Planned to watch movies (Lady in the water & Dorm) today at Mid Valley de.... but a bit lazy after woke up at 9am... so decided not to go liao... then about 10am like tat.... struggling again... wanna go watch or not? got consider going to Time Square to watch oso de.... but final decision is stay at home rotting... Haiz... I shud hv go Time Square.... if i got go... then I might hv chance to meet up some one there :X.... haiz..... :(
watch drama & anime whole morning & noon.....
Took a nap from 4pm.... till 5.33pm.... ter'woke up by call..... Vans called.... asked wan join him & ZB for dinner & movie mar? ..... sleep till blur blur...... I said ok lu..... then sleep back... :x.... 5.35pm he called again... >.<" said goto Cathay Cineplexes watch Dragon Tiger Gate... he said his fren highly recommended Cathay Cineplexes near The Curve.... .... hv to wake up jor... terkacau 2 kali.... :X
Fast fast took shower & ban leng leng sin~.... :X
I reached the Curve at 6.45pm..... then wait for them to come meet me....
We goto cinema see got wat time de show 1st.... but..... we noticed.... this cinema no show Dragon Tiger Gate.... =.-" ..... gik sei yan..... :X.... So we oni have 2 choices .... either Dorm or Lady in the water..... :X...... then ZB decided watch Lady in the water lu... 8pm de show
ops... just got 50mins for dinner nia....
Need to fast fast decide wat to eat liao .... Finally decided try Italiannies.....
b4 we order decide wat to order... The waiter pour some Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar then gave us some Tuscan and Focaccia bread for starters....

Our single Spaghetti Meatballs (RM29.90) ... 3 ppl shared.... I read newpaper de report... reported tat single spaghetti oredi can share by 2 - 3 ppl jor de... got 2 huge meatballs... but leh... y ours de oni 1 meatball de?! The portion is not as i expected tat Big..... :X The taste... erm... just ok... the meatball is not bad :)

We oso ordered this... :X dunno call wat liao .... oso share share eat :) creamy taste ... this is RM35++ gua.... forgot liao....

Can see got potato mar? :X ... the chicken is just so so... but i like eat the potato with the gravy.... quite tasty :) 3 ppl eat liao RM90.50 if not mistaken :x.... Vans lok card (pay be credit card)... then i wan pay him back.... but he says he treats me... wah~..... jap dou~!! .... :X .... thx u Vans~ & thx ZB for his approval for Vans to treat me... lol~! :X
8.02pm... Finished dinner... then fast fast walk back to the cinema... but leh... both of them wan smoke 1st ..... >.< .... 8.10pm... finally inside cinema liao lu~ ... & the movie already started jor .... so fast 1... no advert de meh ? :X
21st Movie 2006 : Lady in the water * * ½
This movie ... erm... is a very simple movie... not like previous movies, 6th Sense, Sign or The Village... will give u surprise about the ending.... this movie no surprise... just a boring fairy tales... The movie failure maybe is because the director so like to act in his own movie... until he cant direct the movie well.... :x
After movie... I sent Vans home... but b4 reach his house... we decided to eat supper at Peel Road.... we ordered 4 chicken wings, 10 satays & gon chao ngau hor.... so full~ :X ... b4 we reach already got 1 couple plu there jor :X... & b4 we left... got 1 cute boy with a fren ngam ngam come hv supper :x... ops... PLU is every where :X
I reached home almost 11.50pm jor...
p/s: the Cathay Cineplexes .... not so nice actually.... I still think 1U de cinema still the best :) Vans say the popcorns there oso not nice :X