Thursday, April 27, 2006
Sei Myvvi ~
oredi gik sum..... still wanna listen to nagging.......... say nothing... black face oni....
3 days work in hotel .. back to office ... do paper works.... so busy.... some more got meeting in the morning ...... ke lian....
after lunch... can relax a bit..... sit down surf surf net.... :x read read blogs.....
got a net fren de blog.... he say if reach 1000 visitors viewed the blog.... then we meet up.... just now go to the blog.... wah... 993 jor..... sei lor~ ..... a bit scare jor ... :X few more visitor will be 1000 >.< .... thinking wan ffk mou? :X kaka.....
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Sui Vans.... :X
Yesterday 2.15pm Vans called says he read Sri Petaling de Overseas Restaurant de Dim Sum very nice…. Wanna go try one day…. The he says “Plaza OUG got a lot of concept restaurant oso…. Today evening go out lor~…. ” …. I say ok lu~ … ask him wat time…. He says call him to wake him up at 7pm…
Then 7.06pm I mar call lu~ … eh…. 1st time din pick up… should sleep like pig… :x called again… oh… picked up jor…. Dead ppl de voice….. :x say he still wanna continue sleep =.-“ next time oni go eat… Mahai (copy from Ooby de comment ^^), says me din date him b4… now I date him .. .. he says wan continue sleep~!! Diu Nia Sing :x somo more he ask me call at 7pm de~! Kekeke…. Owe me 3 meals … Dun Care!!! :p
Ah Vans hor~~ :x
Drizzling during the nite time… aiks… cannot go jalan pasar malam jor …. :( miss the Pearl Milk Tea …..
After dinner watch half of the Scary Movie 4…. LoL~!! So stupid & funny ~!! ….. starting with jokes in “SAW” …. Follow by “Juon”.. then “War of the worlds” .. then “Brokeback Mountain” … even “Million dollars baby” oso kena joked…. >.<” watch till the part from “Fahrenheit 9/11” then stop jor… continue tomolo :x
Today last day at hotel…. Last day to see the guai guai zai…. :x Morning I greet him “morning” … he nod & says morning but no sound 1…. Like got sore throat like that…. So ke lian…. :x Bye bye lu~ guai guai zai de leng zai…. :( he stay penang de :X dunno Mr Common or nix nix got see him b4 mou? lol~~~
Ei…. Today got a few “ying zai” (stylish guy) at the other seminar room…. For me …. They looks leng zai lar… (my requirement very low nia de… :x)…. They dressed well de lu… like fashion show nia … :p
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Ter'bite lips.. PAIN!
So frustrated yesterday coz cannot update blog lu~ …. Blogspot got problems I think…
Last nite so funny…. msn with tan tart & fansu …. See fansu bully tan tart :x ….. not bully lar just play play nia :X….. then I go add some oil…. Muahahaha….. then tan tart like angry jor ;x …. laugh die me…
“DHT – Listen to your heart (unplug version)” currently my favourite song .. so nice…. Originally sing by Roxxette de…. Now sing by DHT…. Sent to few ppl … zeng ar, tan tart ar, fansu ar…. Fansu says the song got help enlighten him a bit… :X dunno he thinking who’s heart leh? ;x ….. izzit mine ar? Hohoho…… since got enlighten fansu then must treat me McD jor lu~ (write down at diary 1st… kakaka….. )
Eh… Fansu still got 1 mth 1 week wanna go overseas jor….. wu wu wu … (pretend em ser dak 1st…..) :x …. Shud be after Mr Common de Birthday & My Birthday oni leave Malaysia hor~~ ? …. Wink wink~~~ remember buy jor present 1st wor…. :x lalala~….
