Early morning went to MV lu.... plan for movie & brunch at Canton-i (The Gardens)...
1st time at Canton-i .... actually still early ... about 10.30am..... dunno wat to order tim..... so mar cin cai chose lu.... heard from Vans that here de food all very nice ....
Salted Lean Meat & Century Egg Congee RM10.80
Not bad..... the salted lean meat quite tasty... just the ginger is not enough lor....
Pan-fried Chinese Pancake RM5.00
I like it... yum yum.... the peanuts inside smells good... I like peanut! ... the pancake is ngam ngam hou... top is crispy... bottom is a bit thick... so a bit sticky... :)
Double-boiled Egg and Orange Custard RM8.00
Very curious & looks pretty in the menu.... so mar order lu... love it... best to eat when it's still warm!! ...... but cannot eat alone if you had a heavy meal ...
ops.... I finished it jor .... soooooo full lor..... :x
Cuci mulut sin...... RM1.00 for the wet towel :x.... Total bill RM28.50
24th Movie 2009: Public Enemies * * * ½

Jonny Depp really ying lor ..... >.< sigh.... but the story was so so oni....
After movie... back home lu.... reached home at 2.45pm.... rest awhile... then watch Kang Xi Lai Le....
3pm something Vans called... but I din noticed... coz hp on silence mode.. forgot to switch back normal mode.. :x .... 4pm something realised got miss called..... mar call back lu..... Vans asked wanna join him & his P gang hv meal at Canton-i, MV now.... ^^" .... I mar been there this morning lor.... But I very give face 1.... coz Saturday nite I did not teman him go clubbing... so mar goto MV again lu...... Meet up with Vans & Keith at Canton-i about 5pm something....

Ordered Ice Lemon Red Tea .... forgot how much.... around RM7.00 ..... coz all the drinks I wan were out of order

And eat Wan Tan Mee with Char Siu Siu Yok .... :X also forgot how much.... should be around RM13.80 gua...... Char Siu very nice... half fat half thin..... yum yum......

Canton-i Signature Egg Tarts RM5.00 for 3 .... Vans order geh... he very fast ate 1 b4 can take pic...... ^^" .....
While having the meal... which I consider as dinner... Nelson & Jon(aka Eric) came ..... then Edmund then Joe..... then came 2 other Ps which is a couple (Ethan & dunno who :x)..... ops.... total.... 9 Ps..... :x
After dinner... 6pm something.... saw KK at The Gardens....
Then very funny de.... we all took group pic out side the Gardens.... waiting Vans to upload it on FB :x ......
Then Jon(aka Eric) wanna do sun tan at Fabulous Tan ... so we all hv to wait him for 1 hour.... ^^" ..... Keith & Edmund stayed at Fabulous Tan .... the rest of us went to Holiday Planet ... played photo hunt.... :x Then walk walk at Pet's Wonderland....
Finally Jon(aka Eric) ok jor... we went to Keith's fren's Erica house near Permaisuri. We all were chatting at pool side ... Joe's child's play really over and laugh die us .....
Apparently Erica's husband cooked Nasi Lemak for us... very nice the Nasi Lemak... ... that time about 10pm lor... consider as supper lor....
After that we still yum cha at Old Town, Cheras.... (Ethan & BF went home 1st) ..... yum cha till 11.30pm... baru went home... walau... I almost out jor 12 hours lor.... tired dou sei..... really had a good time with all the laughter .... :)
Too bad I wasn't in the scene... :p
we weren't invited...lol~~
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