Saturday, February 27, 2010

24 & 25 February 2010

Suddenly Vans sms asked to yumcha @ nite.. erm... ok lu.. I said dun wan so late coz still need work tomorrow mar... then asked kuku at MSN wanna join... but no reply...

9.45pm Vans came fetched me... saw his car a lot staffs ... pillow lar... clothes lar.. Ops.. he just packed his things from BF place & move back home... he so sad until almost cry jor... :x

Teman him until 12am... ^^" my sleeping time.... >.<

I asked Vans to yumcha @ nite coz thinking to teman him & give him some support de... since last nite he so sad ... but then he changed to have dinner @ Pavilion.. so mar asked Kuku & Fei Sebs go oso lu....

Me & Kuku waited Vans for an hour... ^^"

At Mdm Kwan.. Fei Sebs reached for awhile then went off with his fren for lou sang..
& Vans finally reached & said OK back with BF.... ops... dunno is good news or .... :x Anyway... wish him happy lu.... Sei Fei Sebs did not leave down money to share out belanja Kuku de dinner... :x

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