(ops….. a cute boy just wake pass by…. ) :X
aargggg~~~ …… mouth got 3 ulcers ar…… so pain~!! ….. got 1 ulcer near the part I ter’bite my inner lips there …. Then tat part like injured jor… now got a ulcer there… >.<>
Today is 2nd day at hotel… got DIGI function at the other seminar room…. A lot of youngster attend oh… got a few cute young boys… kekeke…. Make my eyes bz nia :x & today got make some progress with the guau guai zai de leng zai…. :X morning he pass me the payment got say… “good morning” “sign here ar?” …. Then morning tea-break… I ter’see him din eat… he says “still full” ….. (always just 2 words nia… so short & simple) …. then I purposely walk walk around the seminar room… suddenly he walk pass … he got nod & smile :x muahaha…. Happy die me…. Chi jor sin :x

can see his signing mar? hohoho…… cute mar? got a little star like that de … :x
then lunch time hor…. Got 1 small round table with 6seats…. Oredi got 2 ladies taken 2 seats … so I go sit next to a lady…. Then “magic” (again use Paul Simon’s word), the guai guai zai leng zai come sat opposite to me with another guy… :x yeah~ so surprise…. Never expect that :x … see him pray b4 eat …. But again… din chat with him lu~… chat with the other lady… coz that lady got so much things to ask…. =.-“ ….. the guai guai zai eat 1 big plate nia …. Din go take desserts or fruits oso…. Sit there nothing to do…. Then he say to the next guy… “nothing to do..” …… then I say… “U eat so little de?” .. he says “ little meh?” then smile smile like shy like tat :x then quiet jor……. :x now I realized can use who to describe this guai guai zai jor…. :x he got the style like Claus (xiao mike) …. Looks oso quite similar de lu…. ;x both oso guai guai zai de lu~
during the whole lunch hour… I ter’bite my inner lips for 2 times ar~!!!!! Same place tim ar~!!! PAIN DIE ME ar~!!!! Maybe I m too busy spy at the guai guai zai jor :x
Monday, April 24, 2006
Leng Zai ar~!!
Another new working week…. Sien lu~ …. Today till Wednesday oso will be at working hotel… :x
Regret no cut hair yesterday ar~…. why leh? Like Tan Tart says GOT leng zai ar~!!! Some more is guai guai zai look de ar~!!! Wear spec de…. A little shorter than me…. With guai guai zai hair cut…. Slim slim oso… :x aiks…. Me so ugly… let him see jor…. Wu wu wu….
During lunch time …. Eat at coffeehouse mar… then I choose to sit next to a lady… coz I knew her … she attended the course in year 2003 … so long time din see her…. so lunch time mar chit chat with her lu…. Then “magic” (copy from American Idol, Paul Simon de word) … the leng zai came sat next to me tim :x …. Gan cheong(excited) jor … B4 he eat he pray 1st…. wah…. So guai zai leh…. Aiks … but I din talk to him lu…. coz shy lu.. dunno how to open up topic…. I tot nvm lu… must talk to him when he take desserts or fruits … wait wait wait…. T.T …. Ter’see him walking outside jor…. He din eat desserts or fruits….. wu wu wu …… ter’waste the chance jor ….. :x
Hmmp~!! … tomolo must find chances to talk with him~!!! (face red) :x
Oh… Plz listen to radio 988 next Monday nite…. Coz got a fren de band, Crossfire, will on air at 9pm…. :x can use website listen live…. …. Give comment to their song & singing in here.. if u got listen wor J can try guess which voice is my fren oso…. Guess correct got prize oh~…. :x
Roll ~~
Woke up at 9am…. Roll roll roll on bed… thinking wanna go cut hair mar? coz long jor… cannot style ady… (Actually never got style my hair oso after every new hair cut or to be exact never style successful b4) :X
9.20am… got up … then on9 jor…. Still thinking wanna cut or not…. Then ter’see CB on9….. ask him decide for me… he say no need wor… wait longer sin…. :X
ok lu…. I lazy go out oso …. So no go cut…. Just on9 & play game whole day….
