ...

6th Movie 2010: All's Well End's Well Too 花田囍事2010 * * *

Not very funny..... coz all very old jokes.... ^^" .... but it is the most appropriate movie to watch during Chinese New Year.... coz no ppl die in the movie... & ending song is the tradition for All' Well End's Well series.... :)

wow... 3 movies in 1 day... really chi sin... :x.... LOL... actually shud watch one more movie.. but coz got dinner @ home... so went home right after the movie marathon ended.. >..< ...

Sunday, February 14, 2010


When I was still "young"....
I listened to:
New Kids On The Block ....
then Take That, Boyzone.....
then Back Street Boys... The Moffatts...
N' Sync... A1.....
Five... 911....
West Life....

Then.... erm... din follow much already... like Jonas Brothers.....

Until now... the new favourite BoyBand would be V Factory...!!

wow... they r so Hot .... especially Asher Book! :X
wakakaka.... 1st Day CNY ady so hiao XD....

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

CNY Hamper

Got a CNY hamper at office...

yeah! ....

CNY Clean Up

Finally got the mood to clean up my "facial products" box... & throw away all these... which has not been using for more than 3 years...

some is full, some used half, some near empty... :x

So for the last 3 years ... the replacement of all the above products was this...

ops... really can save a lot...

But starting now need to start over again on the facial products... ^^" ....
coz need those anti aging de facial products jor.... LOL!!!