The movie was based on a famous anime ..... but the movie did not impress me ... because the transformation of the vampire were quite fake and some of the actions were actually not quite smooth... can see it's computer generated... The Korean actress Jun Ji- hyun till are pretty ... but if she wanna be like our Datuk Michelle Yeo... she still a long way to go... :X
22nd Movie 2009: Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen * * * *

Long waited movie..... The Transformers 2.... it did not dissapointed me .... the movie now focus more on love and family .... ..... 1 thing I like to see Transformers is to see how they transfrom.. but in this sequels many transformation scenes were been avoided.... >.< .... The movie was 2½ hours long.... some of the scenes I think is too draggy... like in the Uni & in the deserts... and then it ended so sudden... Optimus Prime combined with Jetfire & within seconds... it beaten up Fallen & Megatron.... walao..... fai em fai di ar?? ..... :X
For some of you ... may not be able to see all the robots because the actions were to fast .... Just like the Decepticons that appears in Shanghai... Demolishor.... wondering how it really looks like.......


Arcee ... should be like these in my memory.... :x ....

sad not to see the 3 Acree Bikes combine into 1 robot >.< .....
well i think you should watch the anime vesion of blood+ :)
transformers 2 disappointed me a lot! i even have a review of that last 2 weeks ago.
but one thing I like about transformers is the imagination of the creators to make a cool robot from our vehicles XD
hey Boris... thanks dropping comments!
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