Later at noon gua…. A cute little Tan Tart on9 … ask me din go cut hair ? I say no lu lazy de…. He says tomolo got leng zai in hotel how? No cut hair… not leng zai jor…. No one see u jor :x I say wont de lar~… cut jor hair oso no one will see me oso….. :X
After that…. HE called …. Ask me to sms HIM again my bank account no. to HIM coz HE deleted jor the sms …. HE says HE din bank in to me last few days coz was too busy jor…. I say ok will sms then hang up…. After sms … for a while HE called again… says bank in jor… I say ok ok … then wanna hang up… then HE asked why din see me at IRC jor de? HE was there last few days… I answered we no fate gua (actually I oso din go in IRC at nite)…. :x then I say okok.. wanna hang up…. Then HE says very bz meh? So fast hang up… :x I wanna say ya lu … kaoing zai mar.. :x kaka…. But I din … just say U not working now meh? … HE say ya lar ya lar…. Angry u jor~ :x
Sleep early at nite coz tomolo wanna wake up at 6.30am… :( b4 sleep try to call Mr Common …. Wanna chat for a while de… coz dunno his pc ok jor mei.. din see him on9 for quite some time jor…. But he din pick up… :X 11.44pm Mr Common miss called back… but I oredi goto find Chou Gong (Sleep God) de son jor lu~~ ….. :X
Today in MSN got a fren ask me … how shud he call me… erm…
I got ppl call me Mike
I got ppl call me Mike Lee
I got ppl call me Lee Mike
I got ppl call me Mike Mike
I got ppl call me Da Mike <-- Specially Xiao Mike call de :X
I got ppl call me Mikey
I got ppl call me Mikey Mouse =.-“
I got ppl call me Mickey =.-“ =.-“
I got ppl call me Mickey Mouse =.-“ =.-“ =.-“
I got ppl call me Ah Heung <--- my last name
I got ppl call me Ah Hoong <--- my family call me this in hakka….
But NO one call me “dear” yet… dunno who will wanna call me dear leh??…. :X
This year…. 3 cousins going to get marry…. One is younger than me…. The other two are same age with me….
I m the last among the same age cousins who not yet married …. Not even got gal fren ….
For sure relatives will ask the same question again & again during these 3 wedding dinners ….. “when will be my turn?” “faster find a gal fren lu~! U see younger than u de who who who oso bring gal fren come liao…. Bla bla bla bla”
Then my parent will give a bitter smile look….. :x did I make them felt shame ? I dunno ….
But … I still remember my mun scold me “bin tai” & ask me to beware of AIDS b4….. when I was on my way going out …. Passing by the living room…. My mum guessed I go out often with HIM (tat time we still attached) ….. she asked going where? I answered going out with fren…. Then she asked with which fren? I din lied … I say with tat fren (HIM) with black face :X coz felt “fan” (irritated) every time I go out oso wan ask go where, with who? …… then she suddenly says “bian tai … see ler… kena AIDS only u know…. ….. ” I din say anything back coz tat time I oredi went out the main door… so I pretend din hear it…. :x
Leggie is struggling for a revolution with his mum …. He will be success … I truly pray for him… I admire his braveness … to tell his mum tat his is PLU …. I assumed my parent guessed I m a PLU …. But since they din ask, I oso din say anything lu….
Some times felt xinku living with parent … & I dun hv reason move out from the house… coz the house I m staying is owned by my brother & I … & still paying loan by me & my brother…. & it’s near my work place nia…. no jam 15mins can reach jor … :x & it’s a strategic location… go where oso not too far…. (ops suddenly promoting Sri Petaling…. pai seh)….
Eh… out of topic jor…. :x …. Hehe…
My mum says attend not attend oso need to give tat much ang pao de lar….. asked me wanna attend or not… ? Do I wanna attend these 3 wedding dinners or not ar?...............................................
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Wednesday Dinner
Because of El nino or La nina (dunno which 1), weather in Malaysia changed ... and rain very often.... and mostly rain in the late noon or evening..... so sien....
Today when almost fong gong at 4.39pm ... ZB using Vans hp called me.... asking wanna dinner together? I asked where lu? He says Serdang eat Paper Wrap Chicken (Kertas Balut Ayam) :x... erm... ok lu ... fetched mum home 1st .. then str8 away goto Serdang.... lucky not very jam tat time... reach there at 5.37pm....
3 ppl had dinner ... fei zai Vans good in eating 1... he ordered jor Paper Wrap Chicken, Egg Thick Soup (Egg Chowder), Mayonnaise Gu Lu Yok and Fried Soft Skin Crabs.... yummy yummy.... nice nice.... eat jor 2 bowls rice .... quite reasonable price RM49.90 including the herbal tea.... Give the cashier RM50.... she ask wanna give back change or not? :x ..... (Vans owe me 2 meals jor, write down 1st..... lol~ )
After dinner .. ... chit chat a bit... gossip KuKu de things :X .....
then gossip wat Vans give to his previous exs de gifts... & compare to ZB just gets a little pasar malam de pillow .... :x
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Kiss Lesson
Posted in fish de forum b4... now post in my own blog..... :)
But the instruction is all in Mandarin de...... to those ABC or Banana ppl ... sorry wor.... see pic lu... kaka.... :X Maybe some of u oredi expert jor de.... no need this lesson oredi a good kisser :x but see see no harm... :)

A) Good Breath
O Brush Teeth : Brush teeth b4 go dating.
