At noon.. Vans asked for dinner in the evening.... so I mar informed Kuku at MSN lu.... asked Kuku to tell Kelvin .... but Fei Sebs din on9.... so I asked Vans to "invite" Fei Sebs personally since Fei Sebs always ffk ... sure need show him some sincerity geh....
After fong gong went to Pavilion meet up with Vans.... he was at Starbucks yam cha'ing with his fren, Keith .... there's oni 2 seats.... so I went to Parkson 1st to buy working socks & leisure socks.... :x Then Kuku came Parkson met up with me.... & then back to Starbucks to sit a while lu.... Vans fast fast show us the latest Yeah Magazine.... which got his face on it.... :x
I asked Vans where is Fei Sebs? ..... Vans says he din call him.... >.< ..... Fei Sebs.... see ler... ur fren lor.... :x .... so I mar call Fei Sebs lu..... he already at MV dating with he beloved Kz ..... :x .... then Fei Sebs says he might wanna find us yum cha later ..... Keith went back ..... Me & Kuku accompanied Vans to LV at Starhill to collect the men wallet he bought earlier as a birthday gift to his dear fren cum bandmate....

LV Men Damier Graphite (RM 1900.00) ..... :x sooooooooooooo rich lor...... !!!
Then we went back to Pavilion for dinner.... when otw back to Pavilion..... we saw Bryan Wong so ngam walking out towards us outside Pavilion near the new fountain... but then Bryan Wong suddenly changed course 90° to the other way... even Vans shouted his name.. but obviously ignored by Bryan.... :X ....... we are like -.- .......
At i-Dragon .... Kuku showed us his new HP..... finally after few years talking about it.... he CHANGED his hp!!!!!

SE W902 (RM988) bought from Digital Mall during promotion.....
We had dinner there.... & Vans says he very poor jor.... want us to treat him dinner..... walao.... got money bought LV wallet as birthday gift.... no money eat dinner??!! ......
Kelvin came to join us later....
When paying bill.... RM94... Kuku paid RM60 for K&K and 70% for Vans...... I been force to lok card .... so I paid 30% for Vans .... -.-
After dinner ... we went to Jaya 1 Station 1 to yamcha..... why go so far ler?? ..... coz Vans wanna go there support his dear fren cum bandmate who was singing that night ..... ^^" When paying car parking... RM12 .... >.< .... so so soo expensive.... Vans very "fast" sponsored RM1 .... :x
8th July 2009 Wednesday
Working at hotel today....
early morning Vans sms: to9 sebastian ask for yamcha
I sms: ooo..... ok lu....
Vans sms: so ying chao 1.....
I sms: coz he always ffk 1 lar...... :x
Then later at noon.... about 2pm++.... Vans called to ask me wat time fong gong.... I say about 4pm lor... Then he says good good we can go MV for movie 1st before yamcha at 8.30pm.... I say ok ar... asked him take LRT to Sri Petaling at 4pm lu since he got no car ..... then he very happy says okok....
Nearly 4pm Vans called and says he got car to use liao... will call me when he going out to MV.... Ok lu... I mar back home lu... took bath.... changed water for my little aquarium.... yes... the Betta fish still alive.... :x.....
then 5.10pm Vans sms says will be late got something to discuss with frens... >.< .... erm... late is how late leh? should I have my dinner at home or wat ar? really not specific enough lor.... so I mar asked lor... we str8 away meet at yamcha ? then he replied we meet 1st.... I says I hungry lor.... Vans says ok... 6.30pm go out....
I reached MV at 6.35pm... jalan jalan 1st lu.... look see look see some hp.... my hp battery will die soon... coz need to charge very day... thinking wanna replace the battery or buy a new hp.... SE W995 looks good ..... .... waited a Blackberry with 5mp camera .... but they dun hv 5mp camera.... so the nearest will be Nokia E72 which will be out soon ..... wait or not to wait.... that's depends on how fustrating with my current hp lu.... :x
7.07pm .... Vans sms is coming now.... ^^" ... tot he supposed to be out at 6.30pm.... so mar keep waiting lu.... got Shu Uemura event at Centre Court... mar stand at 1st floor kap kap lu....

