Posted in fish de forum b4... now post in my own blog..... :)
But the instruction is all in Mandarin de...... to those ABC or Banana ppl ... sorry wor.... see pic lu... kaka.... :X Maybe some of u oredi expert jor de.... no need this lesson oredi a good kisser :x but see see no harm... :)

A) Good Breath
O Brush Teeth : Brush teeth b4 go dating.
O Eat Buble gums, Mints or Breath Spray to have better breath.
X Dun eating buble gums or mints when kissing.
B) Moisturize Lips
O Use tongue to touch ur lips
X Dun over use lipstick (not for PLU gua) :x
C) Position
1 Head side to left & the other side to right.. if not both left or both right, nose will hit nose :x
A) Close eyes
Wont let u felt embarass & can have more imagination.
B) Close lips
Innocent kiss, can let ur partner know ur limit.
Suitable for 1st kiss(if u r nervous).
C) Slightly open lips
Slightly open lips, softly on ur partner's lips, dun hold ur breath, use nose to breathe, slowly move ur lips in a circle way or u can choose to no move.
D) Hands position
1) put on partner's waist
2) embrace on partner's back
3) softly stick on partner's face
4) embrace on partner's neck
5) softly embrace on partner's upper or lower arms
6) use fingers to softly embrace partner’s hair
7) hands hold hands
French kiss
Part 1: Lips Movements
1) Soft Kiss: Lips softly touches Lips
2) Lick Kiss: Lips softly licks partner’s Lips
3) Bite Kiss: use teeth softly bite partner’s Lips
4) Suck Kiss: use Lips softly suck partner’s Lips
Part 2: Tongue Movements
1) Push Kiss: put tongue into partner’s mouth, use tongue push each other’s tongue
2) Suck Kiss: use Lips softly suck partner’s tongue
3) Gum Kiss: use tongue to explore partner’s teeth & gums (in or out)
4) Lick Kiss: use tongue lick each other’s tongue
ok... Lesson finish jor :X
How How?? ..... feel wanna practice mar? :x kaka..... who wan practice with me? (shy)
practice with mike mike.. **look left look right ** err.. :x
very informative indeed haha
nix nix: lol~..... so cute 1 u~...
lawboycool: hey... welcome... :) 1st time see u give comment ... thx u.
Mikey so desperate to get kiss ar? Can practice with kissing the wall ler!
lol~ Rcks always kiss with wall 1 ar? yer~..... :x
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