O Eat Buble gums, Mints or Breath Spray to have better breath.
X Dun eating buble gums or mints when kissing.
B) Moisturize Lips
O Use tongue to touch ur lips
X Dun over use lipstick (not for PLU gua) :x
C) Position
1 Head side to left & the other side to right.. if not both left or both right, nose will hit nose :x
A) Close eyes
Wont let u felt embarass & can have more imagination.
B) Close lips
Innocent kiss, can let ur partner know ur limit.
Suitable for 1st kiss(if u r nervous).
C) Slightly open lips
Slightly open lips, softly on ur partner's lips, dun hold ur breath, use nose to breathe, slowly move ur lips in a circle way or u can choose to no move.
D) Hands position
1) put on partner's waist
2) embrace on partner's back
3) softly stick on partner's face
4) embrace on partner's neck
5) softly embrace on partner's upper or lower arms
6) use fingers to softly embrace partner’s hair
7) hands hold hands
French kiss
Part 1: Lips Movements
1) Soft Kiss: Lips softly touches Lips
2) Lick Kiss: Lips softly licks partner’s Lips
3) Bite Kiss: use teeth softly bite partner’s Lips
4) Suck Kiss: use Lips softly suck partner’s Lips
Part 2: Tongue Movements
1) Push Kiss: put tongue into partner’s mouth, use tongue push each other’s tongue
2) Suck Kiss: use Lips softly suck partner’s tongue
3) Gum Kiss: use tongue to explore partner’s teeth & gums (in or out)
4) Lick Kiss: use tongue lick each other’s tongue
ok... Lesson finish jor :X
How How?? ..... feel wanna practice mar? :x kaka..... who wan practice with me? (shy)
Monday, April 17, 2006
A lazy weekend
Planned jor wan go movie de... but din make it.... y leh? lazy lor... haha...
Long time din watch movie with Yuanfen liao.... I think got 2 months lu.... maybe he pak tor jor gua... He just say will watch movie alone from now on ... ask me to watch with my other frens.... :x I oso din ask ppl watch movie with me de lar... most of the time booked jor ticket .... but din go... :x

Sunday chatted in MSN with ZB a while .... he blah blah blah all his feelings.... but at the end... he miss die him oso ... :x
Love dun hv right & wrong.... right & wrong is ppl de attitute...

"Trimming Success" is another Drama I watched earlier on..... got Kevin Cheng Kar Wing oso.... *^-^* kaka... most touching in this drama is the family part.... it teach us a lot of parent de toughts & how ppl treated their parent in real life....

Bonus pic.... not me.. :x
Kevin Cheng Kar Wing, one of my favourite Hong Kong drama actor
He got curly hair same like mine :x but how can his hair much much much more nicer than mine? :x kakaka
Thursday, April 13, 2006
1 week no blog tim….
6 April 2006 Thursday
HE ask me call HIM… need a favour from me… need borrow my credit card to pay HIS exam fee (overseas) … HE will give me the money 1st … I say ok lu… will go collect the money to9 & deliver HIS Bday present to HIM…
Suddenly Vans sms say wan dinner together mou? .. ok lu…. He treat dinner wor…. sure need give face lu…. :x …
6pm goto Cheras eat fish …. Nice leh …. Cheap oso… J 4 ppl eat…. Me, Sebastian, Vans and ZB…. The fei zai Sebastian say dun wan eat… say wanna eat at home later…
After dinner … Sebastian say wan go home liao …. But we force him go yam cha nearby…. Until 8.30pm … :x
8pm HE called… says tomolo only will need the credit card details… coz the college management tomolo only will do the transaction… then I say tomolo oni I go take the money from HIM lu…
7 April 2006 Friday
HE called say no need to use my credit card liao… the management supervisor will use her credit card do the transaction for HIM… I say ok… but I will deliver the present to HIM to9 oso…
Felt like wanna fall sick …. Coz the throat felt itchy…..
