Took leave today.... now left 18 days leaves.... :X
Previously planned wanna go out MV de.... then cancelled jor... but still woke up early... coz fetched mum goto work... then back home ... on9...
Then 9.30am... Tan Tart called... he ponteng school :x.. so we decided goto MV lu... go see see Aesop de promotion ... Orange zai oso will go :)
On9 msn de fansu said.... Orange gor sure will late 1 lar :X.... keke~
I reached MV at 10.35am.... then jln jln awhile... Tan Tart reached at 11am.... so we go see see Aesop promotion 1st... They are launching the new Toner.... ask ask about some products lu... then the promoter wan do a facial demonstartion on Tan Tart de face :x.... he a bit pai seh... keke~
After the demonstration... Orange zai oni reached at 11.40am :x.... keke~ Fansu was rite :X... he is the latest :X
We go meet up with Orange zai... then jln jln awhile... then go eat lunch lu... go eat McD lu~
Fast fast took pic let Fansu see my Mc Flurry Oreo 1st~ .... coz in UK dun hv de~ :X keke~

After eat jor... then .. goto purchase things.... then Tan Tart & Orange zai went back lu~.... around 2pm ... Then I mar jln jln alone lu... then I realised we forgot claim the Metro Vouchers!! .... aiks... Tan Tart must hv inside KTM train liao.... so I mar go claim 1st lu.... then asked the staff got 1 fren went home jor... forgot claim today, can claim some other day mar? She asked to write down the name & contact number then she will call him .... lucky I no put the name as Tan Tart jek :X... keke~... later laugh die that lady... although she is malay... :X then I called Tan Tart & told him will hv ppl call him about the vouchers lu~.....
Then I go fetch mum fong gong... then went to OUG Plaza with mum buy clothes for my niece... :)
1 comment:
sui didi always say i late... wahahhah :p
well this time really my fault lar... coz slow slow go also nvm de mah.... mikey not want me go even later meh? :x
and thanks thanks for supporting orange products ... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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