Went to Tan Cha Wu yam cha at 11pm....
Me reached 1st.... but dun hv place at upstairs ..... so I just take a table for 4 at below 1st ...
Later on.... Kuku, Fei Leng Sebs & David reached.....
Then we switched to upstairs wait for bigger table....
Chris & his frens were there.... Kuku & Fei Sebs went to says Hi .... & kap Chris de frens :X
Kuku came back says 1 of his frens very cute :x
We all ordered Ice Jasmine Tea Honey :X ......
Finally got a bigger table available jor.......
Then Cyrus reached ..... now waiting for Vans comes after he finish work....
Chris & his frens went off....
29 April 2007 Sunday
About 12.20am ..... Vans finally reached .....
Fei Leng Sebs went down to take birthday cake.... :x It's David's birthday... erm... belated liao.... lolx..... coz it's on 28th de :x
Actually the waitress will takes the cake to our table with the candles already lighten up jor de.... but Sebs written some words on the cake .... pai seh let other ppl see :X .... so he went down to take the cake him self....
teng teng teng teng......... the White Chocolate Cake from Secret Recipe .... :x
can see the words mar? ...... u know why he pai seh let the waitress see the cake? ..... coz.... the words "My Dear" :x..... & we are all guys ..... ops~ lalala~~
Sings birthday song lu~~ .....
Kuku complaints why not buy pure chocolate cake?! :x lolx .... eating white chocolate.... likes not eating chocolate tat song :X
After celebration... we decided go to Lost World ... :x
Reached there..... wow.... so many cars.... :x 1st time see so many cars in LW :X ..... We parked nearby the entrance there..... & stand there chat lu ....
Vans de frens reached Eric & his bf .... Then Chris, Rain, Didar & his bf drop by ....
Ops... our gang so many ppl liao ..... :x 12 ppls :x ...... 11 guys 1 gal .... Rain, the gal... says she dunwan stand outside chat liao.... coz she got no market here...... lolx ......
Suddenly a car passed by ...... & Lok Lok inside that car sit at the back:X .... Kuku says "ei.... Lok Lok ar..." ..... then that car tour around.... passed by us few times :x .... & finally parked not far from Chris's de car.... we knew he wanna kap Chris :x ....
After awhile.... Chris they all wanna go liao .... Kuku follow them back.... When Chris de car passed by Lok Lok de car..... Chris stopped behind Lok Lok de car ..... :X ..... then Didar horn few times :x ..... Lok Lok bends & hided ...... then Chris open Kuku tat side de window.... lolx..... Let Kuku call Lok Lok........ :x
After awhile .... Fei Leng Seb, David, Cyrus & me oso went home lu...
Left Vans, Eric & his bf went to yam cha.....
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