came a leng zai stand 1 person next to me.... since is boring mar curi took his pic lu.... muahahaha...... so bin tai...... :x
until 7.56pm Vans oso not yet reach.... >.< ..... mar called him lu.... no answer lor.... then he replied the call.... asked him where is he... he says reaching soon... ^^" .... I says no point come MV lar... better he str8 away goto Kuchai Wing Cafe.... since it's near the yamcha time with Fei Sebs & Kuku liao.... but he says he wanna jalan mv wor... I says jalan ur head ler :x he says he wanna go ATM press money.... I says Kuchai got CIMB & Maybank... plz press money b4 he come :x
So I also go Kuchai lu.... really wasted my money & time for nap to go MV lor.... Vans should owe me 1 meal..... At Kuchai.... got Pasar Malam pulak .... now the pasar malam moved to the road at Station 1 jor.... =.-" .... hard to find parking... parked quite far from Wings lor... at the other end there...
I sat outside Wings Cafe... since we got smokers!.... placed my dinner order .... then Vans reached ....he also order dinner set lu... followed by Kuku .... After awhile I heard some shouting from the pasar malam place.... "OOOIIIII .... Cheong yeh ar!! ".... so I turned to looked behind me.... a few guys (5 -6) ran thunder speed through the parking space... towards the other end of Wings Cafe... walao.... crime scene... 1 of them wearing sleeveless shirt 1 ... (ppl who wear sleeveless shirt will definately catch my eyes 1 :X ).... really not safe hanging out at crowded place lor.....
Fei Sebs & Kz came later ..... 1st time meet Kz .... erm... what to say... Fei Sebs really go for TRUE LOVE this time..... :x best of luck Fei Sebs! Fei Sebs scold 9 me why wanna listen to Vans & goto MV .... .... lor lai jin .... >.<
Much much much later Kelvin came too .... untill 11pm Kuku finally went home 1st....
11.50pm .... the rest of us oso going off lu.... really tired lor... but the waiter at Wings Cafe really slow on billing.... Total RM77 ... Kelvin paid RM20 (lucky him coz his noodle was not been included in the bill) , Fei Sebs paid RM17 ... Vans took out his Gucci Wallet which inside got RM1...... Fei Sebs asked him to keep it away plz... :X I paid RM40 .... which my dinner set should be only RM13.9 plus 10% tax = RM15.4 ....... >.< ..... Looking at Vans... U owe me 2 meals now! :x
While walking towards my car ..... I ran into a few guys (5 -6).... they were hanging around the parking lot ..... OMG.... I recognised one or 2 of the shirts that they were wearing lor.... that sleeveless shirt guy...... !!! they were those who ran thunder speed just now after ppl shout "cheong yeh..." !!!!!!!!!!!!!..... really scared the shit out of me lor.... ! .... they were just 4 or 5 meters away from me.... after I walked pass them... I half walk half run to my car lor.... >.< fast fast jump into my kancil.... then fast fast drove off.....
At the sideway of the KL-Putrajaya highway (from Kuchai Lama turn to Bukit Jalil)...... Suddenly I noticed quite a distance got a car behind me... why that car catched my attention... coz that car only on the small lights in front... it followed me turned to Sri Petaling..... maybe because I got scared by those fews guys at the parking.... I dunno why my mind told me that this car (car A) was following me..... :x
I came to the traffic light of my area... only 2 lanes on my side .... left lane is to go str8 after traffic light... right lane is for ppl turn right at the traffic light, but still can go str8 if u wan.... there was already 1 car (car B) waiting at the left lane for the traffic light to go green... I go slowly on the left lane .... timing on the right moment... while the traffic light turn green... I took the right lane & go str8 with full speed ..... kancil full speed oso not so fast de lar..... but I manage to let the car B blocked the car A ....... so I keep observed the side mirror & back mirror lor.... suddenly the car A overtook car B from opposite lane ... after that it goes slow like keeping a distance from me again.... @.@ .... is that weird? .... normally ppl over take car means they wanna go fast de mar... got car over take jor then drive slow de mer.... then why wanna over take leh?? ......
So I turn right (purposely with no signal light) ... that car suddenly goes very fast & oso turn right ..... then I turn left again .... that car oso followed me... >.< .... then at my housing junction ... got the guard (luckily) ... so I turn left & keep observed whether tat car got follow.... for few seconds that car never show up ... so I fast fast turn to my housing lane b4 tat car can see which housing lane I have turned.... I think that car hesitated wanna follow me or not coz they saw got guard there... ... Or maybe I think too much lor.... :X
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