Today after work in msn Sebastian ask to yam cha later around 8pm... planned to go at OUG de... but then Vans & ZB will have dinner at Leisure Mall.. so they suggested goto Swensen's hv ice cream... coz every Tuesday Swensen's de Earthquake will hv 50% discount :)
Me go fetched Kuku at 7.50pm... a bit jam :x .... 8.10pm we reached Leisure Mall lu.... so lucky got parking outside.. hehe~ Kuku said we goto the other block of Leisure Mall from inside... coz can kap zai inside... ;x At opposite Swensen's de hair salon... got a leng zai there :X kuku keep kap him :x..... keke~
Then Vans & ZB came meet up with us....then we went inside Swensen's lu~
We ordered 2 large Earthquakes shared by 6 ppl :) ... got 50%... so tat's means we pay 1 Earthquake de price nia... :x RM45 + 15% tax = 51.75 .... each person pay less than RM10 :X...
1 earthquake will hv 8 scoops of ice creams :) so we can choose 16 flavours... so many.... dunno how to choose :x.... we oni choose liao 8 flavours nia... then the rest of the flavour... Vans used his broken english told the waiter:" the others u choose for us lar.... we wan famous 1 wor... we dun wan not famous 1...." the waiter was like.. -.- huh? .... then Vans said:"we dun wan still have many 1... still have many 1 not famous 1... we wan many ppl order 1.... " :X
After oreder jor.... Sebastian & his bf, David... oni reached... :X they thinking 2 earthquakes is not enough ... coz kuku & ZB can eat a lot de :X.... then we say... ok ar... he can order their own but the 2 earthquakes will oso share cost by 6 ppl.... keke~ ... so they oso need pay for the 2 earthquakes.... muahaha.. so finally they din order their own de liao :x
Yay~ ... ice creams came liao..... teng teng teng teng~ ......

The 1st Earthquake.....

The 2nd Earthquake..... yum yum~..... & tat 1 is Kuku de hand :x.... keke~....
Topics of conversation..... Gossips other ppl de things... DOTA.... ZB de bday where to celebrate on Sunday... this Friday they wanna go Jogoya... & Sat might go clubbing :x.....
Fei zai Sebastian created many excuses for ZB to tell his mum... so tat he can overnite at Vans place at Saturday after clubbing :x.... & Sebastian oso wan convince Vans to go.... then Vans say if he go... I must go oso..... =.-" ... I cin cai entertain him 1st :X.... keke~ :p
I more concern about Sunday de outing :x... coz Sunday morning i might hv outing from morning till noon mar :x... so mar keep asking Vans wat time wan celebrate ZB de bday lu~? ... keke... we decided go Klang eat sea food .... Klang...!!! :X ... maybe can ask Tan Tart join lu .... but I know Tan Tart got school de activities on Sunday evening ... so cannot jor lu~ ... aiks..... :( till now Vans & ZB still not yet have chance to meet Tan Tart.. they oni heard each other de BIG name nia :x... no yuan fen meet :x... so I curi curi use my hp took Vans & ZB de pic ... then let Tan Tart see later :x... keke~ .... ;p
9.30pm... Vans left for work... & we oso left at 9.45pm.. I fetched ZB & Kuku to ZB's car... then ZB sent Kuku home...
Walao eh ...
Everyday oso out with friends wan woh you ... jia lat !!
Why dun like to stay at home for rest ? Bad bad children ..
Ooby, where got everyday wor~... got go out oni got write out mar.. no go out mar no write out lu~... hehe~
scold me bad bad children pulak! >.<"
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