Delivered the Bday present to HIM at 10.20pm … almost 2 weeks jor… HE still din say wan come collect… HE asks wan got dinner mar? I ask HE eat jor mei? HE says no, HE just back from class not long ago … I say ok lu… we go eat…
Ask HIM wan eat wat? Erm… I oso forgot HE wan eat wat liao … I ask HIM to lead the way… after reach the Carrefour, Wangsa Maju, HE say not sure the way jor :x… then I say we eat KCF lar… next to Carrefour… ok lu… go parking… but the KCF wan close jor… oni can take away… >.<
So we eat pizza hut next door… aiks… pizza hut again… Wednesday just ate jor… :x HE say I must treat HIM coz as HIS Bday meal … I say no lu… Bday passed jor long time… :X HE says dun care must treat HIM … HE got no money jor… pay jor exam fee…
During dinner… HE says HE not happy ar… … relationship problems … details I wont say here… if wan know … 8 with me in personal….. kakakaka….. :X HE ask me whether I will angry HIM … I dun remember I got answer or just smile smile oni…
8 April 2006 Saturday
Dunno is heart sick or not in mood wat……… really sick jor… throat infection again… goto pharmacy buy medicines… din see doctor…
Evening go do facial … relax a bit :X
9 April 2006 Sunday
still felt sick… really moodless…
10 April 2006 Monday
take jor leave de… so ngam … can oni rest at home… planned jor wan go cinema de… but throat infection oni recover 70% nia…
Afternoon... chat in msn.... a guy (same age with me) saying tat his ideal relationship is 2 person can share their feeling, can share their thoughts, can share their desire (including of sex).... without any responsiblity for each other... he ask me whether I accept this relationship? ... ..... =.-" this is not no string attached meh? ......... of coz .. this shud be a very ideal relationship for many ppl gua.... I din ask him he wan this relationship with oni 1 person... or wan have this relationship with many ppl? :x I say.. after 2 years if I m still single I will have this relationship with him :x kaka.....
7.35pm miss call from Vans… 7.49pm called back… Vans & ZB shopping at the Store … ask me wan go shopping with them? … ok lu… rotting at home for 2 days jor … go out walk walk oso good lu… just nearby nia… 1 mins drive nia :x go see them how hang fook shopping groceries together…..
11 April 2006 Tuesday
Throat infection recovered 90% … tot of going out in the morning but raining…… =.-“ so din go out oso….
Play ff12 whole day at home…
After dinner ….. go walk pasar malam alone in the evening… bought Pearl Milk Tea (Honey Flavour), po biah, sweet corns & herbal tea (bitter)…
11.08pm called tan tart king gai :x
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Movie time in Cinema
7.30pm de show ..... still early.... so we go eat dinner lu.... erm... we eat pizza hut lu.... :x wat the 2 person set promotion... got 1 Hawaiian X-tra Pan Pizza, 2 pieces Thai Tuna Roll, 1 Garlic Bread, 2 Soup of the day and 2 glasses of Waikiki Passion. We were thinking wat is Waikiki..... then we taste taste.... cheh.... mar taste like sprite lu~ .... :X .... we drink soup 1st... then the Tuna Roll & Garlic Bread came ... we finish jor.... wait wait wait.... ai yo.. so late the pizza oso not came... the table behind us (came later than us) de pizza oso sampai liao .. ngam ngam de supervisor passby.... so let her check check the order.... .. she came back say that their do salah the pizza.... then no choi lu... need wait a while lu.... supervisor offer us a free salad.... :x we finished the salad the pizza oni came.... we both oredi quite full jor...... >.< finish the dinner oredi 7.30pm... ngam ngam on time for the show :x
10th Movie 2006: Ice Age 2 The Meltdown * * * ½
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
No blog... coz nothing to write mar... :x
watched jor a few movies....
Muahahaha… nice film…. Toby (Kevin Zegers) in the movie has a nice body…. Kaka…. :X
3 hours long de movie..... wow... a bit complicated if you dun understand Palestine & Israel de conflict. There are some looks very real & violent scene might not be showing in Malaysia cinema such as a women assassin got kill naked....
Moonlight in Tokyo
A ok movie.... Leon Lai's acting is definately a failure....
I like these 3 posters very much.... especially the middle 1.... so nice.... A must see movie but I dun think Malaysia gonna show gua..... coz din see it in the schedule list.... Great movie... definately entitle to get the Oscar... just that this year the focus is Brokeback Mountain...