So frustrated yesterday coz cannot update blog lu~ …. Blogspot got problems I think…
Last nite so funny…. msn with tan tart & fansu …. See fansu bully tan tart :x ….. not bully lar just play play nia :X….. then I go add some oil…. Muahahaha….. then tan tart like angry jor ;x …. laugh die me…
“DHT – Listen to your heart (unplug version)” currently my favourite song .. so nice…. Originally sing by Roxxette de…. Now sing by DHT…. Sent to few ppl … zeng ar, tan tart ar, fansu ar…. Fansu says the song got help enlighten him a bit… :X dunno he thinking who’s heart leh? ;x ….. izzit mine ar? Hohoho…… since got enlighten fansu then must treat me McD jor lu~ (write down at diary 1st… kakaka….. )
Eh… Fansu still got 1 mth 1 week wanna go overseas jor….. wu wu wu … (pretend em ser dak 1st…..) :x …. Shud be after Mr Common de Birthday & My Birthday oni leave Malaysia hor~~ ? …. Wink wink~~~ remember buy jor present 1st wor…. :x lalala~….
(ops….. a cute boy just wake pass by…. ) :X
aargggg~~~ …… mouth got 3 ulcers ar…… so pain~!! ….. got 1 ulcer near the part I ter’bite my inner lips there …. Then tat part like injured jor… now got a ulcer there… >.<>
Today is 2nd day at hotel… got DIGI function at the other seminar room…. A lot of youngster attend oh… got a few cute young boys… kekeke…. Make my eyes bz nia :x & today got make some progress with the guau guai zai de leng zai…. :X morning he pass me the payment got say… “good morning” “sign here ar?” …. Then morning tea-break… I ter’see him din eat… he says “still full” ….. (always just 2 words nia… so short & simple) …. then I purposely walk walk around the seminar room… suddenly he walk pass … he got nod & smile :x muahaha…. Happy die me…. Chi jor sin :x

can see his signing mar? hohoho…… cute mar? got a little star like that de … :x
then lunch time hor…. Got 1 small round table with 6seats…. Oredi got 2 ladies taken 2 seats … so I go sit next to a lady…. Then “magic” (again use Paul Simon’s word), the guai guai zai leng zai come sat opposite to me with another guy… :x yeah~ so surprise…. Never expect that :x … see him pray b4 eat …. But again… din chat with him lu~… chat with the other lady… coz that lady got so much things to ask…. =.-“ ….. the guai guai zai eat 1 big plate nia …. Din go take desserts or fruits oso…. Sit there nothing to do…. Then he say to the next guy… “nothing to do..” …… then I say… “U eat so little de?” .. he says “ little meh?” then smile smile like shy like tat :x then quiet jor……. :x now I realized can use who to describe this guai guai zai jor…. :x he got the style like Claus (xiao mike) …. Looks oso quite similar de lu…. ;x both oso guai guai zai de lu~
during the whole lunch hour… I ter’bite my inner lips for 2 times ar~!!!!! Same place tim ar~!!! PAIN DIE ME ar~!!!! Maybe I m too busy spy at the guai guai zai jor :x
nottie de fansu~ !!
ya lu~ tomolo last day... regret jor... shud hv ask him to watch movie ar sunway pyramid to9 de lu~!! tomolo he will go back jor... (he out station de).... :(
but nvm lar.... ask fansu out oso same same lar.... fansu oso cute mar~ :X
Mickey kokor like those guai zai looks punya boi boi ar, hahaha..
Gambateh to you lor mikey kokor, fast fast grap yr last change today ^_^
Ndr3w : u r guai guai zai look or not? kakaka :X
Vans: sure guai than u.... :x leng than u oso :X
ooooo.... fansu can buwee ppl :X
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