At work, Vans sms asking which row we sitting in cinema for movie today… he wanna buy movie tickets now online :X
Fong gong backed home bath & rest awhile … then went gym with Fei Leng Sebs at
Me & Kuku went to put my gym bag & Fei Leng Sebs de gym bag to my car 1st while Fei Leng Sebs accompanied David buy pant at G2K … I forgot I parked at Level 2a or 2b jor…. >.< …. I tot is Level 2a but actually is Level 2b :x we walked a long way to find my car at Level 2a but cant find…. :X then called Fei Leng Sebs & he says we parked at Level 2b ….
Meet up with Fei Leng Sebs & David ….
Then we went to the Japanese Restaurant to have dinner …. After we all finished our dinner …. About
Hyatt was around MV too ….. so he came by chit chat with us…. Wearing formal shirt with tight pant … :x coz he went for interview today.
Inside cinema we cleverly arranged Kuku sat with Sam, coz Sam interested to kao Kuku …. :x so the sitting arrangement was Cyrus, Sam, Kuku, Sebs, David & Me… at row F …. While Vans, QQQ & a fren at row J, 2 rows ahead from us.
31st Movie 2007 : 28 Weeks Later * * * ½

The movie is not bad … talking about
Quite like the music in the movie ….
Although sometimes you wont see clear the zombies coz the camera will keep moving so fast … but I still quite enjoy watching the movie…. The storyline is actually not bad…. Right from the beginning the director let you see the dark side of human…. Where the husband abandoned his wife & ran away by him self when the zombie attacking …. Then in middle of the show, you will see there is still hope coz some willing to scarify for others….
Most happening scene in the movie will be the helicopter slashing a huge group of zombies ….. sooooo syiok seeing that scene…. Lolx ….. damn bin tai :X
After the movie …. QQQ & his fren went to pub. The rest of us went for yam cha at Taman Desa ….. Vans complaint the mamak got nothing to kap :x we shud goto hv more P de place =.-“ the whole yam cha time …. Sam din make a sound at all …. So dai pai …. Not even an eyes contact with any of us :x
David went off 1st …… then till about
After that Cyrus sent sms to each of us to thank us for helping him …..
The rest of us on the way to LW …. When we reached LW …. Kuku saw Chris de car & he is alone & Chris saw Vans de car passing by …. Then Chris turns to the other way …. Like dun wan let us see him :x …. Kuku says yer… what is he doing here alone & left BW at home alone :X
After we parked our cars … Kuku asked Fei Leng Sebs call Chris…. Asked him turn back …. Then we saw his car turning back from the other corner … he parked opposite us … but dunno why he ter’hit the front bumber :X maybe too gan cheong coz we catch him goto LW alone :x
Then we chit chat at LW will about
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