Woke up at 8.30am ...... weather a bit cloudy & a bit windy.... nice weather for swimming (ages no swim liao.... dunno still remember how to swim mar?).... but today planned jor goto Mid Valley watch Superman Returns.... 10.00am... reached Mid Valley then collect ticket 1st...
checked the ticket... yerh~.... Hall 11.... small cinema hall nia.... :( so sui....
After tat.... goto hv my breakfast lu~ ..... walk walk walk walk..... look right look left.... most shop still just openning for business nia....
Yupe..... went to JJ's Super Sandwich for my healthy breakfast.... I m the 1st customer.... :)

Yum Yum...... white bread big sandwich.... inside got a lot of Chicken Mayo oh.... :x .... so nice & healthy....

Empty seat infront of me..... how nice if the some one is there ... sitting rite infront of me.... but .... sigh... just alone nia... :( ......
After breakfast.... ngam ngam 10.50am... time to see show lu....
16th Movie 2006 : Superman Returns * * * *
Overall the show is good but nothing special .... Brandon Routh (New Superman) do looks like young version de Christopher Reeves (Previous Superman)..... both oso leng zai.... *^_^* .... good casting.... the best acting in the movie is Lex Luther (Kevin Spacey) ... when the Superman theme playing ... brings back some childhood memories.... the movie still using the original Superman theme... so nice.... :x ..... looking forward for the next episode..... hope wont need to wait till 19 years later gua.... :x... coz the last superman movie was 19 years ago de.... The new superman really leng zai.... skin so smooth! .... maybe got been edit gua.... but a lot of close up scene in the movie can see his skin...so~ smooth.... jeles nia.... :x
After movie then jln jln..... then went home lu....
at nite... about 9.35pm.... ter'see Fansu on9 MSN.... chat a while then we chat with skype lu... nottie de Fansu ... show me his banana.... :x ops ops.... not the banana tat u thinking .... :x ... keke... really banana lai de lu.... banana tat he bought :x... coz those bananas got black spots jor ... :X then see Fansu eat banana.... :x.... but the 1st banana accidently ter'break into 2 part... & the top part ter'drop jor... keke~.... laugh die me.... :X Fansu always so funny geh.... ....
We chat till about 11.50pm... then i goto sleep lu.... :x
YEAH.... people should just accept gay people....
hi.. the searcher... :) thx for stopping by... :)
wah... my blog on ur blog list... keke... help me to promote.... thx wor... :X...
mike....post the food to forum ma
!!!!! :P
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