The earring leng zai.. today de shirt a bit P…. :p today he wear shirt like those in TOPMAN de…. White long sleeves shirt with colour stripes …. & he wear different watch today… a watch with white colour leather belt … maybe he wanna match with his shirt gua :X…..
Then during lunch time… I purposely sat the same table with him :X …. Keke~ … but I din chat with him…. Just quiet quiet make observation lu~…..I noticed he got habit to swings his hand when talking ... just like those 8 poh talking …. :x ops …. Tendency to be P increased again :x
The lady trainer commented that he seems can eat a lot… coz she noticed he took many round of food jor… :X…. he says tat’s because he oni take 1 full meal in a day…. Erm… maybe he wanna maintain a fit body…. His body is the type that consider average fit de… …. Tendency to be P is MORE & MORE!! :x
After lunch jor…. I saw him smoking cigarette…… >.<” spoilt his good image jor~! :x
Today afternoon tea break i ate a lot of these.......

these are mini tan tarts..... with fruits as topping :X.... quite nice oh... :) hehe...
mikey mikey ogle ogie at hot n spicy guy ah. *hiak hiak y der pic so blur blur gar. upgrade lar ur gaydar. oops... karmera or hangphone. hehehe... tan tart lagi ah. mikey so like tan tart eh. now mini tan tart tim. wakaka...
Conquering galaxies de Cybertron ... >.< .... me got par liah handphone mar... so the pic mar blur blur lu~.... my gaydar very char 1.... hehe.... dunno how to sense it :X u so lek.... u teach me lu!! :X
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