Today planned jor watch The Guardian lu... 12.30pm de show @ Mid Valley.... booked jor 1 ticket lu~.... So 10.45am only start my journey to Mid Valley... When reached the cinema level.... "Wah..." soooooooooooo many ppl buying movie ticket.... the line queue till McD there jor..... =.-" Lucky I got booked jor ticket ..keke~..... :x
Then I go to the reservation counter lu... just got few ppl nia....hehe... When almost till I turn ... I roughly heard the girl that buying ticket called her frens saying..."wei... the show on 12.30pm cancelled jor... so how? ... blah blah blah..." I was like...har... not my show gua... >.<" then the girl bought ticket for another show.... Then my turn liao... I told the dealer my reservation number.... but the computer screen says is invalid.... then the dealer ask me wat show.... I said "Guardian, 12.30pm" .... The dealer said.. "erm.. Sir... Sorry to informed the show been cancelled coz we have problem with the filem... you can choose another time or another movie...." .... AIKS!!! how come like tat geh~!! I purposely went there for the show gar wor~~ .... =.-" so on the spot decided watch Kungfu Mahjong 3 at 1.10pm & follow by The Guardian 3.20pm de show lu... so I bought the Kungfu Mahjong 3 de ticket at the reservation counter & go queue up to buy The Guardian de ticket coz since I got extra time & no need pay extra RM1 for the ticket....
3rd Movie 2007: KungFu Mahjong 3: The Final Duel * * *

You will not expect anything from the show .... just some old jokes & outdated storyline.... but I quite like Roger Kwok de... hehe.... leng leng zai zai & tanned *^-^* ... keke~~
Don't expect the show is about 2 hours lu~ .... finish the show is about 2.50pm jor.... Left not much time for me to jln jln jor... :X rush to toilet then went to buy hair shampoo at Jantzen Salon....
4th Movie: The Guardian * * * ½
Great show~! .... meaningful & Ashton Kutcher so leng zai~ .... I wanna to have a body like him~!... keke~ :X tall, smooth, fit but not muscular... *^_^* Very touching the story... make me wanna cry cry lu.... :X see the show make me wanna go swimming again.... :)
After movie fast fast rush home lu~ ...
8pm something... Kuku using Vans de hp called me... asked me wanna go clubbing to9 mou? they are on the way see Vans de fren play band then will be going LQ or La Queen clubbing... but I dun wan go lu... coz face a lot pimples mar... go clubbing so many ppl ... =.-" .... better stay home nia lu~ ....
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